Theoretical problems of formation ofresearch skills of elementary school pupil

The main form of educational activity at the present stage is the formation of research activities and skills, which are one of the main ways to expand the knowledge of students. This article describes the concept of" need "" creative research", new approaches to research, types of research skills, the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the formation of primary school students of the original scientific concepts and some theoretical problems of the formation of research skills of students.

Theoretical problems of formation ofresearch skills of elementary school pupil

The main form of educational activity at the present stage is the formation of research activities and skills, which are one of the main ways to expand the knowledge of students. This article describes the concept of" need "" creative research", new approaches to research, types of research skills, the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the formation of primary school students of the original scientific concepts and some theoretical problems of the formation of research skills of students.


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