Öğretmenlerin öğrenci kazanımlarını gerçekleştirebilmeleri için öğretim süreci etkinliklerinde yaşadıkları sorunların farklı değişkenler açısından araştırılması ve sonuçların değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Bu araştırmanın gerçekleştirme sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunların bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmada betimsel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunda Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesinde görevli resmi ve özel okullarda görevli öğretmenler yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın verilerini toplamak amacıyla iki bölümden oluşan veri toplama aracı geliştirilmiştir. Birinci bölümünde kişisel bilgileri kapsayan cinsiyet, görev yeri, hizmet yılı, branşı ve çalıştığı kurum ile ilgili çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluşan anket yer almaktadır. İkinci bölümde ise öğretmenlerin öğretim etkinliklerini gerçekleştirme sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunlarla ilgili üç alt bölümden oluşan 30 maddelik beş seçenekli likert tipi ölçek yer almaktadır Araştırmanın bulgularına göre öğretmenlerin öğretim süreci etkinliklerini gerçekleştirmede genel olarak ara sıra sorun yaşadıkları saptanmıştır. Ancak hizmet süresi 1-10 yıl arasında olan öğretmenler öğretim sürecinin giriş etkinliklerinde, fen bilimleri alanı öğretmenler ise öğretim sürecinin sonuç etkinliklerinde sıkça sorun yaşadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca lisede görevli öğretmenlerin öğretim süreci sonuç etkinliklerinde sürekli sorun yaşadıkları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin cinsiyet, görev yeri, branş ve çalıştığı kurum ile öğretim süreciningiriş, geliştirme ve sonuç etkinliklerinde yaşadıkları sorunlar arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Ancak hizmet süresi 1-10 yıl arasında olan öğretmenlerin öğretim süreci giriş etkinliklerinde daha fazla sorun yaşadıkları sonucuna varılmıştır. Öğretim süreci etkinlikleri ile ilgili daha kapsamlı araştırmaların yapılması ve öğretim etkinlikleri ile ilgili sorun yaşayan öğretmenlerin hizmet içi eğitim ya da başka yöntemlerle yetiştirilmesi önerilir.


Teachers evaluate studentst orealize the benefits of the different variables in terms of the problems experienced in the teaching processefficiencyand the results should be evaluated. The main aim of theresearch of the problem sex perienced in theprocess of realization of theteachingactivities of teachers is analyzed in terms of somevariables. Research descriptive Method wasused. The study group of officials in Ankara Cankaya district officialsand teachers in private school sarelocated. The data consists of twoparts in ordertocollectthe data of the survey in strument was developed. Inthe firstpart of your personalin formation including gender, positions, years of service, theagency is alreadyworking on the branch and take place survey consisting of multiplechoice questions. Inthesecondpart of teachers which consists of threesub-sectionsdealingwiththe problems they en counter in thecourse of performing the irteaching activity is located 30-point likert typescale of fiveoptions. According to the findings of the survey found that experienced teachers areoccasional problems in achieving theoverall education processefficiency. However, length of service of teachers in the teaching process input events between 1-10 years, thefield of Science teachers are often theresult of activities of the teaching process, they said that they have problems. Inaddition, theresults of high school teachers in theteaching sefficacyresultswereachieved. Teachers gender, place of employment, the organization Works withindustryand thein troduction of theteaching process, development and there wasnosignificant difference between the problems experienced in theresults of theevent. However, teachers who are between 1-10 years of service time is concluded that they have more problems in the teaching processin put events. Under take more extensivere search on the effectiveness of theteaching processand inservice training of teachers who have problems with learning activities or proposed to be grownby other methods Theteacher is responsible for regulating the processes necessary for the realization of teaching and learning activities and theexecution. Thepurpose of the teacher who wantsto be successful in theprocess of teaching, learning, andcreating a suitable classroom for students tolearn and to facilitate learning by improving the teaching process. Thesuccess of the teaching process in teacher education depends on theapplication as an effectiveand planned activities. Teacher education as the most effective elements of theprocess, theorganization of teaching and learning processes necessary for the realization of theeventand is responsible for the implementation. Thepurpose of the teacher who wantsto be successful in theprocess of teaching, learning, andcreating a suitable classroom for studentst olearnandtofacilitate learning by improving the teachin gprocess. Thesuccess of theundeniable role of teacher education process. But recentre search from primary school to University officials at alllevels of education, they revealed that educators had many problems in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. Teachers evaluate student storealize the benefits of the different variables in terms of theproblemsexperienced in the teaching proces sefficiencyand the results should be evaluated. Therefore, teaching and learning process in the determination of all factors that impedesuccess in order to create a positive classroom environment and eliminating them is important. Using the professional role of teachers in the teaching process efficiency particularly effectively seen as a necessity for vocational direction. The main aim of there search of the problem sex perienced in the process of realization of thet eaching activities of teachers is analyzed in terms of some variables. Method Research descriptive method was used. The study group of officials in Ankara Cankaya district officials and teachers in private schools are located. Balgat officially Elementary school (15), middle (15) and high school (21) officerswith a total of 51 teachers in private schools in the Cankaya district boundaries as a private school consists of 284 teacher assistants. The data consists of two parts in order to collect the data of the survey in strument was developed. In the first part of your personal information including gender, positions, years of service, the agency is already working on the branch and take place survey consisting of multiple choice questions. In the second part of teachers which consists of three sub-sections dealing with the problems they encounter in the course of performing their teaching activity is located 30-point Likert-type scale of five options. Data collection for vehicle safety "Cronbach's Alpha" and revealing the structure relating to the validity (exploratory) factor analysis was conducted. Descriptive statistical Method sforassess in gindividual data (frequency and percentage) is used. T for teachers that their responses to the scale item svaries according to personalin for mationwere appliedto test andanova. Results and reviews This section is devoted to finding teachers for the problems faced in the process of performing teaching activities. The findings are analyzed and presented in accordance with the personal information of those surveyed. Interms of gender of thestudents survey edmale positions private schools in terms, which include years of service in terms of 11- 20, those in the field of Science to wards industry, working in the school towards organizations that work is seen to be more. According to the findings in performing activities of teachers in the teaching process it was found that overall experience occasional problems. However, length of service of teachers in the teaching process input events between 1-10 years, thefield of Science teachers are often the result of activities of the teaching process, they said that they have problems. Inaddition, theresults of high school teachers in the teaching processthey experience persistent problems efficacy result swere achieved. Teachers gender, place of employment, the organization Works with industryand the introduction of thet eaching process, development and the rewasnosignificant difference between the problem sex perienced in theresults of theevent. However, a sign ificant difference between the problems experienced in the teaching process, with input event swerelength of service of teachers. Teachers whoare between 1-10 years of service time is concluded that they have more problems in the teaching process input events. The entrance efficiency of theprocess of teaching teachers than male teacher sandfe male teachers, according tospecial teachers working official working teachers at theschool, teachers in the science field by the teachers in thesocial sciences, high school teachers appear to have more problems than teachers in primary education. Of the development effectiveness of the teaching process, teachers according to female teachers, maleteachers, according tospecial teachers working official working teachers at theschool, teachers in the Science fieldby the teachers in the Social sciences, high school teachers appear to have more problems than the irprimary school teacher. Theresults of activity of theteacher education process than female teachers, maleteachers, according tospecial teachers working official working teachers at theschool, teachers in the Science fieldby the teachers in the socials ciences, high school teachers appear to have more problems than the irprimary school teacher. Conclusıons And Recommendatıons As a result, teachers' teaching processfaced some problems in the stagetoperform their activities, in otherwords, teachers can not be saidto be effective in achieving an adequatelevel of teaching processefficiency. Teacher of sex, positions, there arenosignificant differences between the branchesand the problem sex perienced in theprocess of working with thein stitutions to perform their teaching activities. But the service period between 1-10 years, teachers have more problems in performing their activities according to thet eaching process, teachers withmore years of service. Entrance to the teachers teaching process based on theresults of theresearch, development and theresult is a positiveresult in terms of learning activities that they frequently or live in a constant problem. However, partly because of the problem sexperienced teachers in the teaching process is an important issue to be considered, though in terms of quality of education. Under take more extensive research on the effectiveness of the teaching processand in-service training of teachers who have problems with learning activities or proposed to be grown by other methods.
