Üniversite Ö¤rencilerinin Covid-19 Salg›n› Dönemindeki Uzaktan E¤itim Deneyimine Yönelik Alg›lar›

Bu çal›flman›n amac›, üniversite ö¤rencilerinin Covid-19 salg›n› döneminde- ki uzaktan e¤itim deneyimlerine iliflkin de¤erlendirmelerini ortaya ç›karmak- t›r. Tarama çal›flmas› deseninde tasarlanan bu çal›flma kapsam›nda çevrimiçi örnekleme tekni¤i kullan›larak 26 Nisan 2020 – 6 May›s 2020 tarihleri aras›n- da Türkiye’nin her co¤rafi bölgesindeki farkl› üniversitelerden 3861 üniversi- te ö¤rencisinden çevrimiçi ortamda veri toplanm›flt›r. Çal›flma kapsam›nda, ö¤rencilerin uzaktan e¤itim ile ilgili görüflleri betimsel analizlerle sunulmufl- tur. Sonras›nda, uzaktan e¤itime odaklanma zorlu¤unda etkili olan de¤iflken- lerin ki-kare testlerini içeren çapraz tablolar ile birlikte uzaktan e¤itimin ve- rimlili¤ini de¤erlendirmede etkili olan faktörlere iliflkin regresyon analizi su- nulmufltur. Ö¤rencilerin büyük ço¤unlu¤unun uzaktan e¤itime odaklanma zorlu¤u yaflad›klar› ve bunun cinsiyet, evde egzersiz yapma s›kl›¤› ve üniversi- te türü ile iliflkili oldu¤u bulunmufltur. Ö¤rencilerin, uzaktan e¤itimin verim- lili¤ini de¤erlendirmede etkili olan faktörler aras›nda yafl, ailenin sosyo-eko- nomik durumu, üniversite türü, aileyle birlikte yaflam, odaklanma sorunu, fi- ziksel aktivite s›kl›¤› ve Covid-19’un negatif psikolojik etkileri yer alm›flt›r.

University Students’ Perceptions of their Distance Education Experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The aim of this study is to reveal university students’ views of distance education delivered during the Covid-19 pandemic. This quantitative study designed as an online survey research collected data from 3861 uni- versity students from different universities in each geographical region of Turkey between April 26, 2020 and May 6, 2020. Student views of dis- tance education are presented with descriptive analyses. Next, cross tables containing chi-square tests of the variables that affect the difficulty of focusing on distance education along with the regression analysis of the factors influencing the evaluation of the effectiveness of distance educa- tion are presented. It was found that the majority of the students have dif- ficulty focusing on distance education, which is related to gender, fre- quency of physical activity at home, university type, and their majors. The factors that affect students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of dis- tance education include age, socio-economic status of their family, stay- ing with the family during the pandemic, difficulties in focusing, frequen- cy of physical activity, and negative psychological effects of Covid-19.


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Yükseköğretim Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2146-796X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2011
  • Yayıncı: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi
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