İlirya dilinde akarsu anlamına gelen "Bos" sözcüğünden türeyen Bosna toprakları tarih boyunca farklı medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Farklı milletlerin, dinlerin birleştiği Balkan coğrafyası, kültürel açıdan zengin olmakla beraber aynı zaman da bu zenginlik savaşları, çatışmaları da beraberinde getirmiştir. Balkanlar Avrupa'da kara parçası olmasına rağmen tarih boyunca hiçbir zaman Avrupa'nın tam bir parçası olarak görülmemiş olup arka bahçe muamelesi görmüştür. Bununla birlikte doğu-batı geçiş güzergâhında olduğu için kültürel geçişin en fazla olduğu topraklar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Zıtlıkların bir arada olduğu bu coğrafya çatışmalarıyla ve farklılıklarıyla edebi eserlere de konu olmuştur. Edebî eserler, milletlerin hayatlarındaki değişimi, dönüşümü en iyi yansıtan belgelerdir. Üretildikleri toplumun kültürel, dinî, sosyal hayatlarına ışık tutar. Nobel ödüllü Bosnalı yazar İvo Andriç, romanlarında dönemin kültürel, siyasî, sosyal özelliklerini yansıtarak romanlarında dönemsel bir tablo çizmiştir. Beş yüz yıl kadar Bosna topraklarına hâkim olan Osmanlı kültürü her satırına sinmiştir. Ancak bu kültürel yansıma şekli Ivo Andriç'in Müslüman Boşnaklar tarafından eleştirilmesine sebebiyet vermiştir. Romanlarındaki ara satırlarda Müslümanların aleyhinde söylemleri olduğu ve taraflı bir gözle Osmanlı tarihini ve müslüman kültürünü yansıttığı konusunda tartışmalar bugün de sürmektedir. Osmanlı kültürünün izlerini bulduğumuz İvo Andriç'in "Travnik Günlüğü" ile Bahaeddin Özkişi'nin "Köse Kadı" adlı romanlarında dönemin zihniyetini, sosyal-kültürel, dinî yapısını gözlemlemekteyiz. Farklı milletlere ait olan Andriç ve Köse'nin bakış açılarında da farklılıklar olduğu görülür. Bu farklılıkların yaşanmasında iki yazarın durumlara fikirsel olarak aynı düzlemde bakmamış olmalarını söyleyebiliriz


Bosnia, deriving from the word 'Bos' which means river in Ilir language, has been the cradle of many civilizations throughout history. Balkans' geography where different nations as well as religious beliefs unite is rich in terms of culture; therefore, this cultural richness engendered wars and conflicts. Even though the Balkan Peninsula belongs to the European continent, it has never been been considered to be a part of Europe and it has always been scouted as the 'backyard' of Europe. Moreover, having been set as a transitory route between East and West, Balkans are known to be the land where cultural transition is at most. Balkans' geography where many contrasts coexist has been the inspiration for several literary works with the conflicts and differences it generated. Literary works are the documents that best reflect the change or transformation in the lives of nations. They shed light on the cultural, religious and social lives of the societies in which they are produced. Bosnian writer Ivo Andric draws the picture of a certain period in his novels by depicting cultural, polical and social characteristics of that period. The effects of Ottoman identity which had prevailed in the lands of Bosnia for almost five hundred years can be seen in every line in his novels. Both in Ivo Andric's novel “The Travnik Chronicle” showing traces of Ottoman culture- and Kadi Kose written by Bahaeddin Ozkisi, it is possible to see the mentality, sociocultural and religious structure of the society living in a specific period in history. Belonging to different nations, both Andric and Ozkisi have different viewpoints. It could be claimed that these differences stem from the fact that these writers interpreted certain events from a different perspective The Balkans have become a region where there have been the scenes of constant changes throughout history. This region in which different cultures and religions exist, many struggles for dominance have occurred and hence; have been taken over, cannot ensure the stability due to wars and disorders. Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Austro Hungary are the civilizations that stayed for a period in the Balkans and left traces. The dominance of various civilizations have also led to the presence of different religions. The Balkans were seen as Europe’s backyard, named the east of the West, characterized as a region where wars, bigotry and disorders were dominant. Although the Balkans is Southeast Europe, Europe has never counted them as its own geography. They were treated as a stepchild, and excluded as they were thought to be undeveloped. Maria Todorova, states that Europeans feel superior to the Balkans and regard them as “I and the others.” Literary works are the best documents that represent the changes in societies’ lives. They explain the society on cultural religious and social ways. The ottoman culture had dominance on Bosnian land for nearly five hundred years, is seen in every line of the piece. But this cultural reflection caused Ivo Andric to be criticized by Muslim Bosnians. The discussion on him having statements against Muslims and reflecting Ottoman history and Muslim culture in an unfair way in his pieces still continues. As the Ottoman image is seen in the nobel prized writer Ivo Andric's many novels, also in his novel called “The Travnik Chronicle”, we can see different beliefs, ethnicity and Ottoman image. Bahaeddin Ozkisi writes about the Ottoman Empire conquering Hungary and the empire’s struggle with Austriain his piece called “Kadi Kose”. Durin this invasion, the Turk/Hungarian, muslim/non-muslim relations and the socio-cultural life can be seen. Comparing the “The Travnik Chronicle” of Ivo Andric and “Kadi Kose” of Bahaeddin Ozkisi is possible in three sections as; social life, religious life and muslim womens’ image. “The Travnik Chronicle” which Andric wrote in 1942 is a historical-psychological novel. The novel is a historical panorama which takes place in a small town of Bosnia, years after the French revolution when Bonaparte was successful and made a sensation, tackling the issues of French, Austrian, Ottoman state affairs and sociocultural condition of the native population. All characters in the novel see themselves as a prisoner of this town, where conflicts, hostilities, machinations, different religions and nations meet. Muslims in Travnik and Ottoman Empire represent Eastern culture. On the other hand, consuls assigned to Travnik represent Western culture. Austrian and French consuls in Travnik representing the West compete between each other while carrying out 19th century’s political ideologies of their countries. Ottoman Empire comes to the forefront with its unjust governance and cruelty. The story starts in 1806, with a conversation between a group of old men, assembled in a hall named “Lutfiya’s Coffeehouse”, commenting about new consulate period for their own perspectives and interests. Narrating eight years of social and political events, the novel ends in 1814, again in “Lutfiya’s Coffeehouse”, there people gathered and talked about the latest situation. It is the same place where the events both started and ended. In this period of time everything turns into the very begining as if nothing ever happened. After the consuls left, this mid-term is sunk into oblivion. Through the conversations in the beginning of the novel we see that people from different religions and different nations lived in Travnik for centuries in peace. There are plenty of voices through the story. However, by the beginning of the 18th century this situation changed and the differences caused conflicts. Underneath of this change lie the effects of the French revolution. The nationalization movement started. Besides French revolution, Ottoman Empire’s late period regime influences the nationalization movement. In the novel, ottomans are always pictured as schemer people. The chief doorman was murdered, however his death is then covered. The vizier Husrev Mehmet Paşa was taken from his post and İbrahim Halil Paşa replaced him, Sultan Selim was taken from the throne and Sultan Mustafa replaces him. Soon later İbrahim Paşa was discharged, Ali Paşa takes his place. Nevertheless, Ali Paşa is a cruel person. He executes anyone who rises against him. He charges people with high taxes. He becomes the symbol of injustice and cruelty. Ottoman state rules Travnik with viziers from İstanbul. However the native people never adopted these administrators. In another novel by the name of Kadi “Kose’, Ottomans are welcomed by the citizens of the cities captured by Ottomans. They treat people fairly and give them no harm. This situation surprises the native people In Andric’s literary work, muslims are shown as a society that is closed to every kind of modernity. Everything that comes from outside is bad and cannot be accepted. The fact that french and Austrian consuls are coming to town creates unease. In the work “Kadi Kose” turks are a society that is well educated and their commenders are people who know couple of foreign languages. Also Ottomans are expressed as people who are open-minded and innovative. Muslim women are mostly stated in a bad way. The are people who wear head scarves, clueless and antisocial. The vulgar, uncivilized, rough nature they live in made them as rough as itself. Muslim women are constantly silent, hard to understand and complex. The writer portraits muslim women as cowards and even freaks. He likens women wearing burqa to mummies. Women are never mentioned in daily dialogues. It's like a restricted area. Priest Fra Mijo Kavachevich, describes muslim women as a group of crazy troubles. It is hard to see muslim women in social life. The have caged windows. And they watch life behind these windows. In the social life in andrich's town we see an ironic portrait about women. In “Kadi Kose” women are brave manly and honorable. In literary works, religion is an important factor which clarifies social relationships. In the piece called “The Travnik Chronicle’ even though jewish christian and muslims live in the same area they all have different social lives. They are like oil and water which don't ever get mixed. Muslim women do not want to work in Orthodox or Catholic family houses. We see muslims as people who swear after the nonmuslims. Muslims use expressions like “you pig cub”,”infidel” after people who are not muslims. In the piece called “Kadi Kose” the nonmuslims use the expressions like “just like a wrestler” for the turks. There is an highlight on turks being strong. In The Travnik Chronicle, the Europeans are civilized because they are not ruled by religion. The christians in Bosnia links the uncivilized structure of country to the reason that it is ruled by a muslim administration and thinks that this crucial dark wont be lifted from the country until the christians take over the land. The Christians show islam as the reason of this darkness. The same impression is seen on andirch’s strories. Christians living in travnik have taken a secret path to keep on living their beliefs alive, fronting the muslims. They haven't ever mingled with muslims. The priest thinks acting like this helps them not to lose their christian identity or else they would be infected by ottoman culture. In the literary work named “Kadi Kose” Hungarians chose İslam voluntarily While in ‘The Travnik Chronicle’ non-muslims regard muslims as inferior people in “Kadi Kose, non-muslims want to be close to and friend with the muslims. Although the church doesn’t want that, they ignore it. In this literary work, The Otoman takes justice wherever they go, local people choose to be Muslim voluntarily, want the domination of Ottoman. Non-muslims, like the culture of Ottoman, learn the folk songs and become integrated to Ottoman. Ottoman commanders come into prominence with their justice. Being Ottoman and being Muslim is a privilage. For this reason, other nations hearing about the Ottoman, want to be ruled by them. In this article the comparing and analysing thecniques are used to show the same nation being described with different views by two authors who have shared different cultures and worldviews. Ottoman Empire and Muslim people are described through a negative perspective in The Travnik Chronicle while it is shown extremely positive in the novel “Kadi Kose”.


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