Bu çalışma sınıf içi konuşma dilinin eğitim programında öğretme ve öğrenme yöntemine katkı sağlanmasına yönelik uygulanmıştır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından 2005 yılından itibaren yürürlüğe konulan ilköğretim programında öğrenci merkezli bir eğitim anlayışı esas alınmıştır. Bu anlayışla, öğrenci ezberci birey olmaktan uzaklaştırılmak amaçlanmaktadır. Tamamen öğrenci merkezli olan bu program ile amaç, araştırmacı ve sorumluluk bilinci yüksek bireyler yetiştirmektir. Bu araştırmada genel tarama modellerinden tekil tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Tekil tarama modelinde amaç, değişkenlerin tek tek, tür ya da miktar bakımından belirlenmesidir. Tekil taramalar belirli durumları ve alışkanlıkları saptar ve içerik çözümlemeleridir. Araştırmada da ilköğretimin ikinci kademesinde (6. 7. ve 8. sınıflar) çalışan Türkçe öğretmenlerinin, Kişisel Bilgi Formundaki bilgiler de göz önüne alınarak, konuşma ilgileri, ölçek yardımı ile tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma evreni, KKTC'de ortaöğretimin birinci kademesinde çalışan Türkçe öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise, 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim yılında KKTC bölgelerinde görev yapan 155 Türkçe öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama amacıyla Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Konuşma İlgisi Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Konuşma İlgisi Ölçeği MEB Öğretmen Kılavuzunda konuşma becerisinin kazandırılması için belirtilmiş olan kazanımlar doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, öğretmenlerimizin büyük çoğunluğunun öğretmenlik mesleğinin bilincinde olduğunu ve sınıf ortamında buna uygun davrandığını göstermektedir. %30'lık bir dilimin ise Türkçe Öğretim Programının hedef ve kazanımlarına yönelik yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadıklarını veya uygulamakta yetersiz kaldıklarını göstermektedir. Bu araştırmada Türkçe öğretmenlerinin sınıf içinde kullanmış oldukları konuşma dilinin tespit edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi, programın hedeflerine ulaşıp ulaşmadığının tespiti yönüyle araştırmamız için önem taşımaktadır


This study was carried out in order to contribute to the teaching and learning method of programming the speech language from within the classroom. A student-centered approach to education has been taken as a basis in the primary education program enacted by the Ministry of National Education since 2005. With this understanding, it is aimed to be removed from the student being a memorizing individual. With this program, which is completely student-centered, the aim is to train highly qualified individuals who are researchers and responsible. These scan models are only used by the scan model. The goals of the individual screening model are to determine the variables individually, species or quantities. Individual scans detect specific situations and habits and analyze content. In the study, the Turkish teachers working in the second stage of primary education (6. 7th and 8th grade) were determined by taking the information in the Personal Information Form, speaking related, with the help of scale. The study's universe constitutes English teachers working in the first level of secondary education in the TRNC. The sample of the research is composed of 155 Turkish teachers who work in the TRNC regions that are studying in 2015-2016. The data collection procedures used in the research were the Personal Information Form and the Speaking Interest Scale. Speech Context Scale The MEB Teacher was prepared in accordance with the achievements specified for the acquisition of speaking skills in the guide. The results of the research show that the vast majority of our teachers are aware of the teaching profession and behave accordingly. A 30% lesson content. See that they are not competent or are inadequate for the goals and achievements of the Turkish Curriculum. In this research, the ones used in the class of Turkish teachers are very important to determine and assess the language of speech and to investigate whether or not they reach the program's targets The purpose of this research is to examine the speech of the Turkish teachers who entered Turkish lessons in the first stage of secondary education (6. 7th and 8th grades) and the spoken language used in the classroom. A student-centered approach to education has been taken as a basis in the primary education program enacted by the Ministry of National Education since 2005. With this understanding, it is aimed to be removed from the student being a memorizing individual. This program, which is totally student-centered, aims to train highly qualified researchers and responsible individuals. The constructivist approach has increased the role of the teacher in gaining specific skills. When considered in this sense, the identification and evaluation of the spoken language used by Turkish teachers in the classroom is important for us to investigate in order to determine whether the program achieves its goals. This research is a descriptive study aimed at examining the speech of the Turkish teachers who work in the second level of elementary education (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade) and determining the spoken language used in the classroom. In this study, a single scan model was used from general scan models. Personal Information Form and Speaking Interest Scale were used for data collection in the study. The Speaking Interest Scale was prepared in accordance with the achievements stated in the MEB Teacher's Guide for the acquisition of speaking skills. After examining by the field experts, it was applied to 15 Turkish teachers and the results of validity and reliability were found suitable for the application. There are a total of 24 items in the Speaking Interest Scale developed in parallel with the Turkish Curriculum prepared by the researcher. The first 23 items were scored as "Not at all appropriate" (1), "Somewhat appropriate" (2), "Undecided" (3), "Fairly appropriate" (4), "Very appropriate" (5). In the scoring of the items, there was no inverse scoring method and 1 point marking 1 in one item and 5 points in marking 5 were obtained. Percentage (%) analyzes of the teachers' demographic information were used. SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) package program was used to analyze the data of the study. In line with the 12th article of the general aim of the Turkish Language Teaching Program, the Turkish teachers are obliged to provide their Turkish and world cultural descriptions of written and oral products. This obligation may cause our teachers to use words that have entered our language from different languages but have not yet been placed in our language. Moreover, it can be evaluated that the Turkish teachers who are hesitant to see also do not see any inconvenience in using Turkishized words. In the classroom, the choice of speech cues is important by establishing objective-result associations within the scope of Turkish lesson. It is up to the student to understand the cues and to settle in his mind. It is the Turkish teacher's obligation to contribute to the development of understanding, questioning, analysis-synthesis, interpreting and evaluation skills of the students who are in general aim of the Turkish Curriculum. The vast majority of our teachers do not see any inconveniences in using foreign languages or entering Turkish words in today's meaning. Again, the vast majority of our Turkish teachers are told to put events and information in a classroom setting; To establish purpose-result associations in their speech; And they take care to finish their conversations using appropriate expressions. The vast majority of our teachers are aware of the importance of speaking in an audible and correct pronunciation in the classroom; We see that they pay attention to adjusting their voices and breathes in classroom settings. Our teachers are very careful to emphasize, tone and pause in their classroom conversations. They prefer to speak with a distant voice from imitation and essence if not necessary. Our teachers pay attention to the harmony of the words, gestures and mimics in the classroom environment, try to use the body language effectively for communication and take care to establish eye contact with the students in the classroom environment. The vast majority of our teachers do not see any inconveniences in using foreign languages or entering Turkish words in today's meaning. Again, the vast majority of our Turkish teachers are told to put events and information in a classroom setting; To establish purpose-result associations in their speech; And they take care to finish their conversations using appropriate expressions. The vast majority of our teachers are aware of the importance of speaking in an audible and correct pronunciation in the classroom; We see that they pay attention to adjusting their voices and breathes in classroom settings. Seminars can be given to Turkish teachers about the effective use of speaking skills in the direction of communication. Considering the fact that some of our Turkish teachers are not graduated from the field, the Turkish Curriculum, which envisages a constructivist learning approach to our teachers, can be introduced with seminars. For Turkish teachers, awareness-raising in-service training courses can be organized for the development of language skills in general and for the development of speaking skills in particular. It is necessary for Turkish teachers to make frequent group meetings between themselves and to share current information and to reach a better point of speaking. It is thought that it would be beneficial to give seminars and in-service courses for Turkish teachers who have graduated from other branches outside the field and who are entering Turkish classes. It is also believed that Turkish teachers will often be more effective in speaking before they enter the classroom, and that they take frequent voice checks and pay attention to their breathing.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem