Yazınsal ürünlerde, özellikle de şiirde, imgesel dil; anlatımın etkililiğini ve canlılığını artıracak, uyandıracağı çağrışımlarla okuyucunun ya da dinleyicinin imgelemini-düş kurma yetisini zorlayacak olan bir anlatım biçimidir. Bunun için ders kitaplarına seçilecek metinler kuru ve yalın olmamalı, öğrencilerin değişik duygu, izlenim ve algılarını harekete geçirmeli, onları etkileyerek okuma ya da dinleme isteklerini canlı tutmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, 2007-2008, 20152016, 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yıllarında ilkokullarda okutulan 1. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarında yer alan şiirlerin imgesel dil açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın inceleme nesnlerini Talim Terbiye Kurulunca ilkokullarda okutulmasına karar verilen MEB ve Harf Yayınlarına ait 3 adet 1. sınıf Türkçe ders kitabı oluşturmuştur. İncelenen kitaplardan 2008 MEB'e ait olan kitapta 9, Harf Yayınları`na ait kitapta 14, 2016 MEB baskılı kitapta şiir türünde 12 metin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın yöntemi doküman incelemesidir. Ulaşılan kitaplarda yer alan şiirlerin incelenmesinde betimsel analiz uygulanmıştır. Şiirlerdeki imgesel anlatımlar tespit edilip a-somuttan somuta (1), b- somuttan soyuta (2), c-soyuttan somuta (3), d-soyuttan soyuta (4) şeklinde gruplandırılıp puanlar verilmiştir. İmgesel dil kullanımı açısından 52 puanla MEB`in 2016 yılında basılmış olan Türkçe ders kitabının daha başarılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Harf Yayınları`nın ders kitabı 48, MEB Yayınları`nın 2008 tarihli kitabı ise 22 ile en düşük puanı almıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda MEB tarafından 2016 yılında yeni programa uygun olarak hazırlatılan 1. sınıf Türkçe ders kitabının diğer iki kitaba oranla imgesel dil kullanımı bakımından daha başarılı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Kitaplarda bulunan şiirlerde en çok 'somuttan somuta imgesel anlatım' biçiminin kullanıldığı ortaya çıkarken 'soyuttan soyuta imgesel anlatım' biçiminin hiçbir şiirde yer almadığı tespit edilmiştir


Imaginative language in literary works, especially in poetry is a type of narration that increases the effectiveness and liveliness and forces the reader’s or listener’s power of imagination. Therefore, selected texts in the course books should not be bare and plain; they should trigger students’ different feelings, impression and perception and keep their desire for reading alive by affecting them.In this study, it was aimed to examine the poems in 1st grade Turkish course books used in 2007-2008, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years in terms of imaginative language. This study is a qualitative study and its method is document analysis. Descriptive analysis was used while examining the poems in the books. Sample of the study consists of three 1st grade Turkish course books which are accepted to be used in elementary schools by board of education and discipline and published by MNE (Ministry of National Education) and Harf press. In the examined books it was found that there are nine poems in Turkish course book published in 2008 by MNE and there are four poems in the course books published by Harf press and there are twelve poems in the books published in 2016 by MNE. Imaginative narrations were found and categorized as; a- from concrete to concrete (1), b- from concrete to abstract (2), c- from abstract to concrete (3), d- from abstract to abstract (4) and points were given. It was found that Turkish course book published by MNE in 2016 is more successful with 52 points in terms of the use of imaginative language. The book published by Harf press got 48 and the other book of MNE published in 2008 got 22 points. As a result of the study it was revealed that 1st grade Turkish course book which was prepared by MNE in 2016 in accordance with new curriculum was more successful than other two course books in terms of the use of imaginative language. In the poems of the course book “from concrete to concrete imaginative narration” style was used at most but “from abstract to abstract imaginative narration” was not used in any of the poems.Imaginative language in literary works, especially in poetry is a type of narration that increases the effectiveness and liveliness and forces the reader’s or listener’s power of imagination (Özdemir, 1999). Therefore, selected texts in the course books should not be bare and plain; they should trigger students’ different feelings, impression and perception and keep their desire for reading alive by affecting them. Individuals start to benefit from images together with their language achievement at young ages. Children who can manage to think imaginatively can tell many things with a few words and express events, objects and situations easily and more effectively which cannot be explained with actions and images (Senemoğlu, 2011). In this sense, one of the most important elements of children’s acquisition of imaginative thinking skill is the use of their language skills well. Children acquire this skill systematically and improve it by means of Turkish courses which based on mother tongue learning. Hence, it is believed that texts in Turkish course books are effective in providing students with language skills together with imaginative thinking skill. In this study, it was aimed to examine the poems in 1st grade Turkish course books used in 2007-2008, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years in terms of imaginative language. Method This study is a qualitative study and its method is document analysis. Document analysis covers the analysis of written materials related to the aimed facts. Sample of the study consists of three 1st grade Turkish course books which are accepted to be used in elementary schools by board of education and discipline and published by MNE (Ministry of National Education) and Harf press. In the examined books it was found that there are nine poems in Turkish course book published in 2008 by MNE and there are four poems in the course books published by Harf press and there are twelve poems in the books published in 2016 by MNE. Data analysis Descriptive analysis was used while examining the poems in the books. Imaginative narrations were found and categorized as; a- from concrete to concrete (1), b- from concrete to abstract (2), c- from abstract to concrete (3), d- from abstract to abstract (4) and points were given. Also it was asked to two experts in the related field to examine the poems. Findings that researchers and experts found showed 90% consistency. In this kind of studies, it is required to reach at least 70% consistency (Yıldırım, Şimşek, 2008). Findings It was found that Turkish course book published by MNE in 2016 is more successful with 52 points in terms of the use of imaginative language. The book published by Harf press got 48 and the other book of MNE published in 2008 got 22 points. Also the points according to the categories are such; “From concrete to concrete” in the course book published by MNE in 2016 is 15, in the book of Harf press it is 21 and in the MNE book published in 2008 it is 10; “ from concrete to abstract imaginative narration” in the course book published by MNE in 2016 it is 1, in the book of Harf press it is 3 and in the MNE book published in 2008 it is 1; “From abstract to concrete imaginative narration” in the course book published by MNE in 2016 it is 12, in the book of Harf press it is 7 and in the MNE book published in 2008 it is 3. It was also concluded that in all these books there was not any “from abstract to abstract imaginative narration”. Also, in the course book published by MNE in 2016 in 2 poems there was not any imaginative narration and this number was 3 in the books published by Harf press and 3 in the books published by MNE in 2008.As a result of the study it was revealed that 1st grade Turkish course book which was prepared by MNE in 2016 in accordance with new curriculum was more successful than other two course books in terms of the use of imaginative language. In the poems of the course book “from concrete to concrete imaginative narration” style was used at most but “from abstract to abstract imaginative narration” was not used in any of the poems. In the result of a similar study carried out by Uzuner, Eyüp and Stepler (2012) it was found that 6th grade Turkish course books prepared by MNE was more successful with 208 points in terms of the use of imaginative language. It is surprising that the book reached that result with only 5 poems. 6th grade course book published by Koza press got the lowest point 147 although there were seven poems in it. In the poems examimed “from abstract to concrete imaginative narration” was used at most and “from abstract to abstract imaginative narration” was used at least. Kıbrıs’s study (2004) about the contribution of Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca’s poems to 5th and 7th grade elementary school students’ use of imaginative language skill was another study in this carried out in this field. As a result of the study which was done with experimental method it was revealed that activities carried out with Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca’s poems for children were important course materials for improving imaginative language skills. In parallel with all these findings it was concluded that poems selected while preparing the course books should be in the quality of contributing to students’ language achievement and aesthetic values in the poems should be increased. From the results of this study it is suggested that course books should be prepared with Turkish and world literature samples of which imaginative aspect is rich.
