Türkiye Sığırlarında Yavru Atmalara Sebep Olan Hastalıklar

Türkçe Özet Eklenecek.

Intectious diseases cause abortion among cattles in Turkey

Brucella organisms were isolated in 20 % of aborted cow fetuseswhich were examined at our laboratory during the last years.According to the results obtained by the researches in our countryup to this time approximately 17 % of antibodies were fo undin the blood sera of men, cattle, goats, sheep and horses tested forthe purpose of Leptosprosis by Agglutination lysis test. It is understoodthat this disease caused abortions in cows too.Q _.:__ Fever is present among the men, cattle, goats, sheep, dogs,and water buffalo in Turkey. The percentage of reactor was about10 % according to the results provided by Complement - fixastionand Capillary Tube agglutination tests by some investigators studiedon this subject. The reporters think that some abortioris occur amongthe cattle in turkey because of this dis~ase.There is not any publications due to Vibrio fetus up to this time.2 % reactors were found to the Tampon test examination of the vaginalmucous of the infertile cows belonging to the Satete farms in Turkey.As a conclusion, the diseases which cause the abortion at thecattle in Turkey may be ranged as Brucellosis, Leptosprosis, Q - Feverand Vibriosis according to their importance.


  • 1 - Alpar, S. ve Massie, E.L. (1960) : «Türkiyede Q- Humması~ Türk Vet. Hekimleri Derneği Dergisi MayısHaziran Sayı. 164 - 165.
  • 2 - Doğuer, M. (1960) : «Kısır ineklerde Tampon testle Vibriosis bakımından araştırma » Türk Vet. hekimleri Dern. Derg. Ocak - Şubat Sayı. 160 - 161.
  • 3 - Hekimoğlu, H. (1961) : «Sığır Leptosprozu ve abortusu~ Etlik Vet. Bakt. Enstitüsü Dergisi Eylül Cilt. I, Sayı. 2