Çalışmamız, bu konuda yapılmış çalışmalara katkıda bulunurken, cümle kapısından yapılacak yeni bakışlara yol açmak hedefine yönelmiştir. Bu konuda Türkiye Türkçesinin eserleri üzerine bu teknikle yapılacak yeni çalışmalar, cümle düzeyindeki zaman kalıplarının arttırılmasını sağlayacaktır. Yaptığımız bu çalışma bizi bazı sonuçlara ulaştırdı. Bu sonuçları maddeler hâlinde sıralamak istiyoruz: 1. Zaman ayrıntıları, cümle içi ve dışı zaman unsurları arasındaki ilişkilere göre incelenmeli diye düşünüyoruz. Cümle düzeyinde tespit edilen formüller, metnin diğer cümlelerine ve metnin tamamına göre yorumlanarak zaman belirlenirse daha çok ayrıntı tespit edebiliriz.. 2. Cümle düzeyinde tespit edilen zaman işleyişleri, Türkçenin sistemli yapısında bu konuda da ayrıntıların çokluğunu gösterir. 3. Bazen metnin tamamının okunması, metindeki herhangi bir cümlenin zaman bilgisini anlamımızı kolaylaştırır. Örneğin olayın gerçekleştiği devir bilgisi, böyle bir açıklama sağlar. 4. Çalışma sonunda cümle düzeyinde zaman ayrıntılarının Türkçede nasıl başarılı bir şekilde ortaya konulduğunu gördük. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye Türkçesinin zaman yapılarını cümle düzeyinde tespit etmektir. Bu, kılınış başlıklarının bakış açısından tasnifi şeklinde yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla zaman başlıklarını belirlemek için aşağıdaki zaman belirleyici unsurları değerlendirdik: 1. Zaman Belirleyici Unsur Olarak Ekler: 1.1. Yüklem Zaman Ekleri, 1.2. Olumsuzluk Eki, 1.3. Sıfat Fiil Ekleri, 1.4. ZarfFiil Ekleri. 2. Zaman Belirleyici Unsur Olarak Kelimeler: 2.1. İsimler, 2.2. Fiiller, 2.3. Sıfatlar, 2.4. Sıfat-fiiller, 2.5. Zarflar, 2.6. Zarf Fiiller 2.7. Olumsuzluk Edatı. 3. Zaman Belirleyici Unsur Olarak Kelime Grupları: 3.1. İsim Tamlamaları, 3.2. Sıfat Tamlamaları, 3.3. Sıfat Fiil Grupları, 3.4. ZarfFiil Grupları, 3.5. Edat Grupları, 3.6. İkilemeler. 4. Zaman Belirleyici Diğer Unsurlar: 4.1. Cümleler, 4.2. Metin Bağlamı.


Our research has contributed previous researches on this issue and at the same time has targeted leading new discoveries on sentences. Researches which are expected to be done with this method on the works of Turkish inTurkey will help increasing tense structures. This research led us to some results. We want to itemize these results. 1.We think that tense details must be examined according to connection between tense components intra-sentence and nonsentence . If the formula identified in the sentence level is compared to all other sentences of the text and interpreted as a whole, we can determine more details. 2.Tense functions identified in the sentence level shows us abundance of details in Turkish language system. 3. Sometimes reading whole text helps us understand the tense structure of the sentence. For example; data of period provides such explanation. 4. Results have shown that tense details on the basis of sentence are presented successfully in Turkish. Thepurpose of thisstudy is to explorethe tense structure of Turkish of Turkey in sentence level. This was made in the form of classification from the point of aspect for titles. For this purpose in order to determine the headers when we have evoluated the following time determination factors: 1. Suffixes as determinants time: 1.1.Timepredicatesuffix, 1.2.Negative suffixes, 1.3.participle suffixes, 1.4.Gerundium suffixes 2. Words as determinants time: 2.1. Nouns, 2.2. Verbs, 2.3.Adjectives, 2.4. Participles, 2.5. Adverbs, 2.6.Gerundiums 2.7.Negativity preposition. 3. Word groups as determinants time: 3.1. Noun phares, 3.2.Completive phares, 3.3. Participle phares, 3.4. Groups of Gerundium, 3.5.Postpositional phares, 3.6. Redublication Groups. 4. Other Time determinants. 4.1. Sentences, 4.2. Text context “Time is an unknown abstract concept which the sequence of before and after events created in our thought.” Time which is a mode impossible to separate from the article is determined as duration of the incidents. Based on this aspect of its, time must be evaluated not as the feature of objects but as the order of sequential events.(Meydan Larousse XII: 897) It is because of successive events not to be restricted with the order of precedence by the brain that time is perceived as infinite. Thus, time is not a concept, but an experience of flow. (Meydan Larousse XII: 897) Time is the classification of successive events. This classification is a mental reality and its formation can be explained psychologically. Order of precendence as psychologically and the period caused by this should be differentiated from the universal time. According to sociologists religious or non-religious rites and ceremonies have been effective in the emergency of concept of time and its related measurements. Through realization of time, communities have begun to evaluate the events that they experience comparing them with other important and effective events. A war, a triumph or a catastrophe has sometimes been a time determiner and sometimes its time has been determined based on another event. (Osman Turan 1941:3). Human’s interest in life has led to the necessity of connecting the flow of life to time because life is a flow and continuity within the time. While evaluating life human being has wondered when this flow started and ended. Then, s/he has questioned other aspects of time which is called unknown. “The flow which is called time, is there in fact or is this a delusion?”, “What is the relationship of birth, death and destiny between time?” (Ahmet E. Uysal 1958: 381) Desperate for answers in the face of time, mortal human being wanted to create something more permanent than him, in other words he wanted to be eternal. This phenomenon has created the art. Finally, in a sense because they are the starting points in time, also works of arts determined time. As to the cause of complex structures of time, following conclusion has been reached: time which is only in mind, stemmed from the comparison of comparison of events, is nothing more than a delusion in reality. Beings are born and die in every moment. We consider the world stable for a certain time because these two events and the others between them are fast and constant. However, effective incidents that interrupt ordinariness of flow indicate that the universe is changing constantly. The entire universe vanishes every moment, and reborns every moment again. That the time is interpreted philosophically results in showing its following features: 1. It is the period considered as measurable quantity. 2. It is a general environment where all the events emerge to form a successive sequence. 3. It is a line going back forever, on one side and constantly flowing forward on the other side. 4. It is an integral structure whose items are not expressed as before and after, beginning and end. 5. It is a constant unit whose items past, present or future time periods are. Meanings of past, present and future, which constitute the unit called time, are more different in daily life: Past: Past is a period which is over, never coming back, to be never changed. Present: It is a moment which is experienced and whose reality is the most certain. Future: It is a time period which has not occurred yet and is ambiguous. It is a not bordered, flowing time toward the infinity. It may include everything. Decisions may determine the directions of possible future events. Classification of time is a subjective evaluation that people make according to their life. Time is infinite in the universe. A concept that has no beginning and end is labeled to plan the process which is called life. As one can see, philosophy’s realization and interpretation of time concept is conducted in accordance with its relation to life. To realize the concept of time in language we need to analyze this realization because language is an expression of the way we think. How we think explains how we speak as well. Infact, there is a universalandreal time different than the distinction wedetermined. This time is theactual time which is independent than the peopleandall theo thertemporary factors. It is an absolute time system which existed before human being. The structure of it can be divide dintozones. Weunderstand this time with conceptssuch as no beginning or beginning, eternalorend (John Lyons 1983:273). When we consider the comments about concept of time, we understand that we have developed an artificial sense of time which is different than real time on the basis of opinion an didentifie daccording toour needs. So, language has used an artificial measure called time as a crucial tool for organization done in cooperation with the people who are socialentity. In most of thelanguagestwodimension of thetense issue has been examined underthe heading so vervie wandrender in the world. Linguists who understand the importance of this issue in language teaching, tried tosolve time system of language. Our research, making use of previous findings, has addressed the issue in terms of syntax. Overview and rendering details were evaluate daccording to connection between them when examining the factor determining the tense of the sentence. The topic of over view was examined by evaluating lexical according to period of time. How much time it requires in the past, presentor in the future for themovement, occurrence orsituation has identified with time equation formed by the elements of sentence Thetopics of over view and render have been discussed separately in the examined researches. The seresearc he sestimated that the issue of over view was subjective and the issue of render was objective. However we systemized bothtopics on the basis of sentence. So when we examined the tense on the basis of sentence, wedeterminedtherendering of sentencesaccordingtooverview. Thus, onceagaintheissue can be addressedwith a differentmethod. Thisresearch has aimed at reaching further details by sentence analysis done accordingt at he time determining function. In this study, with the help of grammar books, all kinds of tense determining structures have been evaluated by examining distinguished sentences in Turkish of Turkey especially example sentences in researches done on this issue. Tense determining structures, on the basis of sentence AC+V (adverbialclause + verb),a s words verbal adjective, adverbial clause, nouns, verbs; as a word group verbal adjective, adverbial clause and prepositions were identified as time components. So, elements of sentences and connection between them were analyzed in terms of tense determining function. Besides; in the context of statement, paragraphand text we can evaluate these tense data. Ourresearch has contributed previous researches on this issue and at the same time has targeted leading new discoveries on sentences. Researches which are expectedto be done with this method on the works of Turkish in Turkey will help increasing tense structures. This research led us to some results. We want to it emize these results. 1.We think that tense details must be examined according to connection between tense component sintra-sentence and nonsentence. If the Formula identified in the sentence level is compared to all other sentences of the text and interpreted as a whole, we can determine more details. 2.Tense functions identified in the sentence level shows us abundance of details in Turkish language system. 3.Sometimes reading whole text helps us understand the tense structure of the sentence. For example; data of period provides such explanation. 4.Results have shown that tense details on the basis of sentence are presented successfully in Turkish. 5.In order to determine tense topics we have evaluated tense determining components below: 1.Affixes as a tense determining components 1.1 Verb affixes, 1.2 negator, 1.3 participle affix, 1.4 verbal adverbaffix 2 Words as tense determining components 2.1 Nouns, 2.2Verbs, 2.3 adjectives, 2.4 participle groups, 2.5 adverbs, 2.6 verbal adverbs, 2.7. negator 3. Word groups as tense determining components 3.1 noun phrase, 3.2. adjective clause, 3.3participle groups, 3.4 verbal adverb groups, 3.5. preposition groups, 3.6. reduplications 4.Other tense determining components 4.1. Sentences, 4.2. context


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