Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Türk Tarihine önem veren bir liderdi. Türk Milleti'ne milli benliğini kazandırmak düşüncesiyle 2 Temmuz 1932 ve 20 Eylül 1937'de iki kez Türk Tarih Kongresi düzenletmiş; bu toplantılara çok sayıda Batılı bilim adamını davet ettirmiştir. İstanbul'da Dolmabahçe Sarayında düzenlenen II. Türk Tarih Kongresi'ne Türkler dışında on üç yabancı ülkeden tarih alanında tanınmış bilim adamı katılmıştır. Bunlardan biri de Bosnalı Oryantalist Prof. Dr. Fehim Bayraktareviç'tir. Her iki Kongre'yi dikkatle dinleyen Atatürk, burada alınan kararlar doğrultusunda ders kitapları yazılmasını emretmiş; yeni kurduğu devlete çağdaş anlayış kazandırmıştır. Özellikle maddi kültürde Türk etkisinin bütün Balkanlar üzerinde din ayırımı yapmaksızın oldukça etkili olduğunu iddia etmiştir. II. Türk Tarih Kongresi'nde sunulan bildirilerin hemen tamamını dinleyen Atatürk'ü yakından tanıma fırsat bulan Fehim Bayraktareviç, Yugoslavya'ya dönünce onu tanıtan yazılar yazmış; ona hayranlığını bu yazılarında dile getirmiştir. Bir de Kongrede Atatürk'ün Türk Tarih Tezini destekler mahiyette bildiri sunan Bayraktareviç, Balkanların fethi ile birlikte XIV. yüzyıldan sonra Osmanlı Türklerinin Balkanlı toplumlara değişik alanlarda kazandırttığı şeyleri anlatmış; Fehim Bayraktareviç, Slav dilleri dışında Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçe de biliyordu. Onun gramer üzerine yazılmış olan Osnovi Turske Gramatike/Türk Gramerinin Esasları adlı kitabı, Türk kültürüne aşina olduğunu göstermektedir. Bosnalı Müslümanların da Osmanlı Devlet İdaresine ve saray hayatına kattıklarına vurgu yapmıştır. Bu bildiride Fehim Bayraktareviç'in Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'le ilgili tespitleri verildikten sonra Türklerin Balkan milletleri üzerindeki etkileri ile Bosnalıların Osmanlı Devleti'ne hizmetleri Bayraktareviç'in II. Kongrede sunduğu bildiri çerçevesinde ortaya konacaktır


Atatürk paid a lot attention to Turkish history. He pioneered to organize two historical congresses to boost the Turkish identity and invited many scholars of foreign origin into these events. The Turkish History Congress was organized twice on July 2, 1932 and September 20, 1937, in order to gain the national identity of the Turkish nation; these meetings attracted a large number of Western scientists along with Turks to the Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul in the Second Turkish History Congress, well-known scientists from the thirteen foreign countries participated in the history. Of those was Bosnian orientalist, Prof. Dr. Fehim Bayraktarevic. Listening either of congresses carefully, Atatürk ordered to have textbooks written in accordance with the decisions taken here, and set a contemporary agenda to the newly established state. In particular, he claimed that the Turkish influence in worldly matters was quite effective without discriminating against all the Balkans. Bayraktarevic met with Atatürk who have listened approximately all of the papers presented in the Second Turkish Historical Congress and wrote about him after returning to Yugoslavia and praised Ataturk in his writings. Bayraktarevic, who also presented a paper have described what the Ottoman Turks brought to the Balkan societies in different periods after the 20th century; especially Bosnian Muslims in the Ottoman State Administration. In this paper, after Bayraktarevic's findings about Atatürk were given, the effects of the Turks on the Balkans were explained along with the paper presented at the Second Congress by Bayraktarevic will be presented in this context Atatürk paid a lot of attention to Turkish history. He pioneered to organize two historical congresses to boost the Turkish identity and invited many scholars of foreign origin into these events. The Turkish History Congress was organized twice on July 2, 1932 and September 20, 1937, in order to gain the national identity of the Turkish nation. These meetings attracted a large number of Western scientists along with Turks to the Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul in the Second Turkish History Congress, well-known scientists from the thirteen foreign countries participated in the meetings. Of those was Bosnian orientalist, Prof. Dr. Fehim Bayraktarevic. Listening either of congresses carefully, Atatürk ordered to have textbooks written in accordance with the decisions taken here, and set a contemporary agenda to the newly established state. In particular, he claimed that the Turkish influence in worldly matters was quite effective without discriminating against all the Balkans. Bayraktarevic stated that the congress began with the opening of the archeology exhibition on the floor of the Dolmabahçe Palace on the lower floor of the latter. The audience listened very carefully to the explanations of both local and foreign scholars about the materials exhibited by Mustafa Kemal in the presence of the politicians and bureaucrats on display. Bayraktarevic, who attended the Second Congress in Istanbul and followed all the events in the latter with great meticulousness returned to his country and published it in the journal Gajret in the name of "My impressions at the Dolmabahçe Congress". Professor Bayraktarevic expressed in his article that Ataturk, who is interested in history and language as well as literature, made the Dolmabahçe Palace, which was used by the sultans for pleasure and enjoyment during the Ottoman period, as the center of progress, peace, science and art today. Bayraktarevic met with Atatürk who have listened approximately all of the papers presented in the Second Turkish Historical Congress and wrote about him after returning to Yugoslavia and praised Ataturk in his writings. Bayraktarevic, who also presented a paper have described what the Ottoman Turks brought to the Balkan societies in different periods after the 20th century; especially Bosnian Muslims in the Ottoman State Administration. Bayraktareviç stated that it was impossible to enter the content of all the presented papers, but almost all of them was related to the prehistory, history and modern-day of Turkey. On the other hand, many reports about Greek, Roman and other civilizations (Troy, Pergamon) have been presented about the excavations of Hittite monuments in Boğazköy and the excavations of Alacahöyük in Boğazköy. In the remainder of the manuscript, the cultural role of the Turks on their race, language, history and other nations is emphasized. Some notifications were related to Sumerian art, Seljuk architecture, Turkish historiography and the importance of Byzantine sources related to it. A Hungarian participant have drawn a sketch of cultural relations between Turkey and the Balkans for centuries, explaining the impact on Europe of Turkish culture. A German orientalist have presented over the shape of a new Turkey in the last session of Congress alongside Afet Hanım who told important aspects of Turkish-Ottoman history. Bayraktareviç offered support in the Second Turkish History Congress to Ataturk's Turkish history thesis by claiming an explanation to support the statement over the lands that constitute the cultural relations between Turkey and Yugoslavia starting with the conquest of the Balkans by the Turks. It started in the 15th century and continued for five centuries in a row. In this respect, three periods can be observed in the Balkans, in which relations with the Turks are clearly distinguished from each other as follows. The Turkish domination in the first place; the period from the decline of the Turks following it to the end of World War I and finally the period from the war to the time of the congress. Particularly Balkan Muslims still feel a strong spiritual closeness towards Turkish legacy. After the Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied Bosnia, Bosniaks started to see Turkey as their homeland, they have turned to Turkey to be educated. They feel close to Turks when Bosnian students completed their education in Turkey and took Turkish writers’ poets, and books with them. They have always translated these books into Bosnian. Bayraktarevic, who continuously attended to the congresses and had a chance to observe Ataturk, presented and listened to the reports, and gave a speech at the Turkish Historical Congress supporting Atatürk's Turkish History Thesis. He emphasized the material and spiritual cultural influences of the Ottoman State in the Balkans; pointed to the influence of the Balkan tribes on the Ottoman state structure. In this paper, after Bayraktarevic's findings about Atatürk were given, the effects of the Turks on the Balkans were explained along with the paper presented at the Second Congress by Bayraktarevic will be presented in this context


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