Kur'ân'ın Üç Aşamalı İndirilişi

This article deals with discussions that have arisen on the idea of “descending of The Qur’ān in three echelons”. This idea is one of the views about descending of the Qur’ān to the Prophet. This idea that is based on the authentic chain of narration from Ibn Abbās is the companion, expresses that the Qur’an descended from Lawh Mahfūz to samā ad-dunyā wholly and afterwards from samā ad-dunyā to Messenger of God gradually and in connection with events in the context of the revelation. This idea that suggests the Qur’ān was a book before it was descended, is criticized especially in modern studies for some reasons. For example, it is weakening the relation between revelation and phenomenon, in addition, doesn’t take into consideration it, and it has been a place for constrained interpretations, it also disaffirms to the independence of human, it contains methodical problems, it is a reflection of the sectarian presuppositions. This Article aimed to analyze these ideas in the frame of Islamic sciences data and their integrity. According to the obtained data, it has been detected that for expressed criticisms in recent times about the idea of “descending of The Qur’ān in three echelons” consistent answers in the integrity of traditional thought and some of these criticisms don’t reflect reality.

Descending of The Qur’an in Echelon

This article deals with discussions that have arisen on the idea of “descending of The Qur’ān in echelon”. This idea is one of the views about descending of the Qur’ān to the Prophet. This idea that is based on the authentic chain of narration from Ibn Abbās is the companion, expresses that the Qur’an descended from Lawh Mahfūz to samā ad-dunyā wholly and afterwards from samā ad-dunyā to Messenger of God gradually and in connection with events in the context of the revelation. This idea that suggests the Qur’ān was a book before it was descended, is criticized especially in modern studies for some reasons. For example, it is weakening the relation between revelation and phenomenon, in addition, doesn’t take into consideration it, and it has been a place for constrained interpretations, it also disaffirms to the independence of human, it contains methodical problems, it is a reflection of the sectarian presuppositions. This Article aimed to analyze these ideas in the frame of Islamic sciences data and their integrity. According to the obtained data, it has been detected that for expressed criticisms in recent times about the idea of “descending of The Qur’ān in echelon” consistent answers in the integrity of traditional thought.


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