Çocuklarda hepatosplenomegali nedenleri

Amaç: Ayaktan başvuran ve yatırılarak takip edilen hastalardaki hepatosplenomegali nedenleri ve oranları belirlenmek hedeflendi. Yöntem: Onaltı aylık sürede izlenen toplam 23.300 hastanın dosya bilgileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hepatomegali, splenomegali ve/veya hepatosplenomegali tanısı alan toplam 192 (% 0.8) vaka çalışma kapsamına alındı. Bulgular: Hepatosplenomegali tanısı alan hastaların % 47'si kız, % 53'ü erkekti. Yaş ortalamaları 44.7 ay idi. Hastaların 163 (% 84.9)'ünde hepatomegali 1 (% 0.5)'inde splenomegali ve 28 (% 14.6)'unda hepatosplenomegali tespit edildi. Ortalama karaciğer büyüklüğü 2.8 cm ve ortalama dalak büyüklüğü 0.6 cm idi. Hastaların 127 (% 66.1)'sinde enfeksiyöz, 24 (% 12.5)'ünde konjestif, 15 (% 7.8)'inde hematolojik, 10 (% 5.2)'unda neoplastik, 6 (% 3.1)'sında metabolik, 2 (% 1)'sinde kolestatik ve 8 (% 4.2)'inde diğer nedenler saptandı. Sonuç: Yaş grubu küçük olanlarda enfeksiyöz ve konjestif nedenlerin, yüksek olanlarda ise hematolojik, neoplastik ve metabolik nedenlerin ön sırada olduğu görülmektedir. Hepatosplenomegalinin en sık etiyolojik nedeninin enfeksiyöz olduğu söylenebilir.

Causes of hepatosplenomegaly in children

Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the causes and ratios of hepatosplenomegaly in the cases admitted to our clinic as outpatient or inpatients. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the files of 23.300 cases who had been admitted to our hospital and followed in outpatient and inpatient clinics during a sixteen month period. A total of 192 (0.8 %) cases who were diagnosed with hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and/or hepatosplenomegaly were included the study. Results: Of the cases diagnosed to have hepatosplenomegaly, 47 % were female and 53 % were male. Their average age was 44.7 months. It was determined that 163 (84.9 %) of cases had hepatomegaly, splenomegaly in one (0.5 %), and hepatosplenomegaly in 28 (14.6%). Average size was 2.8 cm for liver and for the spleen 0.6 cm. The causes were as follows: infectious in 127 (66.1 %), congestive in 24 (12.5 %), hematologic in 15 (7.8 %), neoplastic in 10 (5.2 %), metabolic in 6 (3.1 %), cholestatic in 2 (1 %), and 8 (4.2 %) for others. Conclusion: Infectious and congestive causes of hepatosplenomegaly were mostly determined in young children, but hematologic, neoplastic, and metabolic causes were found in older children. It can be state that the most common etiological causes of hepatosplenomegaly in childhood was infectious.


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