Yeni bir dil, yeni bir hayata başlamanın ilk adımdır. Günümüzde yabancı dilin önemi arttıkça paralelinde yabancı dil öğreniminin önemi de artmış ve insanlar artık birden fazla yabancı dil öğrenme eğilimine gitmiştir. İnsanlar yabancı dil öğrenimine artık daha fazla önem vermekte ve bu uğurda ciddi çaba sarf ederek vakit harcamaktadır. Günümüzde yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi için farklı yöntemler uygulanmaktadır. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte bu öğretim artık bilgisayar ve internet üzerinden de yapılmaktadır. Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi yöntemlerinden biri de web tabanlı Türkçe öğretimi yöntemidir. Bu tür uzaktan eğitim yöntemlerinde çoğu zaman öğretmenler sınıf içi eğitimlerde olduğu kadar aktif rol alamamakta, bunun yerine bir yönlendirici kılavuz görevini görmektedirler. Hâl böyle olunca ders için hazırlanan materyalin önemi daha da artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı yabancı dil olarak web tabanlı Türkçe öğretimi için etkili eğitsel materyal hazırlamanın önemini vurgulamak ve bunun için gerekli yol haritasını sunmaktır. Bu çalışmada etkili eğitsel materyal hazırlamanın yol haritası süreç başında yapılması gereken işlemler, süreç içinde yapılması gereken işlemler ve süreç sonunda yapılması gereken işlemler olmak üzere birbirini takip eden üç alt süreç olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında; yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi, web tabanlı Türkçe öğretimi, web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimde öğretim materyali ve etkili eğitsel materyal hazırlamanın yol haritası anlatılmıştır


A new language is the first step to start a new life. In present, the importance of foreign language learning has increased in parallel with increasing the importance of foreign language and people have tended to learn more than one foreign language. People now give more attention to foreign language learning and they spend their time for this cause by expending considerable effort. In present, different methods for teaching Turkish as a foreign language are applied. With the developing technology, this teaching is now done on the computer and the internet. One of the Turkish teaching methods as a foreign language is the webbased Turkish teaching method. In such methods of distance education, teachers most of the time cannot take an active role as well as they do in classroom education but instead of this, they perform a guide task. For this reason, the importance of the material that is prepared for the course is further increased. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of the preparation of effective educational material for webbased Turkish teaching as a foreign language and to provide the necessary road map for that. In this study, the road map of the preparation of effective educational material is handled as consecutive three sub-processes, which are operations that should be done at the beginning of the process, operations that should be done in the process and operations that should be done at the end of the process. In the coverage of this study, Turkish teaching as a foreign language, web-based Turkish teaching, educational material in web-based distance education and the road map of the preparation of effective educational material are explained A new language is the first step to start a new life. In present, the importance of foreign language learning has increased in parallel with increasing the importance of foreign language and people have tended to learn more than one foreign language. People now give more attention to foreign language learning and they spend their time for this cause by expending considerable effort. Turkish has the feature of being the fifth most widely spoken language on the world (Sabah, n.d.). Without doubt, one reason for Turkish to take place so much in the up on the most widely spoken languages list on the world is for Turkish to be learned as a foreign language by citizens of different countries. In present, different methods for teaching Turkish as a foreign language are applied. With the developing technology, this teaching is now done on the computer and the internet. In our world, some important developments of late years in the technology, computer and internet sectors have caused many innovations and convenience in education field as in many fields. One of the Turkish teaching methods as a foreign language is the web-based Turkish teaching method. In such methods of distance education, teachers most of the time cannot take an active role as well as they do in classroom education but instead of this, they perform a guide task. For this reason, the importance of the material that is prepared for the course is further increased. Teacher, student and material interaction in classic methods such as classroom lessons has most of the time given place to student and material interaction in web-based distance education. While preparing materials in language teaching, materials should be enriched by giving place to multimedia elements such as image, audio and so on instead of text because the more effective and efficient materials are, the easier learning is. The materials that are prepared for foreign language teaching should address to the four basic skills including reading, writing, listening and speaking and should meet their requirements. Educational materials can be prepared either by one person at the simple level or by a team including proofreader, instructional technologist, interactive media designer, visual designer, illustrator and programmer each having experience in their field at the professional level. Educational materials can be either in printed format as a book or in digital form that is equipped some elements such as image, audio and so on. The road map of the preparation of educational material can be examined generally in consecutive three sub-processes, which are operations that should be done at the beginning of the process, operations that should be done in the process and operations that should be done at the end of the process. Operations that should be done at the beginning of the process As a first step at the beginning of the process, a production plan (a project plan) should be made. In this stage, a work schedule should be established for production by considering the time. This work schedule should include workflows and workload. While making the production plan, possible risks that may occur during the production should be predicted and precautions should be taken to these risks. As a second step, hardware and software requirements that may be needed during the production and at the end of the production by considering the scope of the work should be provided. As a third step, communication among the team members who will do the production should be organized and task sharing in the team should be made. As a fourth step, an analysis of the target group who will use the material should be made. In this analysis, some important criterions such as their age, education level, computer usage skill and so on should be evaluated. Operations that should be done in the process As a first step in the process, the fact that in terms of which instructional design model will the material be developed should be decided. Instructional design models such as ASSURE, ADDIE and so on help a material to be developed systematically. As a second step, goals and objectives should be determined for the material. Goals and objectives should be clear and understandable by all. As a third step, source documents (such as book, presentation, lecture note and so on) for the material should be taken and they should be examined deeply. One should be sure that the content of the source documents is up to date, adequate and explanatory. As a fourth step, scenarios should be prepared for the material. If needed, subject matter expert should be consulted and pedagogue’s support should be taken in terms of the target group. While preparing scenarios, from different media elements (such as text, image, sound, illustration, animation, 3 dimension animation, simulation, video and so on) and from interactive applications (such as drag-drop, read and write, listen and read, interactive gallery, puzzle, game and so on) should be benefited. After finishing preparing scenarios, confirmation should be received from subject matter expert. As a fifth step, prepared scenarios should be proofread. As a sixth step, sketch studies of scenarios should be made. A design guide should be created. Storyboards of scenarios should be prepared. Wireframes should be prepared. As a seventh step, software coding should be made. Operations that should be done at the end of the process As a first step at the end of the process, a produced material should be tested. In this step, one should be sure that all objects in the material are displayed properly and all connections in the material are working properly. In addition to this, the material should be tested in terms of visual quality, resolution and readability. The material should be tested in different devices (such as computer, tablet, smart phone and so on) and if it is used via internet, it should be tested in different explorers (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and soon) and in different operating systems (such as Windows, Mac and so on). As a second step, the material should be subjected to user testing. The material should be tested by students in the target group. If needed, some corrections should be made. As a third step, if possible, the material should be tested with the help of some professional devices such as eye tracking device. As a fourth step, the material should be packaged in accordance with SCORM if it is used via a learning management system (LMS). Result In our country, the web-based distance education method is used in Turkish teaching. “The element that provides the most significant contribution to the realization of the teaching-learning process is teaching material.” (Çelik, 2012: 30). According to Avcı (2013), it is a basic procedure to use material in teaching to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. Facilities that are brought by instructional technology should be reflected to educational materials because according to Mazgon and Stefanc (2012), a key component of educational technology is educational materials. Providing books, presentations or lecture notes as source material to students plays absolutely a role in their learning but it is not enough to meet their needs in learning – especially their needs in foreign language learning. Therefore, in this study, the importance of educational material is emphasized and a road map about how effective educational material will be prepared is explained. In this road map, the fact that which steps should be taken where in the material preparation process is expressed. Lastly, an effective material provides the following benefits to students:  It facilitates instruction.  It helps permanent learning.  It provides an understanding of concrete and difficult topics.  It focuses student’s interest and attention to topic.  It saves time.  Its usage and consumption are easy
