Öz As an imporant branch of Turkish Kipchak, Armenian Kipchak language existed as a colloquial and everyday language from 13th century to the end of 15th century, and reached to a level of leaving important written documents in Western Ukraine between the ages of 16th and 17th centuries. The spoken language of the Kipchak Turks is important because it is used as a written language in Kipchak texts in Armenian script. Reduplication is needed in order to make an expression stronger and at the same time to enrich a conception. Reduplication is made by repeating the same word or by placing synonym and antonym next to each other, or by using two words which have paromasis next to each other, as well. Reduplication as a subject has been examined in details throughout the historical course of Turkish language, but the duplications in Kipchak Turkish in Armenian script which constitute the source of the work have not been subjected to a detailed examination. Alexander Garkavets prepared Kıpçakskoye Pimennoye Naslediye III and Kipchak dictionary entitled as Kıpçakskiy Slovar by grounding these works on the texts of Kipchak Turkish in Armenian script. In this essay, these works prepared by Aleksandr Garkavets are scanned and reduplications in Armenian Kipchak are examined in terms of their formation and meaning.


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