This study aims to develop a measurement tool for measuring the emotional abuse potentials of parents having children at the age of 3-6 and to investigate parents’ emotional abuse potentials based on some variables. The study group consists of 357 parents having children at the age of 3- 6 for developing the measurement tool .The parents included in the study group were selected through homogenous sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method. First, an item tool was created for the measurement tool. Then the items were examined by domain experts. The content validity index (CVI) of the items contained in the measurement tool was found to be over .80, thereby ensuring content validity. Prior to the factor analysis, Bartlett’s test result was found to be (p=.000) and KMO value was found to be .97 for data fitness. These results indicated the sampling size to be excellent and the data to be fit for factor analysis. At the end of the exploratory factor analysis, the measurement tool was determined to consist of 50 items and two factors. The first sub-dimension (causal) consists of 29 items and accounts for 31.8% of the total variance. The second sub-dimension (preventive) consists of 21 items and accounts for 28% of the total variance. The fit indices obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis were also detected to be highly acceptable. The internal consistency coefficient is. 96 for the “causal” and “preventive” sub-dimensions. The internal consistency coefficient obtained for the entire scale is .97. The obtained findings demonstrated that the measurement tool is a valid and reliable measuring the emotional abuse potentials of parents having children at the age of 3-6.


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