Bu çalışmada amaç, Fırat Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü son sınıfta öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarının, Okul Deneyimi ve Öğretmenlik Uygulaması dersi kapsamında uygulamaya gittikleri okullardaki Türkçe öğretmenleri hakkındaki görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada, öğretmen adaylarının uygulama öğretmeni hakkındaki düşünceleri çeşitli yönlerden ele alınarak somut veriler elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Okul Deneyimi ve Öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerinin amacı; öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine daha iyi hazırlanmalarını, öğrenim süresince kazandıkları genel kültür, özel alan eğitimi ve öğretmenlik mesleği ile ilgili bilgi, beceri, tutum ve alışkanlıklarını gerçek bir eğitim-öğretim ortamı içinde kullanabilme yeterliliği kazanmalarını sağlamaktır. Bu çerçevede gerçekleştirilen çalışma, 2014-2015 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Fırat Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü son sınıfta okuyan toplam 80 öğrenci üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada nicel ve nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarının birlikte kullanıldığı karma model esas alınmıştır. Verilerin toplanması aşamasında, aday öğretmenlere beş açık uçlu soru ile birlikte 20 maddeden oluşan bir anket uygulanmıştır. Hazırlanan açık uçlu soruların ve 20 maddelik anketin uygulanması sonucunda; nitel veriler içerik analizinden, nicel veriler ise aritmetik ortalama ve t puanlarından yararlanılarak yorumlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, öğretmen adaylarının uygulama okullarındaki Türkçe öğretmenleri hakkındaki görüş ve düşünceleri genel anlamda olumludur. Öğretmen adayları, uygulama öğretmenlerinin kendilerine katkısı olduğunu ve uygulama öğretmenlerinin tecrübelerinden yararlandıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Uygulama öğretmeni ile etkili bir iletişim kuramamak, adayların bu süreçte yaşadıkları sorunların başında gelmektedir


In the most general sense, education is period that a person shows a change on his behaviors in the way of experience. Education is both fundamental the way of getting high standards of living as a person and key element of improvement and advance and taking part of a place among modern countries as a public (Kaya 1989). Because teachers are keystones of education, their qualities are one of the factors influencing the education’s quality directly. It is required solid raising teachers policies to raise qualified teachers. This idea bases on necessity that equips society with enough teachers who have morale, intellectual and psychical qualities, extensive information and skills. For this reason, teachers and institution raising teachers must have solid strategies. In our country, so as to raise qualified teachers, programs of institutions raising teachers have been standardized since 1998 as part of Improving National Education Project improved collaboration of YOK and The World Bank. With this program, students at education faculty practice more before pre-service.These practices that students practice at primary and secondary schools are School Experience I, II and Teaching Practice lessons. These lessons which are first of two different practices done at schools consist of practices and planned observations to teach teaching profession duties to pre-service teachers (YOK 1998). Purpose and Study Question This study is aimed to show opinions of pre-service teachers, who study Turkish Language Teaching in last grade at Fırat University, about Turkish teachers at their schools as part of School Experience and Teaching Practice lessons. To fulfill this purpose, it is searched answers. Quantitative Study Questions 1. What are pre-service teachers’ opinions about practice teachers as part of School Experience and Teaching Practice lessons? 2. Are there any differences between pre-service teachers’ general average points according to gender? 3. Are there any differences between pre-service teachers’ general average points according to type of education? Qualitative Study Questions 1. What are your opinions about contribute of Turkish practice teachers? 2. What are your opinions about Turkish practice teachers’ guidance to pre-service teachers? 3. During School Experience and Practice Teaching, have you ever experienced problems with Turkish Practice Teacher? If do, what are your solutions? 4. What are practice teachers duties to make School Experience and Teaching Practice more effective? 5. If you have more ideas about this subject, please write. Method In this study mixed pattern, which quantitative and qualitative is used in, is used. In scientific studies, mixed method is used so as to examine deeply any subjects, events, incident etc. (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2008). In studies, Mixed model combines both quantitative and qualitative approaches of study and researcher during one or two stage of study. For example, in a study, a researcher is to use questionnaire including multiple closed-ended and open-ended and questions or qualitative matters (Balcı 2013). In this study, method of study is determined as mixed methods because data got by applying 20 questions-surveys interprets by using quantitative methods and open-ended questions interpret by using qualitative methods. Data Collection Tool In this study, the study improved by Dr. Arif Sarıçoban (2008) and named “Practice Teachers and Pre-service Teachers Opinions about School Experience and Teaching Practice” is used. Questionnaire consists of 20 questions. This questionnaire is applied on 80 students studying daytime education or evening education of last grade of Turkish language teaching in Education Faculty at Fırat University in spring term in 2014-2015 year of study. Data collection tool is determined reliable and Cronbach Alpha coefficient is found 0,80. Findings and Comment A) Findings according to Quantitative Data 1. Findings about Pre-service Teachers’ opinions about their Practice Teachers in School Experience and Teaching Practice lessons. Results of arithmetic average, standard deviation and t exam including Pre-service Teachers’ opinions about their Practice teachers as part of School Experience and Teaching Practice lessons is shown at Chart 1. Chart 1. Findings about Pre-service Teachers’ opinions about their Practice Teachers in School Experience and Teaching Practice lessons Department N X SS Turkish Education 80 4,50 ,375 Points average including opinions of students studying last grade of Turkish Language Teaching, about their Practice teachers is 4.50. It can be said that average 4,50 including Pre-service students opinions about their Practice Teachers is highly positive. 2. Findings of general average points according to gender Chart 2. Findings of general average points according to gender Department Gender N X SS t p Turkish Education Female 51 4,54 ,346 1,219 ,227 Male 29 4.43 ,420 In Chart 2 male and female pre-service teachers’ arithmetic average values are so close to each other. As a result of t exam, it has been seen that there are no differences between two genders. Statistical results show that according to arithmetic average, there is too little difference between two genders even if there is a remarkable difference. In general, we can say that female pre-service teachers (X=4,54) think about Practice Teachers more positively than male pre-service teachers (X4,43). 3. Findings General Average Points according to Education Type Pre-service Teachers opinions about Practice Teachers according to Education Type take place in Chart 3. Chart 3. Findings General Average Points according to Education Type Groups N Average Total MWU p Daytime ed. 40 37,00 1480,00 660,000 ,177 Evening ed. 40 44,00 1760,00 Total 80 Levene= 13,572 p= 0,000 When looked at findings in Chart 3, according to opinions of students in daytime and evening education and result of MWU, it has been seen no clear difference at level of p>0,05 (U=660,000; p=177). Mean rank of Pre-service teachers studying daytime education (SO=44,00) is more than mean rank of Pre-service teachers studying evening education. On the basis of these results, it can be said that pre-service teachers studying evening education express more positive opinions than pre-service teachers studying daytime education. B) Findings according to Qualitative Data Open-ended questions are a kind of question to get detailed information about a certain subject. These questions are also called systemized or free-answered questions. These questions don’t usually have alternative answers and relatively they are short sentences. An Answerer gives answers freely these general questions, answerers do everything. Open-ended questions enable to have expressed points, the survey designer overlooks, by answerer (MEB 2012). In this section, Answers that pre-service teachers gave for openended questions have analyzed and data has recorded. Students have been questioned with open-ended questions alongside survey questions. Data according to students answers about open-ended questions follows: Discussion Practice classes connect theoretical and practical knowledge and help pre-service teachers preparing to their careers. Pre-service teachers get a chance to experience teaching subjects to students and using the information they learned during undergraduate study. Practice teachers’ instructive guidance is not only helping pre-service teachers to adapt practicing atmosphere (Isıkoglu and others, 2007) but also enabling them to connect theoretic knowledge and practice (Zeichner 2002). Gaining experience for teaching profession and learning the job and internship practices become prominent in that way. It can be said that pre-service teachers see their lacks, learn the teaching profession in a positive way and see their lacks before being nominated (Altıntaş and Görgen 2014). In this study, results are shown about Practice teachers as part of School Experience and Teaching Practice: 1. Pre-service teachers have expressed that School Experience and Teaching Practice are so important and help us to learn the job. Points average according to Pre-service teachers about practice teachers has been found X=4.50. This result means “I completely agree”. In consideration of answers of open-ended questions, pre-service teachers have positive remarks about Practice Teachers. The data obtained shows Pre-service teachers are happy with experience of Practice Teachers. 2. Turkish Language Pre-service Teachers’ opinions about Practice Teachers depending gender don’t have a remarkable difference. Similarly, the study Sılay and Gök (2004) worked on about Teaching Practice has showed there is no remarkable difference males’ opinions and females’ opinion about Practice Teachers. 3. It has been seen that Pre-service teachers’ opinions about Practice Teachers haven’t changed. Pre-service Teachers studying daytime education or evening education have similar thoughts about Practice Teachers. The study by Hacıömeroğlu and Şahin (2011) has showed that Pre-service Teachers’ opinions about Practice Teachers are not different as well according to education type. As results of findings, Pre-service teachers have some little problems to communicate with Practice teachers. Communication problems are problems that have mention in lots of studies that have done about literary subjects as well. (Dursun ve Kuzu, 2008 Karadüz ve diğerleri 2009; Eraslan 2009). Some Practice Teachers’ unwilling behaviors have stood out. In the study by Azar (2003), Practice teachers regard this duty as a charge and this duty hinders their programs because of low price, consequently they don’t want to take part in this duty.
