Çatı konusu yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde en çok zorlanılan dil bilgisi konularından birisidir. Özneye ve nesneye bağlı olarak eklendikleri fiillere farklı anlamlar ve işlevler kazandıran bu yapıların öğretiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı hususlar bulunmaktadır. Yabancı dil öğretiminin amaca yönelik yapılabilmesi için öğretilen dilin analizinin yapılması uygun olacaktır. Böylece öğrenim sürecinde karşılaşılabilecek hatalar önceden tespit edilebilir. İnceleme sonucunda elde edilen bulgular yabancı dil öğretim programlarının ve ders materyallerinin geliştirilmesi için kullanılabilir. Çalışmanın amacı; Bosna Hersek'te yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenen öğrencilere çatı konusunun kavratılmasında karşılaşılan engellerin sebeplerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada karşılaştırmalı dil bilimi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Türkçede ve Boşnakçada fiillerde çatı konusu çatı tanımları, tasnifleri, türleri ve işlevleri bakımından karşılaştırılmıştır. Türkçede var olan bazı çatı türlerinin Boşnakçada olmadığı, aynı şekilde Boşnakçada tasniflere katılan bazı çatıların Türkçede farklı yapılara tekabül ettiği gibi sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Türkçede geçişli fiiller, geçişsiz fiiler, etken çatı, edilgen çatı, dönüşlülük çatısı, işteş çatı ve ettirgen çatı türleri bulunmaktadır. Boşnakçada ise etken, edilgen, orta ve dönüşlü olmak üzere dört çatı türü mevcuttur. İşteş çatı dönüşlülüğün bir çeşidi olarak tasniflerde yer almaktadır. Bunun dışında Türkçede bulunan ettirgenlik çatısının Boşnakçada çatı türü olarak bulunmadığı ancak, farklı yapılarla ettirgenliğin sağlandığı görülmüştür. Özellikle ettirgen çatının Boşnakçada olmayışı bu yapıların Bosna Hersekli öğrencilere öğretimini zorlaştırmaktadır. Karşılaştırmalı dil bilim yöntemiyle elde edilen bulgular ise karşılaştırılan iki dil arasındaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları ortaya koyacak şekilde çatı tasnifleri, türleri ve işlevleri bakımından değerlendirilmiş, seçilen romanlardan örneklerle birlikte yorumlanmıştır. Örnek cümleler Derviş ve Ölüm, Ponornica (Yer Altı Irmağı), Kiralık Konak, Küçük Ağa romanlarından verilmiştir


One of the most difficult grammar subjects in teaching Turkish as a foreign language is a voice of verbs. These structures, when added to the verb may carry various meanings and functions depending on the subject and object of the sentence, and there are some issues that need attention in the teaching of these structures. The language teaching process should be oriented towards the main objective of foreign language learners' language learning process and comparative analysis of both languages should be made. In this way, possible errors to be encountered in the learning process can be detected in advance. The results of findings can be used to improve the foreign language curriculum and course materials. The purpose of this research is to find out reasons of barriers encountered while teaching subject of voice to student who are studying Turkish language as a foreign language in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this study comparative linguistics methods are used. Voice of verbs in Bosnian and Turkish languages are compared according to definitions, classification, types and functions of the subject of voice. It is found out that some types of voices existing in Turkish language take no place in Bosnian, as well as a fact that in Bosnian language, some voices that are equivalent to different structures in Turkish language are included in classification of voices. It Turkish language there are following types of voices: transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, active voice, passive voice, reflexivity voice, reciprocal and causative voice. In the Bosnian language there are four types of voice: active, passive, middle and reflexive. In classification, reciprocal voice takes place as a type of reflexivity voice. Exept this, it is noticed that causative voice found in Turkish language, takes no place as a voice in Bosnian language but, causation is provided by different structures. Especially the absence of causative voice in Bosnian language makes teaching these structures to Bosnian students harder. Findings obtained by comparative linguistics methods are interpreted according to classification, types and functions of voices in such a way that it shows similarities and differences of two languages that are compared. Findings are explained/commented with examples from selected novels. Sample sentences are given from the following novels: Derwish and Death (Derviš i Smrt), Subterranean River (Ponornica), Rental Mansion (Kiralık Konak) and Little Agha (Küçük Ağa). The Purpose of Research Purpose of this research is to introduce the logical differences on the basis of difficulity between voices in native and target languages faced while teaching subject of voices that enrich expression domain in Turkish language and determines relations between the main elements of sentence to the Bosnian students. The Importance of Research Towards the interest/attention to Turkish language that increases day by day, studies of teaching Turkish language have been accelerated and neccesity to studies in this field has been increased. It is of importance for subject of voices encountered some difficulties in teaching and learning to be taught in more effective way with teaching programs and books of teaching Turkish to foreigners. Introducing differences of definitions, classifications logic of voices between these two languages that belongs to two different language families will provide easier understending of subject of voices for students. It will make contribution to the language teaching activities of teachers and academicians that work in field of teaching foreign language. Assumptions  Subjects of voice have important differences in terms of classification, functions and types in Turkish and Bosnian languages which with the regard to both structure and the origin belong to different language families.  Bosnians who study Turkish as a foreign language, encounter some difficulties in understanding subject of voice.  Benefiting from the methods of comparative linguistics, difficulties encountered in teaching subject of voice could be taken away. “Person who learns foreign language consistently transfers his/hers native linguistical habits consistently to the foreign language learning process. In this process, negative transfers play important role as well as positive transfers. Easier and more accurate learning of same units in both languages is called positive transfer. Despite similar units, learning of different units leads to mistakes while creating problems. These different units that create problems are named as negative transfer. In order to remove encountered negativities such as these and in order to provide directing of foreign language learning process appropriate to its aim, comparative analysis of two languages has to be realized. In this way, while learning or teaching foreign language, mistakes that could be made will ve identified earlier. These mistakes that could be made later could be prevented with preparation of appropirate methods and tools required for course in foreign language lessons before they come up.” (Arak, 2006:206). Voices in Teaching Turkish Language to Foreigners In order to provide effective teaching of voice subject to the language learners, it is needed for materials used in course and programs of teaching Turkish to foreigners to be examined and their functionality should be determined. From this perspective, native language of those who learn Turkish language as a foreign language should be examined and different sides from the target language should be found/brought out. Teaching grammar subjects that are found in target language but not in native languge or are equivalent to different structures, will be hard. Earlier recongnition of possible difficulities that could appear during the process of teaching/learning as well as developing syllabus and developing materials that are going to be used according to this, is of a great importance. Voice structures in verbs are related to sentence due to the determining relations of verbs with subjects and objects. These suffixes that have many functions as adding outer subject to sentence, being a reason, forming meaning of being reason, returning of verb to subject, expressing actions getting done reciprocally or together, gain a great richness to a language. Therefore, teaching of these suffixes and their functions is very important. Subject of voice structures in verbs is related to sentence, therefore attention should be paid while arranging its place in grammar subjects. It should not be forgotten that grammar complexity or difficulty of one structure should not be the only parameter in arrangement. Subject of voice in verbs is very hard subject for both foreing language learners and native language speakers. “It is the hardest phase of teaching Turkish language as a foreign language. In this respect, teacher should be very careful about teaching this subject, and with exercises, he/she should provide that students bring usage of these structures to a state of habit.” (Arslan, 2010:141). Başoğul, Can (2014) has identifined grammar mistakes in written and oral expressions made by students that come from Balkans and study Turkish in Turkey as a foreign language. Followings are exampels of voice structures mistakes made by Bosnian students: Genel tarihi okumaya başlanacaktım (başlayacaktım). (Bosna Hersek, B1) I was going to be started reading general history. (I was going to start reading general history.) Keşke onu daha önce tanışsaydım. (Bosna Hersek, B1) Keşke onu daha önce tanısaydım. (Keşke onunla daha önce tanışsaydım.) If only I known/recognized him earlier. (If only I had met him earlier.) Konuyu biraz da geniş de yapabiliriz (genişletebiliriz). (Bosna Hersek, C1) We could make the topic wider. (We could expand the topic.) (Başoğul, Can, 2004:108) As it is seen in the examples, Bosnian students have difficulties in using voices. Especially absence of causative voice in Bosnian language and fact that voices have different functions are main reasons of these mistakes. Differences of Bosnian language and Turkish language voices are given in research because of this. “Different structures of languag bring with themselves necessity of examining voice concept in verbs in a structural way.” (Onan, 2009: 249). Conclusions and Recommendations  In Turkish and Bosnian languages, voices are examined under the different terminologies.  In the Turkish language, voices are classified into two groups according to subjects and objects. In the Bosnian language types of voices are classified in only one group according to the subjects. In the Bosnian language, voices according to the objects are taking place in grammar under the “Prijelaznost / Transitivity” title as a different topic.  It Turkish language there are following types of voices: transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, active voice, passive voice, reflexivity voice, reciprocal and causative voice. In the Bosnian language there are four types of voice: active, passive, middle and reflexive. In classification, reciprocal voice takes place as a type of reflexivity voice. Except this, it is noticed that causative voice found in Turkish language, takes no place as a voice in Bosnian language but, causation is provided by different structures.  Meaning which is added to sentence by causative voice's suffixes, is most of the time expressed by using active voice in Bosnian language. Therefore, Bosnian students have difficulty while understanding this topic. In Bosnian language, causative form is being provided using verbs such as ''učiniti'' (make), ''dati'' (give), ''narediti'' (order) with the conjunction ''da'' (to).  In Turkish, structures that announce action which is being actualized on the subject without subject's will are interpreted as voice. In Turkish these are defined by ''oluş fiilleri'' (verbs that describes situations getting done without anyone’s influence and by itself over time). And in Bosnian these are named as intermediate condition.  Some of the difficulties in learning Turkish language faced by Bosnian students are due to the structural differences of two languages.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem