ÖZ1 Ocak 1924 tarihinde Sabatay kökenli bir kimliğe sahip tüccar Karakaş-zâde Rüştü’nün M. Kemal Paşa’ya yazdığı açık mektupta, Selanikliler diye bilinen Dönme cemaati hakkında bir takım ifşaat ve şikâyetlerden bahsedilmekteydi. Bu mektuptan sonra matbuat âleminde Dönmelik üzerinde hayli sıcak tartışmalar yaşandı. Mübadele olayına denk gelen ve lehte ya da aleyhte cereyan eden bu tartışmalar bugün akademik ve popüler litartürde yeterince bilinmektedir. Aynı tarihlerde İzmir’de çıkan ve milliyetçi bir söyleme sahip Türk Sesi gazetesinde yayınlanan bir yazı dizisi ise bu münakaşaya doğrudan iştirak etmiş ve tarafsız bir çaba göstermesine rağmen Sabataycılık hakkında apolejetik bir metin ortaya çıkmıştır. İşbu makalede bahsi geçen tefrika konu edinilmekte olup, döneme dair tartışmalara değinilmiş ve yazı dizisi transkribe edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Sabataycılık, Avdetîlik, Dönme, Mübadele, Türk Sesi GazetesiSABBATEAN CONTROVERSY IN EARLY TURKISH REPUBLICAN PERIOD: AN UNKNOWN SERIAL IN TURK SESI NEWSPAPER (1924)ABSTRACTAt the end of 1923, Karakaş-zâde Rüstü who was of a Dönme origin merchant lodged a petition about his community, also known as Avdetîs and Selaniklis, to the Turkish Parliament. The petition, which was published in one of the Turkish dailies on January 1, 1924, triggered a series of discussion and fierce disputes about the past, present and future status of the Dönme communities. Pamphlets, letters, and newspaper articles followed one another. The rise of new nation-states and subsequent Mübadele, the forced population exchange between Turks in Greece and Greeks in Turkey were some of the key historical factors which fueled the discussion. A hitherto unknown newspaper serial, dated January 1924 and published in Turk Sesi, furnishes us new details about this important controversy. Even though the author of the text is still unidentified, his stated aim is to write an objective account of the Dönmes. After examining the historical context of the controversy, the purpose of this article is to publish the transliteration of this apologetic text with explanatory footnotes.Key Words: Sabbatean, Avdetî, Dönme, Mübadele, Turk Sesi Newspaper


At the end of 1923, Karakaş-zâde Rüstü who was of a Dönme origin merchant lodged a petition about his community, also known as Avdetîs and Selaniklis, to the Turkish Parliament. The petition, which was published in one of the Turkish dailies on January 1, 1924, triggered a series of discussion and fierce disputes about the past, present and future status of the Dönme communities. Pamphlets, letters, and newspaper articles followed one another. The rise of new nation-states and subsequent Mübadele, the forced population exchange between Turks in Greece and Greeks in Turkey were some of the key historical factors which fueled the discussion. A hitherto unknown newspaper serial, dated January 1924 and published in Turk Sesi, furnishes us new details about this important controversy. Even though the author of the text is still unidentified, his stated aim is to write an objective account of the Dönmes. After examining the historical context of the controversy, the purpose of this article is to publish the transliteration of this apologetic text with explanatory footnotes



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