Türk milletine mensup çok sayıda âilenin Çin içerisinde gidip Çinlileştikleri tarihî bir hakikattir. Türk âileleri Çinlileştikleri zaman ilk iş olarak Çince âile adları almışlardır. Bu âileler tarihî süreçte türlü adlarla anılmışlar ve türlü yerlerde görünmüşlerdir. Bugünkü Çin’de bazı Çinli âilelerin menşei, taşıdıkları adlar sayesinde tespit edilebilmektedir. Makalemizde Çin kaynaklarına dayanarak Çinlileşen Türk âilelerinin listesini çıkarmaya ve bu âilelerin tarihî seyirlerini ve bugün yaşadıkları yerleri tespit etmeye çalışacağız.Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk Âileleri, Çin Âileleri, Çin Kaynakları, Çin, Çinlileşmek, Tarih, EtnolojiCHINESE FAMILIES FROM TURKIC ORIGIN-I ABSTRACTIt is an historical fact that many Turkic families went to China and became Chinese. After Turkic families became Chinese, they took a Chinese family name firstly. These families are referred to by any name and they appeared in different place in historical process. Today, origin of some Chinese families can be discovered by the names they carry. In our article, we will try to make a list of Turkic families who became Chinese, to identify historical course of them and to determine where they live today based on Chinese sources.Key Words: Turkic Families, Chinese Families, Chinese Sources, China, Become Chinese, History, Ethnology.


It is an historical fact that many Turkic families went to China and became Chinese. After Turkic families became Chinese, they took a Chinese family name firstly. These families are referred to by any name and they appeared in different place in historical process. Today, origin of some Chinese families can be discovered by the names they carry. In our article, we will try to make a list of Turkic families who became Chinese, to identify historical course of them and to determine where they live today based on Chinese sources
