This article deals with the problems of formation foreign language creative environment at high school. The article analyzes the functions and the peculiarities of role plays, it considers the aspects of creative writing and method of projects which are the main methodical devices of formation creative environment. It must be noted, that the creation of foreign languages environment in the process of teaching foreign languages promotes the formation of new value competences and the development of foreign communicative activity of a learner (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In connection with this, the author of the article considers the aforementioned methodical devices not only theoretically, but gives the examples from her own practical, auditorial activity.


This article deals with the problems of formation foreign language creative environment at high school. The article analyzes the functions and the peculiarities of role plays, it considers the aspects of creative writing and method of projects which are the main methodical devices of formation creative environment. It must be noted, that the creation of foreign languages environment in the process of teaching foreign languages promotes the formation of new value competences and the development of foreign communicative activity of a learner (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In connection with this, the author of the article considers the aforementioned methodical devices not only theoretically, but gives the examples from her own practical, auditorial activity.


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