Arap Dilinde İsmin İkili Taksiminde Vâsıta Olgusu

Arapçada cümleleri oluşturan temel ögelerden birisi de isimlerdir. İsimler her ne kadar “mu‘reb-mebnî”, “ma‘rife-nekire”, “zâhir-zamir”, “munsarıf-gayr-ı munsarıf” gibi ikili taksimata tabi tutulmuşsa da bazı isimlerin bu türlerden hangisinin altına dâhil edileceği veya her iki taksimin kapsamına da girip girmediği hususları dilciler tarafından tartışma konusu olmuştur. Bu da “vâsıta” denilen ismin üçüncü bir konumunu gündeme getirmiştir. Bazı dilciler böyle bir isim türünü kabul etmese de ikili taksime dâhil edilemeyen isimler konusundaki farklı görüşler dilciler arasında gündemdeki yerini korumaktadır. Çalışmada, ikili taksime dâhil edilemedikleri için gramer eserlerinde الحُكْمُ يَقِفُ بَيْنَ الْحُكْمَيْنِ (iki hüküm arasında yer alan hüküm), المنزلة بين منزلتين (iki konum arasında üçüncü bir konuma) ve الواسطة (orta yerde duran) gibi kavramlarla dile getirilen isimler üzerinde durulmuş ve dilcilerin bunlar hakkındaki görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. Söz konusu eserlerde bu isimler daha çok “vâsıta” kavramıyla ifade edildikleri için çalışmanın başlığında bu kavram tercih edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı bu isimleri tanıtmanın yanında dilcilerin bu konudaki tartışmalarına dikkat çekmek ve bunları değerlendirip isabetli olan görüşü ortaya koymaya çalışmaktır.

The Dual Classicifation the Phenomenon Vâsıta in Arabic Language

In Arabic language, one of the main components that constitute sentences is nouns. Although the nouns are put into the dual classification such as “mu’rab-mabni” or “marifah-nakirah”, “zâhir-pronoun”, “munsarif-gayr-i munsarif”, the issues regarding which of those types include some nouns or whether they are within the scope of both categories have been debatable for certain nouns among the linguists. Therefore, a third classification which is called vâsıta came to the fore. Despite the fact that some linguists don’t accept such a type of nouns, different viewpoints on the nouns which aren’t included into the dual classification are still popular among the linguists. In the research, the nouns which are called with the contexts such as الحُكْمُ يَقِفُ بَيْنَ الْحُكْمَيْنِ (sentence between two sentences), المنزلة بين منزلتين (a third position between two positions) and الواسطة (being in the middle) in grammar works as they are not included in dual classification were emphasized, and the viewpoints of linguists on them were included. As those nouns are stated with the term of “vâsıta” in the aforementioned works, that term was preferred on the title of study. It is intended to introduce these nouns;to attract notice to the discussions of linguists on this issue and to provide the right viewpoint after evaluating them. According to some linguists, nominative nouns addressee nouns which are “mufrad-ma’rifah” and nakirah and maksud”, nouns which are attributed to the first-person singular possessive pronoun, the word of سَحَر that the dawn of a certain day is meant, the word of أَمْسِ which is adverb and proper, the proper nouns which come after مَنْ with the vowel point itbâ at its end and the interrogative and which take the related irâb are vâsıta and neither mu’rab nor mabni. Some of linguists emphasized that the aforementioned nouns are associated with the mu’rab or mabni, so neither mu’rab nor mabni nouns can be out of the question. Moreover, some linguists mentioned the existence of some nouns which are not associated with the dual classification as “ all of the nouns are either marifah or nakirah in Arabic language. So it was mentioned that the nouns such as olan مَا, مَنْ, أَيْنَ, مَتى and كَيف which can not take afformative “al” and tenvin are neither marifah nor nakirah but they are vâsıta. However, the view that nouns such as interrogatives مَا , مَنْ , أَيْنَ , مَتى and كَيف are associated with the nakirah nouns seems to be more right. The phenomenon vâsıta was mentioned in terms that nouns are classified into two categories such as zâhir and pronoun and the pronouns are put into dual classification as discrete and adjoinant. According to the viewpoint, which is preferred, there are not nouns which are vâsıta but neither zâhir nor pronoun in Arabic language in the context of dual classification as “zâhir-pronoun”. However, this phenomenon can be mentioned in the classification “discrete-adjoinant”. The phenomenon vâsıta was discussed about the classification of proper nouns as “alem-i menkul and alem-i murtacal” and the classification of nouns into “munsarif” and “ghayr-i munsarif”. The viewpoint which mentions the phenomenon vâsıta in the aforementioned classifications seems to be more right. So the view that some nouns are not associated with two classifications while the nouns are related to the dual classifications with the different values comes up as not consisting of a suggestion. As a result, it is a forcing approach to mention that nouns are not included in dual classification such as either “mu’rab or mabni”, either “marifah or nakirah” either “pronoun or zahir” but the nouns are vâsıta. However, it is possible to mention about the nouns which are not associated with the dual classification as “Pronouns are either adjoinant or discrete”, “nouns are either menkul or murtacal”, “mu’rab nouns are either munsarif or gayr’i munsarif” but they are vâsıta.


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