Eğitim, evrensel anlamda sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik düzeyde çeşitli roller üstlenmiştir. Eğitimin etkin rolündeki bu artış, bir yandan eğitimin önemini güçlendirirken bir yandan da eğitimin toplumun farklı alanlarında yaşanan sorunların merkezinde yer almasını sağlamaktadır.Eğitim sisteminin hedefine ulaşması ile sistemin önemli bir öğesini oluşturan öğretmen ve yöneticilerin motivasyonu birbirleriyle yakından ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle, öğretmen ve yöneticilerin memnuniyetini sağlayan unsurlardaki her türlü olumsuzluklar eğitim sistemine de doğrudan yansır. Araştırmamız, Türkiye'deki öğretmen Atama ve Yer Değiştirme Yönetmeliği ile ilgili yöneticilerin ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma grubu, Diyarbakır, Malatya ve Elazığ illerinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı okullarda görev yapan toplam 60 yönetici ve öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılmış ve verilerin analizleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; Öğretmenlerin bölgelere göre dengesiz dağılımı problemlerin başında gelmektedir. Batıda ve büyük kentlerde öğretmen yığılması yaşanırken, doğuda ve kırsal yerleşim yerlerinde öğretmen açığı bir türlü kapatılamamaktadır. Öte yandan, zamanında yapılmayan atamalar nedeniyle oluşan öğretmen açığı ücretli öğretmen uygulaması ile kapatılmaktadır. Alınan ücretli öğretmenlerin niteliği sorunludur. Ancak daha da problemli olan dönem başında, ortasında veya sonunda yapılan zamansız atamalar nedeniyle ücretli öğretmenlerin bünyesindeki sınıflar zamansız bir şekilde el değiştirmekte ve bazı durumlarda eğitimleri kesintiye uğramaktadır. Ayrıca birçok yönetici ve öğretmenin özlük haklarını çok iyi bilmedikleri anlaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; Yönetici ve öğretmenler, tayin ve yer değiştirme yönetmenliğinin adil olmadığı ve mağdur edildikleri yönünde görüş bildirmişlerdir. Ancak bazı uygulamaların kısmen de olsa kabul edilebilir olduğu görülmüştür


Education has been given various roles in social, cultural and economic level in the universal sense. This increase in the effective role of education is reinforcing the importance of education on the one hand and putting education at the center of the problems experienced in different areas of the society. The study aims to determine the opinions of directors and teachers about the Regulation on Appointment and Relocation of Teachers of Ministry of National Education. Totally 60 administrators and teachers consisted of the study group from Diyarbakır, Malatya and Elazığ provinces work in the Ministry of National Education. Semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool. The findings show that unbalanced distribution of teachers by regions is one of the primary problems. Teachers are concentrated mainly in the west and major cities, while teacher shortage has never been met in the east and rural settlements. On the other hand, the teacher shortage which occurs due to the failure to make appointments on time is met through hourly-paid teachers. The quality of hourly-paid teachers is a problem. However, it is more problematic that classrooms of hourlypaid teachers pass in to another teacher and education is interrupted in some cases due to untimely appointments at the beginning in the middle or at the end of season. Also, it is found that many directors and teachers are not well aware of their employee personal rights.As a result; the directors and teachers have expressed that the regulation on appointment and relocation is not fair and they are treated unjustly. But it is also observed that some practices are partly acceptable. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Education has been given various roles in social, cultural and economic level in the universal sense. This increase in the effective role of education is reinforcing the importance of education on the one hand and putting education at the center of the problems experienced in different areas of the society. Societies must raise human power constantly equipped with up-to-date knowledge, skills and experience, embracing their own cultural values, being nationalized and respectful for different cultures and caring for all kinds of values in order to catch the social, cultural, educational and economic development and welfare, to be able to keep up with the global economy and to maintain their cultural assets. Besides the employment of the teachers, which is an important part of education, problems of promotion and appointment in the office constitute a big problem for them. The study aims to determine the opinions of directors and teachers about the Regulation on Appointment and Relocation of Teachers of Ministry of National Education. The "case study" approach being a descriptive screening model ranked among the qualitative research designs was used in the study. The case study involves an in-depth investigation of one or more cases. Data related to the case are analyzed with an integrative approach. In our study, 13 questions were prepared by the researcher, their reliability and validity was checked after consulting an expert, 7 questions were excluded and then a 6-question interview technique was applied. The study group consists of 3 principals, 2 assistant principals and 10 teachers from Diyarbakır province, 3 principals, 2 assistant principals and 15 teachers from Malatya province, 4 directors, 6 assistant principals and 15 teachers from Elazığ province. Semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool. Open-ended questions are also a preferred technique when participants are asked to respond freely. Before preparing the interview questions, a survey of the national area related to the research topic was conducted. In addition, forums and sites where topics related to education were discussed were examined and the research was designed. After designing the subject, the items considered to be included in the form were determined. It was discussed with a faculty member in order to evaluate the items in terms of purpose, meaning and scope. After this step, the final form was prepared by using the information obtained and the questions created were directed to the participants involved in the research. Professional status and prestige of teaching are evaluated in the direction of economic and social opportunities generally given to teachers in our country. But it is not right to reduce occupation's prestige only to economic reasons and to consider it within the framework of personal rights. The mismanaged employment policies have also an important role in reduced level of this profession’s prestige. In a country where the "one who knows teaches" logic is dominant in employment policies and accordingly, those who graduate from different departments and fields are appointed as teachers, it seems difficult to perceive the teaching as a profession in its full sense. The findings show that unbalanced distribution of teachers by regions is one of the primary problems. Teachers are concentrated mainly in the west and major cities, while teacher shortage has never been met in the east and rural settlements. On the other hand, the teacher shortage which occurs due to the failure to make appointments on time is met through hourly-paid teachers (HPTs). The quality of hourly-paid teachers is a problem. However, it is more problematic that classrooms of HPTs pass in to another teacher and education is interrupted in some cases due to untimely appointments at the beginning in the middle or at the end of season. Also, it is found that many directors and teachers are not well aware of their employee personal rights. The directors and teachers have expressed that the regulation on appointment and relocation is not fair and they are treated unjustly. But it is also observed that some practices are partly acceptable. The majority of the participants state that primary school students are victims because constantly changing teachers bring harm to the student. When a student is accustomed to a teacher, the arrival of a new teacher is not positive for the student because of the teaching style and adaptation period of the student to the teacher. They also approve the provisions of the regulation in terms of preventing arbitrary relocation. It is seen as an appropriate application for teachers and students who want to transfer to the relevant school and it prevents arbitrary transfer from the district to province and from village to the district


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