Öz In the XIII century the Kipchks seems to have been twice the determing factor in the defeat of the coalitions they took part: The first time in the battle at the Darial pass (Alans and Kipchaks / Mongols) and the second one in the battle at the Kalka river (Russians and Kipchaks / Mongols). The sources in both cases are external. Tha aim of this article is to examine whether the Kipchaks are really responsible for these defeats against the Mongols or if they are just a scapegoat to hide the Russian internal rivalries that led to a heavy defeat. 


  • ABOU‟L FEDĀ, An. (1882), [Abū‟l-Fidā, Ismā„īl b. (al-Afḍal) „Alī b. (al-Muẓaffar) Maḥmūd b. (al-Manṣūr) Muḥammad b. Taqī al-Dīn „Umar b. Šāhanšāh b. Ayyūb, al-Malik alMu‟ayyad „Imād al-Dīn]: “Résumé de l’histoire des Croisades tiré des Annales d’Abou’l Fedā”. In: Recueil des historiens des croisades, publié par les soins de l‟Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Historiens orientaux, t. 1, Paris, 1872, 1- 186.