Öğretim İlke ve Yöntemleri Dersi İçin Bir Başarı Testi Geliştirme Süreci

Bu çalışmada, öğretmen eğitimi programlarında zorunlu ders olarak okutulan Öğretim İlke ve Yöntemleri dersine yönelik standart bir başarı testi geliştirme sürecinin betimlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak çalışmada 10 aşamalı bir süreç izlenmiştir. Bu aşamalar sırasıyla; başarı testinin geliştirilme amacının belirlenmesi, dersin amaç ve davranışlarının belirlenmesi, belirtke tablosunun oluşturulması, kritik davranışlar için çoktan seçmeli test maddelerinin yazılması, belirtke tablosu ve test maddelerinin uzman görüşüne sunulması, ilk test taslağı için öğrenci görüşlerinin alınması, deneme testinin geliştirilmesi, deneme testinin uygulanması (birinci deneme uygulaması), deneme uygulamasından elde edilen veri ile madde analizlerinin yapılması, ikinci deneme uygulaması ile nihai testin istatistiklerinin hesaplanmasıdır. Madde analizleri için iki ayrı deneme uygulamasının yapıldığı bu çalışmada, 39 maddelik taslak test ile yapılan ilk deneme uygulamasına 381, 21 maddelik test ile yapılan ikinci uygulamaya 113 öğrenci katılmıştır. Geliştirilen başarı testinin KR-20 güvenirlik katsayısı 0.832, ortalama güçlüğü 0.487’dir. Geçerli ve güvenilir çoktan seçmeli bir başarı testi olarak bu testin, Öğretim İlke ve Yöntemleri ders konuları ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalarda ve derslerde kullanılabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Test Development Process for the Instructional Principles and Methods Course

Standardized achievement tests are valid and reliable instruments used by education researchers. This study is about the development process of an achievement test aiming to exemplify the test development procedure for the graduate students and to provide a valid and reliable achievement test ready to be used by the researchers and teaching staff in the teacher education programs in Turkey. Aim: This study aims to describe a standardized achievement test development process by following the procedures that are conducted in a real case and to provide a valid and reliable achievement test for the compulsory course titled “Instructional Planning and Evaluation” offered in the undergraduate teacher education programs in Turkey. Method: During the test development process, a 10-step process was performed. These steps were as follows: Deciding the general aim of developing an achievement test (for what kind of purposes the test will be used), identifying the instructional aims and objectives of the Instructional Planning and Evaluation course, developing a table of specifications indicating the instructional aims, content and number of critical objectives for each aim, writing multiple-choice test items for each of the critical objectives, collecting experts’ views on a table of specifications and the first draft test, collecting students’ views on the first draft test, preparing the first version of the test, conducting the first pilot test, conducting item statistics by using the data gathered from the first pilot test, conducting the second pilot test, and the second round item and test statistics. The preservice teachers who previously attended the Instructional Methods and Principles course, and those studying in a teacher education program at the faculties of education in Turkey participated in the study. 381 undergraduate students at the faculties of education in Turkey participated in the first pilot study and took the 39- item draft test, and 113 students participated in the second pilot study and completed the 21-item test. All of the participants took the test voluntarily. In order to encourage the participants to take the test, some participant incentives were used. The researcher gifted a pencil and a rubber to each student taking the test, and two cinema tickets were given to the students in each teacher education program who scored the highest. Based on the results of first the item analysis procedure conducted just after the first pilot test, 21 items that ensure the content validity of the test were retained. Although these 21 items were distinctive items, an additional second pilot study was conducted based on two reasons: The first reason was that few corrections were done on the remaining 21 items after the first pilot test, and thus, a further item analysis to re-test the distinctive items seemed necessary. The second reason was the inappropriateness of conducting test statistics for the 21-item test with the data collected from the first pilot test, which had 39 items. After conducting the second pilot test additional item statistics on the remaining 21 items and determining that all the items were distinctive, the test statistics were calculated. Results: The KR-20 reliability value of the developed final test was found as 0.832, the average difficulty level of the test was found as 0.487. Therefore, it was concluded that this test could be used as a valid and reliable multiple-choice achievement test for the topics related to Instructional Planning and Evaluation in scientific studies and courses.
