H.G. Wells’in “A Dream of Armageddon”unda Tekinsiz

Freud, bilinçaltında bastırılan ve ancak daha sonra karşılaşıldığında yüzeye çıkan korkunun farklı şekillerde ortaya çıkmasını inceler. Bunu, Almanca unheimlich kelimesinden gelen "tekinsizlik" olarak adlandırır. Tekinsizin işleyişi ilk önce kendini garip veya muğlak olanda gösterir, ancak bilindik olanla da ilgisi vardır. Tekinsizlik, ölüm ve bastırma ile ilişkisi nedeniyle bir kaygı türüdür. Bu çalışma, H.G. Wells'in “A Dream of Armageddon”undak ‘tekinsiz’in ortaya çıkışına odaklanacaktır.

The Uncanny in “A Dream of Armageddon” by H.G. Wells

Freud studies the different ways of provoking fear that are repressed in the subconscious and only come to the surface when they are encountered later. He refers to this as the "uncanny," which comes from the German word unheimlich. The operation of the uncanny first manifests itself in the strange or the ambiguous, but the uncanny also has to do with the familiar. The uncanny is a form of anxiety because of its relationship with death and repression. This study will focus on the emergence of the uncanny in “A Dream of Armageddon” by H.G. Wells


  • Freud, Sigmund (1917). “The Uncanny”, In James Strachey (ed.) An Infatile Neurosis and other Works, The Hogarth Press, 219-253
  • Hienger Jörg (1979). “The Uncanny and Science Fiction (L'Inquiétante étrangeté et la science-fiction)”. Science Fiction Studies. 6(2), 144-152
  • Jonte-Pace, Diane (1996). “At Home in the Uncanny: Freudian Representations of Death, Mothers, and Afterlife”. The Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 64(1) (Spring). 61-88
  • Masschelein, Anneleen (2011). The Unconcept the Freudian Uncanny in LateTwentieth-Century Theory. Sunny Press.
  • Tatar, Maria M. (1981). “The Houses of Fiction: Toward a Definition of the Uncanny”. Comparative Literature. 33(2) (Spring). 167-182
  • Wells, H.G. (1952). “A Dream of Armageddon”, The Short Stories of H.G. Wells, 16th Edt. Ernest Benn Limited, 1010-1038.