ÖZET  Medya, kitle iletişim araçlarının (televizyon, internet, gazete vb.) tümüne verilen ortak bir ad olup; yasama, yargı ve yürütmeden sonra 4. güç olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu güç, bir çok alanda olduğu gibi kadınların estetik algısı üzerinde de çok önemli etkiye sahiptir.  Medya, kadın estetiği üzerinde hem olumlu hem de olumsuz etkiye sahiptir. Olumlu etkilerine; bazı spor ve beslenme programlarının kadınlara ideal kiloya sahip olmada yardımcı olması, kanıt değeri iyi olan estetik ürün ve girişimleri kullanılması örnekleri verilebilinir. Olumsuz etkilerine ise; kadınların medyada cinsel-magazin nesnesi olarak temsil edilmesi, medyanın topluma sunduğu ideal beden imgesine ulaşmak için kadınların yemek yememesi (anoreksiya nevroza) veya yediğini kusması (bulimia nevroza), uygun olmayan diete ve ilaça başlama gibi örnekler gösterilebilinir. Kadın sağlığının korunmasında ve yükseltilmesinde kilit rol oynayan ebelerin; medyanın kadın estetiği üzerine etkileri konusunda eğitici, savunucu, bakım verici, araştırıcı, liderlik ve danışmanlık gibi bir çok önemli rolleri vardır. Bu derlemedeki amaç ta; medyanın kadın estetiği üzerine hem olumlu hem de olumsuz etkilerini göstermek ve bu konuya yönelik ebenin rollerini ortaya koymaktır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Kadın; estetik; medya; ebenin rolü.   ABSTRACT Influences of media on women’s aesthetics and the role of midwife Media which is a common name given to all means of mass communication (television, internet, newspaper  etc.) is defined as 4th power after the legislation, execution and jurisdiction. As in many areas, this power has a significant impact on the women’s perception of aesthetics.  Media has both positive and negative influences on women's aesthetics. Examples for positive influences can be some sports and nutrition programs that help women to have the ideal weight and the use of cosmetic products and interventions which have good evidence value. Negative influences can be representing women in the media as an object of sexual-magazine, women not eating (anorexia nervosa), or eating and vomiting (bulimia nervosa) to achieve the ideal body image that the media offers to society and starting improper diet and the drug.  Midwives that play a key role in the protection and promotion of women health have many important educational, defensive, caregiver, researcher, leadership and counseling roles regarding the influences of media on women aesthetics. The purpose of this review is to show both positive and negative influences of media on women's aesthetics and reveal the role and the responsibilities of midwives in this issue. Keywords: Women; aesthetics; media; role of the midwife..

Influences  of  media  on  women’s  aesthetics  and  the  role  of  midwife Media which is a common name given to all means of mass communication (television, internet, newspaper etc.) is defined as 4th power after the legislation, execution and jurisdiction. As in many areas, this power  has  a  significant  impact  on  the  women’s  perception  of  aesthetics.   Media has both positive and negative influences on women's aesthetics. Examples for positive influences can be some sports and nutrition programs that help women to have the ideal weight and the use of cosmetic products and interventions which have good evidence value. Negative influences can be representing women in the media as an object of sexual-magazine, women not eating (anorexia nervosa), or eating and vomiting (bulimia nervosa) to achieve the ideal body image that the media offers to society and starting improper diet and the drug. Midwives that play a key role in the protection and promotion of women health have many important educational, defensive, caregiver, researcher, leadership and counseling roles regarding the influences of media on women aesthetics. The purpose of this review is to show both positive and negative influences of media on women's aesthetics and reveal the role and the responsibilities of midwives in this issue.
