This article deals the importance of improving the professional training of future English language teachers, cultural influences and their circumstances. The professional skill of the teacher associated with the concept of pedagogical skills, the most important pedagogical tasks, the main problems of the state education, the main purpose of the university education are discussed. It also considers the questions of the process of improving the quality of education through the use of English language teaching technologies, the transition to a 12-year education system are considered. The essence of these issues and the aim of their solution are revealed. The quality of English teaching technology is measured through its ultimate outcome. The conclusion is made about the need for improvement of the professional education of the teacher institutions.


This article deals the importance of improving the professional training of future English language teachers, cultural influences and their circumstances. The professional skill of the teacher associated with the concept of pedagogical skills, the most important pedagogical tasks, the main problems of the state education, the main purpose of the university education are discussed. It also considers the questions of the process of improving the quality of education through the use of English language teaching technologies, the transition to a 12-year education system are considered. The essence of these issues and the aim of their solution are revealed. The quality of English teaching technology is measured through its ultimate outcome. The conclusion is made about the need for improvement of the professional education of the teacher institutions.


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