Bu çalışmada, 15. yüzyıl Klasik Türk şiirinin önemli şairlerinden birisi olan Necatî Beğ'in Divanı'nda yer alan bir kaç isim + yardımcı fiil şeklindeki birleşik fiil örneği anlam ilişkileri bakımından gösterdikleri ad aktarması (mecaz-ı mürsel, metonimik) özellikleri yönüyle ele alınıp değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tezkirelerden ve diğer kaynaklardan edindiğimiz bilgiler doğrultusunda Necatî Beğ'in asıl adının Nuh veya İsa olduğu Edirne veya Kastamonu'da doğduğu ve yetiştiği, Fatih Sultan Mehmet ve II. Bayezid devirlerinin iki ünlü şairinden biri olduğu, Şehzade Abdullah'ın Karaman'da divan kâtibi, Şehzade Mahmud'un Manisa'da nişancısı olarak görev yaptığı, asıl ününü Kastamonu'da kazandığı ve halkın dilini eserlerine kuvvetli bir şekilde yansıttığını belirtmemiz mümkündür. Şiirlerinde din dışı konulara yer vermesiyle birlikte aşk, sevgili, âşık, dünyaya bağlılık, zevk, eğlence, hayattan zevk alma, içki, ölüm, tabiat, korku, gibi dünyevi değerleri de ele almıştır. Ayrıca devrinin önemli isimleri arasında sayılan Necatî Beğ, yaşadığı yüzyıl itibariyle Arapça, Farsça kelimeleri fazla kullanmayışı, Kastamonu iline ait atasözü, deyim, ikilemeler ve halk söyleyişlerini kullanması ve bununla birlikte arkaik sözlere yer vermesi, dolayısıyla mahallileşme akımını başlatmasıyla dikkati çeker. Bir söz sanatı olarak da kabul edilen ad aktarmaları (metonimi) aslında bir kavramlaştırma biçimidir. Kaynak ve hedef kavram ilişkileri açısından kavramlaştırma yönleri itibariyle parça-bütün ilgisi, önceliksonralık ilgisi, genel-özel ilgisi, sebep-sonuç ilgisi, eşya ilgisi, yer ilgisi, âlet olma ilgisi vb. çeşitli görünüşlerle karşımıza çıkan bu tür ilişkiler isim + yardımcı fiil şeklindeki birleşik fiillerde de bazen isim unsuru bazen de birleşik fiilin bütünü üzerinde kendisini göstermektedir. Necatî Beğ'de geçen ve az önce bahsedilen niteliklerle oluşan isim + yardımcı fiil şeklindeki birleşik fiil yapılarının bir kısmında kavramlaştırma tarzı olarak anlam ilişkileri ad aktarması özelliklerini taşıdığı görülür. Necatî Beğ'in Türk dili ve edebiyatı içerisindeki önemi dolayısıyla onun kullandığı dilin niteliklerini tespit edebilmek için divanında geçen ad aktarmalı birleşik fiiller inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. Necatî Beğ


In this study, some examples of compound verbs in the form of name + auxiliary verbs that are in the Divan of Necati Beg, who is one of the important poets of the 15th Century Classical Turkish poetry, were tried to be evaluated in terms of the metonymy they have concerning the relationships of the meaning. In the light of the information we obtained from biographies and other sources, it is possible to state that the real name of Necati Beg was either Nuh or Isa, he was born and raised in either Edirne or Kastamonu, he was one of the two famous poets of the periods of Fatih Sultan Mehmed and Bayezid the 2nd, he was the divan clerk of Shahzadah Abdullah in Karaman, the nisanci (an officer in Sultan’s council who prepares and stamps some state documents) of Shahzadah Mahmud in Manisa, he gained real fame in Kastamonu and that he strongly reflected the language of the people in his works. Besides the fact that he explored subjects other than religion in his poems, his poems have earthly themes of love, beloved, love, and faith in Earth, joy, entertainment, getting pleasure from life, drinking, death, nature and fear. Moreover, Necati Beg, as one of the important names of his age, is notable for the fact that he does not so much use Arabic and Persian words, his usage of proverbs, idioms, reduplications and folk speech of the city of Kastamonu, thus starting the movement of localization. Metonymy, also accepted as a figure of speech, is in fact a form of conceptualization. These kind of relationships which appear as partwhole relationship, priority- inferiority relationship, general- special relationship, cause- effect relationship, object relationship, place relationship, being a tool relationship etc., in terms of their ways of conceptualizing, concerning the relationships of source and target, also appear sometimes on the name element and sometimes on the whole of compound verb in compound verbs, which are in the forms of name + compound verb. It can be seen that in some of the structures of compound verbs that are in the form of name+ auxiliary verbs which are constructed with the afore mentioned qualities and take place in Necati Beg, there is a meaning relationships metonymy as a way of conceptualizing. Due to Necati Beg’s importance in Turkish language and literature, the compound verbs with metonymy in his divan were made a subject of research in order to determine the qualities of the language he uses. In our study, entitled as metonymy relationships in some of the compound verbs in the form of name+ auxiliary verbs in divan of Necati Beg, it is seen that the verbs ağla-, çekil-, çek-, sal-, aç-, gir-, çıkar-, iriş-, git- construct compound verb structures with name elements defter, dar, bazar, bünyad, el, kulak, beha, ecel, renk, yaban, kan, within metonymic meaning relationships with the relations of object/ tool, setting/ place, organ (part of the body), phase, time, quality, direction, cause- effect. Therefore, in this study, we tried to determine and show how these kinds of conceptualizing relationships with metonymy in some of compound verbs in the form of name + auxiliary verbs that are in the Divan of Necati Beg, under the main titles as object/ tool relation, setting/ place relation, organ (part of the body) relation, phase relation, time relation, quality relation, direction relation and cause- effect relation. In general analyzing these issues which we see in verses we try to comment on within the frame of relationships, with their particulars of relationships of metonymy between target and source concepts, we tried to explain in accordance with Lakoff and Johnson’s (2010:60) statements on redefining of a being by another being within the framework of targetsource relationships, metonymy in other words, telling about something by referring to another thing in relation to it, seen as one of the conceptualizing ways of stating, showing; besides Radden and Kovacses’s (2007: 350-354) observations on rhetoric in the usage of language, and statements that mainly these structures of metonymy occurring due to motivations like social and communicative effects, show themselves depending on some cognitive principles like human experience (preference of human over non-human, meaning the usage of the producer for the product, preference of the concrete over the abstract, preference of the functional over dysfunctional etc.), perceptive selectivity (preference of the occurred over not occurred, preference of the unique over the general, preference of the already happened over the not happened yet etc.), cultural choices (preference of the stereotyped, accustomed, familiar, typical over the non-stereotypical, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, untypical, preference of the commonly seen over the rarely seen, preference of the center over sidelines etc.) and tried to display the role of human experience in choosing the target concept in cognitive metonymy relations in verses as well as the reasons for the perceptive preference and cultural preferences. As it was stated in the introduction part, when the relations with metonymy in the verses are observed as a whole, within the cognitive principles, while it is mostly the preference of the concrete over abstract that is seen as a result of the reasons depending on the human experience, preference of the unique over the general, preference of the already happened over the not happened yet is seen in terms of selective perception; and in cultural choices, preference of the stereotyped, accustomed, familiar, typical over the non-stereotypical, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, untypical, preference of the commonly seen over the rarely seen, preference of the center over sidelines etc. are observed. In this study, in which we tried to analyze the 77 name+ compound verbs in the form of auxiliary verbs that we could detect in details , in the Divan of Necati Beg, which is among the works of the period of Old Anatolian Turkish, it is possible to make a descending list in the light of the obtained information regarding the general particulars of metonymicrelationships in compound verb samples as: Organ (part of the body) relation (40), cause-effect relation (13), object/ tool relation (8), setting/place relation (8), time relation (3), quality relation (2), direction relation (2) and phase relation (1).


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