Örgütsel yaşamın vazgeçilmezi olan faklı bakış, farklı düşünce biçimi ve bundan kaynaklanan bir kısım anlaşmazlıklar bireyler arası çatışmaya neden olmaktadır. Mobbing insanlık tarihi kadar eski olmasına rağmen, negatif etkileri bilinmekle beraber tanımlanamamış bir kavramdır. Dünyada 20 yy'ın ortalarında bu kavramın örgütsel verimliliğin önünde bir engel olduğu fark edilmiştir. Mobbing İnsanlık var olduğu süre boyunca da var olmaya devam edecektir. Ancak örgütlerin vizyon ve misyonlarını sağlıklı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilebilmesi için mutlaka bir kısım tedbirlerin alınması gerekir. Bireylerin bu durum karşısında en az etkileneceği bir şekilde örgütsel yaşam planlanmalıdır. İster özel kurumlarda isterse kamu kurumlarında her bireyin az ya da çok yaşadığı ve bireyler için hayatı çekilmez kılmaktadır. Çoğu zaman bireyler iş yerlerinde ağır hakaretlere veya aşağılanmalara maruz kalmaktadır. Bazen de yöneticiler tarafından üstesinden gelinemeyecek kadar iş yükleriyle mobbing kendisini göstermektedir. Sonuçta birey hem ruhsal hem de fiziksel bir takım çöküntüler yaşamaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda Zonguldak ili Ereğli ilçe merkezinde görev yapan rasgele seçilmiş 10 ilköğretim sınıf öğretmeninin mobbing algısı konusunda karşılaştıkları problemler konusundaki görüşleri, ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma nitel bir çalışmadır. Sosyal bilimlerdeki bir kısım olguların tutumların derinlemesine ortaya çıkartılabilmesi için görüşme tekniğinden yararlanılmış ve açık uçlu 3 adet soru yöneltilmiştir. Çalışmamızda öğretmenlerin kimlerle psikolojik taciz yaşadıkları, bu durum karşısında nasıl tavır aldıkları, böyle problemlerle nasıl baş edilmesi gerektiği konusundaki görüşleri ve son olarak ise psikolojik tacize maruz kalan birey için genel tavsiyelere gidilmiştir


Which is indispensable for the organizational life of the different glance, different thought and the resulting disputes between individuals are to be cause of conflict. Despite a mobbing is as old as humanity, but undefined a concept known negative effects. Earth in the 20th century in the middle of this concept that the difference has been an obstacle in front of the organizational efficiency. Mobbing has humanity that will continue to exist throughout time. However, the vision and mission of the organization in order to carry on the healthy way must necessarily be taken in a short measures. At least be affected in this case against the individuals must be planned in a way organizational life. In public institutions or private institutions if it wants more or less alive in every individual and make life unbearable for individuals. Most of the time, individuals are subjected to heavy insults or humiliation in the workplace. Mobbing shows itself sometimes by administrators to overcome with workloads too. Ultimately the individual team is experiencing both a mental and physical depressions.In this study, Zonguldak in Eregli views on the problems they encounter in working in the central province of 10 randomly selected elementary classes when teachers have tried to adress the perception of mobbing. This work is a qualitative study. The in-depth interview technique can be used more uncovered cases of attitudes in social sciences and asked 3 questions. In our study, those teachers with whom we live harassment, how do we receive in attitude in the face of this situation, if necessary to press on with the problems of how the interview and finally to individuals exposed to psychological harassment to go on the general advice Working life in the mobbing concept, individuals in the workplace superiors, who work on an equal footing or subordinates treat all kind of applied my systematic way by threats, violence, meaning expressing behavior as insults are inside .(Tınaz, 2006).Infact, the concept of mobbing is not only a concept of the 19 th century. It began with the first man and the first prophet Adam in children of Cain and Abel can.One of the brothers were massacred because the others face out of jealousy.This behavior is there in man’s nature .(Qur’an Mailer 5/27-31).The most common definition of one or more of the other by one or more people, as regular and long term, is to be exposed to hurtful behavior from emotional way.Hostile and moral call to the destination chosen by the person or people practices are.Mobbing to the person or persons who have suffered in consequence of letting the organization remains vulnerable and can not get help (Leymann, 1996).Heinz Leymann, has defined behavior in five different groups .These (Temizel, 2013:320); 1.Group: Show İtself Affect The Formation And Communication 2.Group: Social Relation Attack Behaviours 3.Group: Reputation Of The Offensive Behavior 4.Group: Quality Of Life And Professional Situation To Attack Behavior 5.Group: Offensive Behavior Directly To Health Some organizational and administrative reasons emerges as a cause of mobbing. They include the areas to be used as a tool for discipline and efficiency increasing, organization communication was weak occur, hierarchical structure lack of understanding of the work team, management deficiencies, weakness of the leadership styles of admin, one of the accusation and social habits in order to find the guilty can be shown (Tınaz, 2006:115-116).In this case, the organization is on the weak and the communication was going to do the work of an individual is due to be undefined. In the working environment superiors and subordinates, or subordinates and superiors mobbing apply to vertical (hierarchical) of mobbing, which are equal in status between horizontal mobbing ( functional) is called mobbing (Tarık, 2005: 6- 7).Vertical mobbing behavior of individuals in the event of a threat is detected. On the basis of political disagreements of this type of behavior, follower favour or experience differences lie .If the horizontal mobbing cases are caused by individuals who share the same environment of competition and jealousy they had done together.Mobbing behavior in itself disturbing rate earned on my show and spiral of events, an intentional process which consists of the various stages .This process of recognition of the symptoms is of great importance, pointing to mobbing on.(Tınaz, 2006) This process is described as mobbing behavioral and phychological symptoms. Mobbing to persons with targets, mostly with outstanding Professional features, high levels of competence, creative, honest and hardworking are the successful one. Characteristics of these people may bother same of them would be on the top and lightning can cause (Baltaş, 2003).Although according to the victims of mobbing damage in order to been performed, it is not only affected by it. Of course he is the most damaged but mobbing from the organization, society and victims of the country’s economy is affected her family. The aim of this study elementary classroom teachers' mobbing (psychological harassment) on the perception of the event you use and exposure methods, strike an attitude reveal their proposals in this regard. Elementary classroom teachers' gender, seniority variable, age, educational status and environmental factors reveal them by taking their eyes to them. Teacher is to provide for those that have knowledge about psychological harassment by creating awereness about the undersirable behavior of which behavior. Due to the adverse effects of organizational efficiency in education is practiced according to those of you in the media over what is tried to demonstrate the affects of psychological harassment in the level. Elemantary classroom teachers' training institutions also runnig in an individual's moral and psychalogical harassment versus what degree influenced their motivation is different by considering that the studies carried out so far has tried to get a perspective. Nobody particularly bullying in our organization, we could call the characteristics of the exposed victims, awareness had been created to issue the termination and have the shape of the emergence process individually, recommendations were made on the need to do what classroom teachers. İn our study with whom psychological harassment of their lives of teachers, this is how on the opposite attitude they receive are about reading needs to be tackled how with such problems on the opinions and finally were made to the general advice for individuals exposed to psychological harassment. They said most research to colleagues who did have subsequently during mobbing by the school principals and vice principals that they have suffered. They are insufficient for professional practitioners at the point of mobbing reported consensus. Teachers on ways to hide solution used against psychological harassment, obedience, oppose social support, get the help of experts, asking determination, apply to top institutions have stated that communication is cut common opinions .Some of the teachers who participed research from time to time against psychological harassment stated that they use multiple solution paths.The class teacher who have suffered psychological harassment they use solution paths have been evaluated according to gender.Elemantary class teachers' awareness raising for the prevention of psychological harassment, contact the senior set up an open communication against mobbing enforcement, reviewing the administrator to specify criteria that changed the culture of the dominant atmosphere of wrong thinking, social skills developer activities are not open to( make good business) to blame himself from psychological harassment, have reported similar opinions as to exaggerate the need praised the trophies.In this study class teachers' suggestions were analyzed according to gender against psychological harassment. Method İn this study, scientists used the pattern of cases of qualitative research methods. Often reveal individual perception or perspective on a specific case study and is intended to be reviewed in case science.( Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005).Science or detects cases phenomenon called phenomenological models in science, aims to intuit see the essence of phenomena, such as focusing on feelings. This research has to express the emotional logistics of teachers in-depth psychalogical harassment against existing feelings to reveal how they felt interview benefiting from technical, elemantary classroom teachers' views on mobbing based on the Subject content analysis was performed. Discussion and Conclusions Research results must get down to at least be impressed with the suggestions made in all areas of screening and teacher opinions of logical harassment in considering the Impact of teachers in educational institutions was received. * Psychological harassment mobbing that implements the bully's behavior and must tell if necessary to finish it. This case shows the exposed person is conscious that in this matter. At the same time, this behavior does not finish in the top institutions must say * The mission of the institutions, must be very careful to overtime, should not open. * Must detach itself from the social environment, must continuously improve the Communication environment. * Mobbing illegal events must write to the finest detail, should keep notes. * İllegal status on psychological harassment should share that intimate with anyone. * He must try to do business in the best way, He should always struggled to improve itself. * Subjected to psychological harassment must be made reasonably priced compared to the period of exercise in relieving himself. * He lived that should not blame himself from psychological harassment. * Communication with the environment should be open, should abstraction around himself. * İt should take the necessary assertiveness training. * Positive dependence between teachers and administrators in schools should be increased in terms of enhancing the quality and quantity of social activities. * Prevailing in the school environment " snake thousand thumbs touching me" Culture where the "today you, tomorrow me" culture of seminars given in schools to take on the issue, the number of the called Communication specialists should be increased. * Awareness on the subject of teachers, should be increased to reduce the risk factors and psychological endurance enhancer of preventive services for school guidance counselors must be activated. * Lived related to psychological harassment of all negative should inform senior management. * Psychological harassment adversely affected the individual spiritual psychologist or psychiatrist should refer to a specialist support. * Legal areas should be explored. * Overbearing personality features improved analysis and strategies must be developed accordingly. * TCK 216 under article should apply to Judicial and administrative means. * İf all this way to get a result from changing the institutions where they should contact their way.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem