The article deals with topical problems of national history, in particular the history of the Alash movement, as reflected in the research works of Hasan Kalibekuly Oraltay. He is the author of works on the history of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people, published in foreign countries during the Cold War. In contrast to the authors of the Soviet period, the works of Hasan Oraltay were not constrained by the ideology of the Bolsheviks and are, to a certain extent, objective research. Born in 1933 in East Turkestan, the family of Hasan Kalibekuly, like other Kazakhs in the region, was forced to emigrate for political reasons abroad, in this case to Turkey. From a young age, Hassan showed himself very actively and wrote a lot about the history and traditions of the Kazakhs, published newspapers and magazines. Since 1968, he started to work on Radio Liberty in the city of Munich, Germany. Due to this, he had a great opportunity to tell the whole world about the Kazakhs in general, and about certain historical issues of our people, in particular, about the Alash movement.


The article deals with topical problems of national history, in particular the history of the Alash movement, as reflected in the research works of Hasan Kalibekuly Oraltay. He is the author of works on the history of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people, published in foreign countries during the Cold War. In contrast to the authors of the Soviet period, the works of Hasan Oraltay were not constrained by the ideology of the Bolsheviks and are, to a certain extent, objective research. Born in 1933 in East Turkestan, the family of Hasan Kalibekuly, like other Kazakhs in the region, was forced to emigrate for political reasons abroad, in this case to Turkey. From a young age, Hassan showed himself very actively and wrote a lot about the history and traditions of the Kazakhs, published newspapers and magazines. Since 1968, he started to work on Radio Liberty in the city of Munich, Germany. Due to this, he had a great opportunity to tell the whole world about the Kazakhs in general, and about certain historical issues of our people, in particular, about the Alash movement.


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  • 3. Oraltay H. Elim-ailapotkenomir. – Almaty: Bilim, 2005. – 632 b.
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  • 11. Oraltay H. ―Alashqa til tigizu atategin tanymagandyq‖ // Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 31.12.1972. – 3 b.
  • 12. Oraltay Н. Alaş. Türkistan türklerinin millı istiklal Parolası. – Istanbul, 1973. – 200 б.;
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  • 14. Oraltay H. Doğu Türkistan tarihindeki bazı meseleler ve ithamlara cevaplar. – Istanbul, 1975. -45.
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  • 16. Oraltay H. ―Kokekaiynyn 11 Qazaqtarihindagyqaigylykunderininbiri‖ // Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 6.4.1978. – 4 b.
  • 17. Oraltay H.―Aiqap‖ jurnalynoqyganda‖ // Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 3.08.1978. - 4 b.
  • 18. Oraltay H. ―Aiqap‖ jurnalyn oqyganda-2‖ // Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 10.08.1978. -4 b.
  • 19. Oraltay H. ―Alashqimylytarihynabailanystykeiderekterjoninde‖// Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 8.12.1983. – 4 b.
  • 20. Oraltay H. ―Shettegi turkistandyqtardyn Alash Orda men Qoqan muhtariattarynyn jane Shygys Turkistan Respublikasynyn qurylgan kuninbelgilegendigijoninde‖ //Azattyq radiosy, Turkistan redaktsiasy. - 11.12.1984. – 4 b.
  • 21. Carlson C., Oraltay. H. KülTegin: Adviceforthefuture? // CentralAsianSurvey. Vol.2, №2, 1983. - 121-138 bb.
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  • 23. Oraltay Н. TheАlashmovement inTurkestan // CentralAsianSurvey, Vol.4, №2, 1985. – 41-58 bb.