The article contains materials on the translator‘s skills which should on a mandatory basis incorporate bilingual proficiency, robust cross-culture communication skills, shared knowledge on topics involved in professional discourse mediated by translation. Even where the said skills are available, there still can remain numerous hindrances the translator can encounter when handling technical texts or professional information flows. Translation studies is a captivating yet a demanding profession, since it basically requires versatile personality and vast knowledge from those wishing to belong. Translator‘s professional success still depends basically on his mature capability which cannot be shaped overnight and requires sustained effort of scrupulous learning, diligent studying, and high motivation. Handling numerous translation cases requires much resourcefulness and expertise which take time and effort to mature. Translating any technical text, i.e. a text abundant in specialized concepts, technicalities, and wide-ranging expertise mix, will necessitate a number of preparation stages to be taken on the translator‘s part.


The article contains materials on the translator‘s skills which should on a mandatory basis incorporate bilingual proficiency, robust cross-culture communication skills, shared knowledge on topics involved in professional discourse mediated by translation. Even where the said skills are available, there still can remain numerous hindrances the translator can encounter when handling technical texts or professional information flows. Translation studies is a captivating yet a demanding profession, since it basically requires versatile personality and vast knowledge from those wishing to belong. Translator‘s professional success still depends basically on his mature capability which cannot be shaped overnight and requires sustained effort of scrupulous learning, diligent studying, and high motivation. Handling numerous translation cases requires much resourcefulness and expertise which take time and effort to mature. Translating any technical text, i.e. a text abundant in specialized concepts, technicalities, and wide-ranging expertise mix, will necessitate a number of preparation stages to be taken on the translator‘s part.


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