Türkiye'de eğitim alanının verili sürecine bakıldığında eğitim olgusunun bir ayrıştırma ve araçsallaştırma aracı olarak işlev gördüğü çeşitli tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Bu açıdan bakıldığında ortaöğretim düzeyinde eğitim-öğretim yapılan kurumlar yaklaşık 150 türe ayrılmıştır. Okul türü sayısının bu kadar çok çeşitli olması, ilk bakışta, çocuğu ilköğretimden mezun bir velinin tercihine sunulmuş bir seçenekler zenginliği olarak görülebilir. Fakat çok yönlü toplumsal eşitsizlikler içerisinde bulunan geniş toplum kesimlerine eğitimli olmanın/okumanın (diploma sahibi olmanın) bir çıkış yolu olarak sunulması ve günümüzde mit haline gelen bu olgu üzerinden eğitim alanının "kar-maliyet" anlayışıyla biçimlenmesi ve rekabet ilişkilerine açılması okul türü çeşitliliğini seçenek zenginliğinin dışında yorumlamalara açmıştır. Bununla birlikte, "okuma/eğitimli olma" mitinin "üniversiteyi kazanma" somutluğunda algılanması, rekabet ilişkilerini daha da anlamlı kıldığı düşünülmüştür. Bu doğrultuda bakıldığında, rekabetin en büyük taşıyıcısı olan sınavlar bir değerlendirme ölçütü olmanın dışında başka anlamlar ve pratikler de içerdiği kanaatini oluşturabilmiştir. Tam da bu nokta da sınavlarda gösterilen "başarı" düzeyi üzerinden ortaöğretim kurumları ve buralardaki eğitim paydaşları "başarılı", "başarısız" olarak ayrıştırıldığı gözlemlenebilmektedir. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmanın amacı, zorlayan ve bu doğrultuda yaptırım içeren eğitim alanının toplumsal konumları belirlemede, bu konumlar arasındaki ilişkileri düzenlemede ve tüm bunlara meşruiyet oluşturmada ne tür politikalar, uygulamalar ve stratejiler ortaya konulduğunu sorunsallaştırmaktır. 2010 yılında tamamlanan ve alanda eğitim paydaşlarının deneyimleri üzerinden nitel verilere dayanan "Bir Ayrıştırma Pratiği Olarak Ortaöğretim: Mamak Örneği" başlıklı doktora çalışmamın kanısındayım. Bu yönüyle doktora çalışmamdan derlediğim bu bölümde bu sorunsallaştırmaya yönelik bulgular içerdiği bulgulanan dinamiklerin aradan geçen 6 yıllık süreç temelinde geçerliliğinin ya da değişiminin gözlemlenebilirliği açısından da bu çalışmanın önemli olduğu düşünülmüştür


There were 150 types of secondary education institutions (schools) in Turkish education system, when the present study had been planned on the secondary education institution in 2009. At first sight, this number of school type can be seen as a richness of options that responds to the diversity of the students who are in the transition phase from primary education to secondary education. However, recent developments and some observations suggested that the separation of education given in secondary education may have other meanings. It is possible to list some of these developments and observations in the following way: The large community segments are in a disadvantaged position in society. This situation has led to the widespread recognition that university education is seen as an exit from the disadvantaged position in society. Besides, the policies which were applied based on the exam for transition in all levels of education, especially the entrance to the university. In this case, the degree of success in education has been reduced to achieving the examination by the school components (administrator, supervisor, teacher, student, and parent). Due to this reductionist approach, the multilateral enforcements and suggestions were formed on students. Successful and unsuccessful dissociations have been experienced in the secondary education field. There are also divergences in the economic possibilities of the parents and schools. The cost-benefit debates have been another development which was observed in the field of education. In this point, these developments and the observations have showed that there was a relationship between education and social positions. This situation has given rise to thought that education field, which has enforced, has played an important role in determining social positions, regulating relationships among these positions, and creating legitimacy for all of them. I believe that my Ph.D. study, titled "The Secondary School as a Distinctive Practice: Mamak Sample", which was completed in 2010, has contained findings about this topic. Considering the six-year period, it was thought that these findings could contribute to the evaluation of today's education field. The aim of this study is to problematize what kind of policies, practices and strategies were being put into practice in the field of education that included sanctions, determining social positions, regulating relationships among these positions, and creating legitimacy, through the experiences of stakeholders of the school in the sample of Anatolian high school. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT There were 150 types of secondary education institutions (schools) in Turkish education system, when the present study had been planned on the secondary education institution in 2009. At first sight, this number of school type can be seen as a richness of options that responds to the diversity of the students who are in the transition phase from primary education to secondary education. However, recent developments and some observations suggested that the separation of education given in secondary education may have other meanings. It is possible to list some of these developments and observations in the following way: The large community segments are in a disadvantaged position in society. This situation has led to the widespread recognition that university education is seen as an exit from the disadvantaged position in society. Besides, the policies which were applied based on the exam for transition in all levels of education, especially the entrance to the university. In this case, the degree of success in education has been reduced to achieving the examination by the school components (administrator, supervisor, teacher, student, and parent). Due to this reductionist approach, the multilateral enforcements and suggestions were formed on students. Successful and unsuccessful dissociations have been experienced in the secondary education field. There are also divergences in the economic possibilities of the parents and schools. The cost-benefit debates have been another development which was observed in the field of education. In this point, these developments and the observations have showed that there was a relationship between education and social positions. This situation has given rise to thought that education field, which has enforced, has played an important role in determining social positions, regulating relationships among these positions, and creating legitimacy for all of them. I believe that my Ph.D. study, titled "The Secondary School as a Distinctive Practice: Mamak Sample", which was completed in 2010, has contained findings about this topic. Considering the six-year period, it was thought that these findings could contribute to the evaluation of today's education field. The aim of this study is to problematize what kind of policies, practices and strategies were being put into practice in the field of education that included sanctions, determining social positions, regulating relationships among these positions, and creating legitimacy, through the experiences of stakeholders of the school in the sample of Anatolian high school. The research was conducted through a field study, which is a qualitative research style. The method of qualitative research is a method that examines phenomena that are built on social realities and cultural meanings, and the relationships and interactions between them and their applications in their own natural sites and stakeholders (Neuman, 2008). On the other hand, the field research is a style of the qualitative research that data bases on the researcher's own direct observation and participation (Neuman, 2008: 541). The research area was a type of an Anatolian High School located in Mamak district in Ankara. Within the scope of the study, one teacher, one school manager, seven teachers from different branches, 13 students from different classes and 5 parents were interviewed. Since the researcher worked as a teacher between 1998 and 2009, participatory observation technique was used to collect data in the study. In this technique, the researcher carries out data collection by making a social relationship with the observations, with closer observation from an insider point of view (Mayring, 2011: 85). Another technique which was used for collecting data was narrative technique. This technique allows participants to convey their views freely on a subject (Mayring, 2011: 78). The data obtained in the study were interpreted with case-centered theorization technique. According to Mayring (2011: 106), this technique allows the researcher to interpret the data while collecting them in the fieldwork. Therefore, in this process, concepts, fictions, relations and the theoretical framework are also identified. The foundation of the Anatolian High School is based on two basic aims: first, to prepare students for higher education programs according to their interests, abilities and achievements; second, to teach at least one foreign language to students at a level that can follow scientific and technological developments around the world. The education policies that are created to accomplish these two objectives have included the imposition of an attribute. Among these qualities of education policies, the most important is to base on the exam for the transition primary school to university. This attribute have made the idea that practices reduced the purpose of educational policies to pass the university exam. It can be argued that this reduction has a common stake in the different expectations of school components. Findings suggested that the objectives of educational policies, the attributes that education policies possess and the practices of the educational components constituted a common denominator. In this study, the denominator has found meaning as a distinctive practice. Finally, it can be said that the distinctive practices have determined the social positions


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