The article analyzes the formation and use of the toponyms "Turan" and "Turkistan" in medieval Arabic and Persian written sources. Analyzing the formation of Turkistan historical region in historical periods and significant changes in the analysis of data from the Arab-Islamic geographical literature shows various issues. It offers conclusions about the essence and content of the names that have become one of the Holy concepts of the Turkic world. The analysis of medieval written sources gives an opportunity to comprehend in a new way the content of the names that have become the symbol of spirituality. At the same time, the analysis of the political and cultural significance of “Turkistan” is being analyzed at the present time.


The article analyzes the formation and use of the toponyms "Turan" and "Turkistan" in medieval Arabic and Persian written sources. Analyzing the formation of Turkistan historical region in historical periods and significant changes in the analysis of data from the Arab-Islamic geographical literature shows various issues. It offers conclusions about the essence and content of the names that have become one of the Holy concepts of the Turkic world. The analysis of medieval written sources gives an opportunity to comprehend in a new way the content of the names that have become the symbol of spirituality. At the same time, the analysis of the political and cultural significance of “Turkistan” is being analyzed at the present time.


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