Bu çalışma "modernizm kavramını ortaya koymak, farklı disiplinlerce modernizmin nasıl algılandığını ifade etmek ve nihayetinde öğretmen adaylarının modernizm ile ilgili kullandıkları metaforları tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, "modernizm" gibi pek çok disiplin içerisinde yer alan kavramın, yeni nesilleri yetiştirecek öğretmen adayları tarafından ne kadar bilindiğini ortaya koyması ve öğretmen adaylarının modernizm ile ilgili neler düşündüklerini belirlemesi bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Çalışmanın araştırma grubunu 2016-2017 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz döneminde Gazi Üniversitesi Türkçe Öğretmenliği bölümünde öğrenim gören 150 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanma sürecinde her öğrenciden "Modernizm nedir? sorusuna tek kelimelik yanıtlar vermeleri ve ikinci basamak olarak "Modernizm ... gibidir; çünkü ... " cümlesi yöneltilmiş ve öğrencilerin boşlukları doldurması istenmiştir. Araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının "modernizm" kavramına ilişkin sahip oldukları metaforlar nelerdir?", "Öğretmen adaylarının "modernizm" kavramına ilişkin sahip oldukları metaforlar hangi kavramsal kategoriler altında toplanabilir?" sorularına yanıt aranmıştır. Yanıtlar çerçevesinde metaforlar "Çağdaşlıkla ilgili metaforlar" " Olumsuz duygular uyandıran metaforlar" ve "Sanat ile ilgili metaforlar" olmak üzere üç kategoride toplanmıştır. İkinci basamakta verilen cümle doldurmada ise metaforlar; "Çağa ayak uydurma" "Teknoloji" "Akıllı telefon" "Son model araba" "Gelenek dışı" "Kadın" "Özenti bir insan" olmak üzere yedi kategori halinde sunulmuş ve sonuçlar analiz edilmiştir


This study has been made in order to introduce the concept of modernism, to denote how it is perceived by various disciplines, and finally, to find out what metaphors regarding modernism are used by Turkish language teacher candidates. The study carries importance in its attempt to determine how familiar the teacher candidates are with this concept, as the individuals who are going to raise the future generations, and what they conceive of Modernism, a concept that takes part in several disciplines. The research group of the study consists of 150 teacher candidates who have attended the department of Turkish Language Teaching during the Autumn semester of the 2016-2017 educational year. To collect the data, the students have been asked the question “What is Modernism?” and expected to give a single answer to it; at the second stage, they have been given the statement beginning as “Modernism is like…because….” and expected to fill in the blanks. The research has sought to expose what metaphors they relate to the concept of “modernism,” and under what conceptual categories the metaphors of the teacher candidates can be collected. Within the frame of the anwers provided, the metaphors have been presented under three categories: “metaphors related to contemporary life,” “metaphors that invoke negative emotions,” and “art-related metaphors.” In the second stage, which requires the incomplete sentence to be fulfiled, the metaphors have been charted out under seven categories as follows and analysed accordingly: “Keeping up with the contemporary age,” “Technology,” “Smart Phones,” “Top Model Cars,” “The NonTraditional,” Women,” and “Wannabe.” This study was done to elucidate the concept of modernism, state how it is perceived by different disciplines and finally to express the metaphors teacher candidates use for the concept of modernism. The study matters to show how such a concept of modernism, as it is in plenty of disciplines, is perceived by teacher candidates who will raise new generations and to identify what do the teacher candidates think about modernism. Method of the Study This study utilized pattern of phenomenology. Phenomenology pattern focuses on phenomenon in which we know exist yet we do not in detail. Phenomenon can confront individuals in various ways such as events that happen in the world, experiences, concepts, perceptions and tendencies. Ergo; purpose of the phenomenological research is to reveal the concepts regarding to a phenomenon; experiences, perceptions and meaning these subjects has in individuals, and in groups. (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005). Study Group Study group consisted of 150 teacher candidates who studied in Gazi university Turkish Language Department between 2016-2017 autumn period. The reason why study group consisted of Turkish language teacher candidates was to reveal how language teachers (Turkish language teachers) describes the links between the concept of modernism to language and literature. Data Collection Application of the research was done with the help and permission of the lecturer of the class and researcher. At the outset of the application, Turkish language teacher candidates were informed about the metaphor technique. To determine the metaphors regarding to modernism in teacher candidates, interview technique was used. Main source of data in phenomenological research is the interview technique. Interviews can be made in groups and/or individually (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005). To determine which data gathering technique to use to collect opinions of the Turkish language teachers; an expert who had finished their postgraduate studies and who had done studies about metaphors before was consulted. Accordingly; firstly, the students were asked to give a oneword answer to the question ‘What is modernism?’ and then they were asked to fill in the sentence ‘Metaphor is .........., because...........’. Students were given 60 minutes to complete the applications. Data from students were collected this way. Analysis of the Data In phenomenological research method; data analysis, description and explanation of the experiences is done to reveal the meanings with the help of themes. For this purpose; with the content analysis data is conceptualized and themes that could define the phenomenon are revealed. Within the framework of the themes findings are explained and interpreted (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005). At the end of the research metaphors determined by the teacher candidates were tabulated by the results of content analysis; then, frequency values of the categories were calculated and the results were tabulated. Categorization was firstly done by the researcher, following that, an expert who had completed their postgraduate in Turkish language education was asked to categorize the answers. Both the expert’s and the researcher’s analyses were crosschecked to form the final categories and the results were tabulated. Also in the tables example sentences from the data was given place. Findings and Comments In the first step of the study, participants were asked the question ‘What is modernism?’ and teacher candidates were asked to give their definitions with either a single word or with word groups. Answers given by the teacher candidates were firstly categorized by specific to the general. The most frequent metaphors related to the concept of modernism by the teacher candidates were designated to be: ‘contemporary/avantgarde’ (n=65), ‘not traditional’ (n=54), ‘new’ (n=50), ‘postmodernism’ (n=45), ‘fashion’ (n=30), ‘literature’ (n=25). The least frequent metaphors related to the concept were designated to be: ‘convenience’ (n=1), ‘most advanced’ (n=2), ‘aesthetic’ (n=3), ‘laundry machine’ (n=3). One teacher candidate drew attention to the fact that the word is not Turkish instead of defining modernism. The answers completing the ‘Modernism is like ...........; because ...........’ sentence given by the candidate teachers were tabulated in seven categories; as seen in Table 3. Amongst the categories the most frequent and basic sentence was revealed to be ‘Modernism is modernizing, contemporaneousness.’ and then descriptions about modernization were given. In the categories of modernism ‘latest model car’ and ‘smartphone’ were to be examined in the technology category but they were examined separately. This was done because participant used specific private definitions and metaphors about ‘smartphone’ and ‘latest model car’ in the second step. Discussion and Result The most frequent metaphors related to modernism revealed to be ‘contemporary’ and ‘not traditional’. It is seen that these two concepts are opposite/anti- of each other. Since to reveal the metaphors connotation techniques were used and connotation techniques are based on the relationship between ‘similarity, opposition’ (Buzan, 2014), it was an expected situation to see the most frequent answers given to the ‘modernism’ was correlated on similarity (contemporary), (new) and it’s opposite (traditional – non-traditional). In this case the views of teacher candidates about ‘modernism’, were categorized in different apices such as good/bad and right/wrong. The opposite of the concept of ‘modernism’ seen in the course contents that Turkish language teachers take such as New Turkish Literature, Literary Types and World Literature (http://gbp.gazi.edu.tr/) in literary terms is postmodernism. Ergo, to see ‘postmodernism’ related concepts one of the most frequent answers amongst ‘modernism’ in the perception worlds of the Turkish language teacher candidates could be explained this way. Definition of ‘Modernism is not a Turkish originated word.’ was not included in the process of categorizing. It must be taken account that occurrence of this metaphor could be because of the participant being a Turkish language teacher candidate and may have adopted nationalism in language principle. It is intriguing to find that metaphors are gathered under three categories and that these categories are mostly related to ‘modernity’ and ‘negative feelings’. Negative feelings towards modernism are derived from metaphors like loss of culture, values and labour. This is originated from the population growth in 21. century, globalization of earth and replacement of nationalism with a more global opinion. Metaphors that awakens negative feelings and the surpassing of metaphors related to ‘modernism’ to the metaphors related to ‘art’ in number can be explained by Turkish language teacher candidates seeing the concept of ‘modernism’ as an up-to-date term rather than a literary term. When the 7 categories formed up from the results of the word competition was examined, modernism was revealed to be mostly linked with modernity. It was seen that modernism was considered as an up-todate term rather than a literary or an artistic one. In the categories ‘latest model car’ and ‘smartphone’ was examined separately instead of examining in the same ‘technology’ category. This was done because in present day technology using smartphones and motorized vehicles are very popular. According to the data of Turkish Statistical Institute from April 2016; %96,9 households had either a phone or a smartphone and %25,6 of the households had a land line connection (http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=217779). This data is enough to explain the emphasis on cell phone in the concept of modernism. Turkey being populated by 78.741.053 individuals and 20.887.427 of these individuals having a motorized vehicle (about one of every four person), (http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist) can have a role in explaining why ‘latest model car’ metaphor is related to the concept of modernism in these individual’s perspective of life. In other words, it was concluded that individual’s pursuits and desires effects how they define their environment and the universe. Opinions of viewing modernism as a wannabe individual and as a woman are amongst the least frequent categories. For this reason, before making a scientific generalisation, categories were interpreted as a reflection of individual’s unique private life for metaphors are incarnated based on connotations in their private lives and individuals live on with their own unique experiences and system of thoughts. This study matters to perceive modernism through Turkish language teacher’s perception world and to understand the viewpoints of minds who will raise the future. Based on the data from this research, it is recommended and found beneficial to introduce this study with a widened the scope of findings like; to what extent teachers know about such an interdisciplinary concept as modernism and what are the teacher’s perception of metaphors, to the world of science.
