0,05. The mean scores of female students (70,91) and male students (73,14) were close to each other. For the whole scale, the students' attitudes towards reading e-books significantly differed base on the preference variable, t(1189)=4,48, p<0,05. The mean scores of the students preferring e-books in their free time (75,19) were higher than those of preferring printed books (70,96). For the whole scale, there was a significant difference in the students' attitudes towards reading e-books based on the grade level variable, t(1189)=2,05, p<0,05. 11th graders' mean scores (74,05) were higher than 10th graders (72,10) to reveal a significant difference. For the whole scale, no significant difference was revealed between the groups having and not having computer training in terms of their attitudes towards reading e-books, t(1189)=,026, p>0,05. The attitudes of both groups show similarities. Examining can be seen that there was a significant difference between the city variable and the attitudes towards reading e-books. While there was a difference between Hatay and Samsun, and between Kayseri and Rize, there was a significant difference; between Ankara and Samsun, Rize, between Diyarbakır and Samsun, Rize; and between Mersin and Samsun, Rize. Results and Discussion: According to the results of the study, there was no significant difference found between female and male students' attitudes towards reading e-books in the whole scale and the sub-dimensions. In other words, the gender variable did not affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. It can be argued that female and male students had similar attitudes. However, there was a significant difference between students' preferences of reading e-books or printed books in their free time. It was found that for both the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, the students preferring reading e-books in their free time had more positive attitudes. Expectedly, the students reporting that they prefer reading e-books in their free time would benefit more from the use and easiness of e-books. Consequently, this situation can enable them to develop a positive attitude towards the process of reading e-books. For the whole scale and the differences sub-dimension, a significant difference was revealed between 10th and 11th graders in their attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of 11th graders were more positive than those of 10th graders. Considering the 11th graders had their tablet computers since 9th grade and used them in classes, these students can be accepted as more experienced in using ebooks. This experience can be argued to be effective in developing positive attitudes towards e-books. As for the computer training variable, considering the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, there was no significant difference between the two groups. In other words, those having or not having computer training had similar attitudes towards reading e-books. When the cities where the students lives were considered, the city variable was found to affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of the students living in Hatay, Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Mersin were more positive than those living in other cities. Differences were found between Hatay and Samsun, and betweenKayseri and Rize. Studies should be conducted to examine whether reading e-books affects the attitudes towards reading at every step of the education. Students should be trained on reading e-books. The effect of e-books on reading comprehension should be investigated. The reasons for preferring e-books and printed books in developing cities should be examined, and if possible, training seminars on the e-book reading process should be organized in these cities."> [PDF] ORTA ÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN E-KİTAP OKUMAYA İLİŞKİN TUTUMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ | [PDF] EXAMINING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS READING E-BOOKS 0,05. The mean scores of female students (70,91) and male students (73,14) were close to each other. For the whole scale, the students' attitudes towards reading e-books significantly differed base on the preference variable, t(1189)=4,48, p<0,05. The mean scores of the students preferring e-books in their free time (75,19) were higher than those of preferring printed books (70,96). For the whole scale, there was a significant difference in the students' attitudes towards reading e-books based on the grade level variable, t(1189)=2,05, p<0,05. 11th graders' mean scores (74,05) were higher than 10th graders (72,10) to reveal a significant difference. For the whole scale, no significant difference was revealed between the groups having and not having computer training in terms of their attitudes towards reading e-books, t(1189)=,026, p>0,05. The attitudes of both groups show similarities. Examining can be seen that there was a significant difference between the city variable and the attitudes towards reading e-books. While there was a difference between Hatay and Samsun, and between Kayseri and Rize, there was a significant difference; between Ankara and Samsun, Rize, between Diyarbakır and Samsun, Rize; and between Mersin and Samsun, Rize. Results and Discussion: According to the results of the study, there was no significant difference found between female and male students' attitudes towards reading e-books in the whole scale and the sub-dimensions. In other words, the gender variable did not affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. It can be argued that female and male students had similar attitudes. However, there was a significant difference between students' preferences of reading e-books or printed books in their free time. It was found that for both the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, the students preferring reading e-books in their free time had more positive attitudes. Expectedly, the students reporting that they prefer reading e-books in their free time would benefit more from the use and easiness of e-books. Consequently, this situation can enable them to develop a positive attitude towards the process of reading e-books. For the whole scale and the differences sub-dimension, a significant difference was revealed between 10th and 11th graders in their attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of 11th graders were more positive than those of 10th graders. Considering the 11th graders had their tablet computers since 9th grade and used them in classes, these students can be accepted as more experienced in using ebooks. This experience can be argued to be effective in developing positive attitudes towards e-books. As for the computer training variable, considering the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, there was no significant difference between the two groups. In other words, those having or not having computer training had similar attitudes towards reading e-books. When the cities where the students lives were considered, the city variable was found to affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of the students living in Hatay, Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Mersin were more positive than those living in other cities. Differences were found between Hatay and Samsun, and betweenKayseri and Rize. Studies should be conducted to examine whether reading e-books affects the attitudes towards reading at every step of the education. Students should be trained on reading e-books. The effect of e-books on reading comprehension should be investigated. The reasons for preferring e-books and printed books in developing cities should be examined, and if possible, training seminars on the e-book reading process should be organized in these cities.">


Bilgi ve teknoloji çağı denilen günümüzde pek çok bilgi artık bilgisayar ortamında üretilmekte ve saklanmaktadır. Özellikle de son yıllarda e-kitapların çıkması ve yaygınlaşması bu alanda çalışmalar yapılmasını gerekli kılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı 10. ve 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin e-kitap okumaya yönelik tutumlarını bazı değişkenler açısından değerlendirmektir. Verilerin elde edilmesinde araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen E-Kitap Okumaya İlişkin Tutum Ölçeği (EKOT) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin birinci alt boyutu olan "olumlu özellikler" 17 maddeden, ikinci alt boyutu olan "farklılıklar" ise 9 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma desenlerinden "tarama (survey) araştırması" tercih edilmiştir. Ölçeğin uygulaması Fatih projesi kapsamındaki 8 ilde (Ankara, İzmir, Hatay, Samsun, Mersin, Kayseri, Rize, Diyarbakır), 10. ve 11. Sınıflarda, 1191 öğrenci (Kız=623; Erkek=568) ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın Alpha güvenirlik katsayısı 0,93'tür. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre: Ölçeğin tümünde ve alt boyutlarında kız öğrenciler ile erkek öğrencilerin e-kitap okumaya ilişkin tutumları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Başka bir deyişle cinsiyet değişkeni e-kitap okumaya yönelik tutumu etkilememektedir. Öğrencilerin serbest okuma zamanlarında e-kitap tercih etme ya da basılı kitap tercih etme durumları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin tümü ile farklılıklar alt boyutlarında 10. ve 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin e-kitap okumaya yönelik tutumlarında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. E-kitap okumaya yönelik olarak 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin tutumları 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin tutumlarından daha olumludur. İl değişkenine göre yapılan değerlendirmede Hatay, Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır ve Mersin'de yaşayan öğrenciler lehine anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmiştir. E-kitap okumanın oldukça yeni olduğu ülkemizde eğitimin her kademesinde ekitap okumanın okumaya yönelik tutumu etkileyip etkilemediğine ilişkin araştırmalar yapılması alan yazına katkı sağlayacaktır


Statement of the Problem: Education is composed of two primary elements. These are teaching and learning. Throughout the history, the teaching dimension has always been emphasized. However, the education of today is heading to learning. This situation causes significant changes in educational approaches and methods. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study was to examine 10th and 11th grade high school students' attitudes related to reading ebooks based on certain variables. The following research question was identified for this study: Do 10th and 11th graders' attitudes towards reading e-books differ based on; a. Gender, b. Preference of e-books or printed books in their free time, c. Grade level, d. Status of receiving computer training, e. Cities they lived. Method: Since this study aimed to examined 10th and 11th graders' attitudes towards reading e-books, survey design that is one of the quantitative research designs was employed (Büyüköztürk, Kılıç Çakmak, Akgün, Karadeniz ve Demirel, 2012; Ekiz, 2009). Population and Sample: 8 cities were randomly selected among these cities, and the scales were administered in two or three high schools of each city. The cities constituting the sample are as follows: Ankara, İzmir, Hatay, Samsun, Mersin, Kayseri, Rize, Diyarbakır. The scale was administered to 10th and 11th graders who were thought to have an experience with reading e-books in the spring terms of 2013- 2014 school year. 9th graders who just started using tablet computers were left out from the sample. The study was conducted with 1191 students (Female=623, Male=568) in 24 high schools and 8 cities. Data Gathering Tool: In this study, "Scale of Attitudes towards Reading E-Books (SATRE)" developed by the researchers was used as the data gathering tool. As there were 17 items in the "Positive features" sub-dimension, the "differences" sub-dimension contained 9 items. The factor loadings of the items in factor 1 ranged between 0,76 and 0,53 (Alpha=0,85). The factor loadings of the items in factor 2 ranged from 0,72 to 0,58 (Alpha=0,78). In the pilot study, the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was 0,91 while it was 0,93 in this study. Findings: In the whole scale, 10th and 11th graders' attitudes towards reading e-books did not show a significant difference based on the gender variable, t(1189)=0,24, p>0,05. The mean scores of female students (70,91) and male students (73,14) were close to each other. For the whole scale, the students' attitudes towards reading e-books significantly differed base on the preference variable, t(1189)=4,48, p0,05. The attitudes of both groups show similarities. Examining can be seen that there was a significant difference between the city variable and the attitudes towards reading e-books. While there was a difference between Hatay and Samsun, and between Kayseri and Rize, there was a significant difference; between Ankara and Samsun, Rize, between Diyarbakır and Samsun, Rize; and between Mersin and Samsun, Rize. Results and Discussion: According to the results of the study, there was no significant difference found between female and male students' attitudes towards reading e-books in the whole scale and the sub-dimensions. In other words, the gender variable did not affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. It can be argued that female and male students had similar attitudes. However, there was a significant difference between students' preferences of reading e-books or printed books in their free time. It was found that for both the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, the students preferring reading e-books in their free time had more positive attitudes. Expectedly, the students reporting that they prefer reading e-books in their free time would benefit more from the use and easiness of e-books. Consequently, this situation can enable them to develop a positive attitude towards the process of reading e-books. For the whole scale and the differences sub-dimension, a significant difference was revealed between 10th and 11th graders in their attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of 11th graders were more positive than those of 10th graders. Considering the 11th graders had their tablet computers since 9th grade and used them in classes, these students can be accepted as more experienced in using ebooks. This experience can be argued to be effective in developing positive attitudes towards e-books. As for the computer training variable, considering the whole scale and the sub-dimensions, there was no significant difference between the two groups. In other words, those having or not having computer training had similar attitudes towards reading e-books. When the cities where the students lives were considered, the city variable was found to affect the attitudes towards reading e-books. The attitudes of the students living in Hatay, Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Mersin were more positive than those living in other cities. Differences were found between Hatay and Samsun, and betweenKayseri and Rize. Studies should be conducted to examine whether reading e-books affects the attitudes towards reading at every step of the education. Students should be trained on reading e-books. The effect of e-books on reading comprehension should be investigated. The reasons for preferring e-books and printed books in developing cities should be examined, and if possible, training seminars on the e-book reading process should be organized in these cities.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem