Gönül, klasik Türk şiirinde, tasavvuf edebiyatında, âşık ve anonim Türk edebiyatında en çok geçen kelime ve kavramlardan biridir. Özellikle tasavvuf şiirinde bu mefhum daha sık kullanılır. Gönül karşılığı olarak şiirimizde sine, dil, fuad kelimeleri de çok sık kullanılır. İman, sevgi ve nefretin, iyi ve kötü bütün duyguların kaynağı olduğu kabul edilen kalbin mânevî yönü, yürek, dil; yürekte var olduğu kabul edilen sevgi, düşünme, anma, istek ve hatır gibi duygu kaynağı; yüreğin manevî gücü, arzu; istek; insanın akıl üstü bilgiye ulaşma gücü ya da bu tür bilgilerin insanda doğduğu, dünya nimetleri ve geçici isteklerin bağından kurtulan sûfîde Allah'ın tecelli ettiği ve Allah'la ilgili bilgilerin geldiği yer; insandaki irfan odağı; insanın aşk ve güzellik konusunda önüne geçemediği iç kuvveti; zevk, haz ve elemlerinin merkezidir. Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfî Divanı'nda gönül mefhumunu çok sık kullanır. O, gönlü türlü varlık ve kavramlara benzeterek anlatır; gözler önünde canlandırmaya çalışır. Bu makalede yirminci yüzyıl başlarında yaşayan mutasavvıf şair Alvarlı Efe olarak tanınan Muhammed Lutfî Efendi'nin divanında gönül mefhumunu nasıl ve hangi anlamlarda kullandığı, nelere benzetildiği gibi hususlar üzerinde durulacak, geleneğin takipçisi bir mutasavvıf şair tarafından nasıl algılandığı ve değerlendirildiği tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu çalışma giriş, gönül ve Allah, gönlün benzetildiği varlıklar, gönlün tasfiyesi, gönlün halleri, gönlün afetleri ve ona varmak gibi başlıklar şeklinde düzenlenmiştir


Heart is one of the commonly used word and concepts in classical Turkish poems, sufi literature, Turkish literature of minstrel and anonymous. This notion is especially used common in sufi literature. Instead of the word heart, the words bosom, tongue and soul are used as the synonyms in sufi literature. The heart, bosom, tongue which is regarded as the source of faith, love and hate, all good and bad feelings and also the moral part; is the source of emotions such as love, thinking, remembering, wishes and respect which are accepted to be in the heart. Heart is the moral part of breast, demand; wishes; the power of human to reach super rational information or the place such information was born. The heart is the place where, the mystic of wealth and temporary wishes are ignored, God appears and information about God reveals. Heart is the center of culture of human; internal power of human love and beauty; desire, pleasure and pains. The heart belongs to God. God is pleased that the heart he granted to human has his love. The heart has an important role as the place of communication between God and human. Human shall be full of God love that created human from nothing and there shall be no other love instead of love for God. Lutfi Efendi declares this reality as the following with the words coming from deep of his heart. The concept of heart is often used in Divan of Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfi. He describes heart by comparing it with various creatures and concepts; he tries to imagine it. In this article, it is pointed out that how and the way that Muhammed Lutfi Efendi who, is known as the sufi poet Alvarlı Efe and has lived in the beginning of twentieth century, uses the concept of heart and how he compares the concept of heart. It will be tried to analyze in this article that how the mystery thing called as the heart is understood, realized and evaluated by a sufi poet who is the follower of sufi poetry tradition. Sources agree the heart as a holy gift which includes the secret of creation of universe in. Love is the reason for creation of universe; heart is the place where love is grown up. It will not be exaggerated if we claim that sufi literature is focused on the heart and purifying it. Divans of sufi poets are full of poems about heart. In order to understand the subject of heart in the poems of Alvarlı Efe Muhammet Lutfi, you shall be aware of the thoughts of sufi poets who lived before him. That is why, feelings and thoughts of poets such as Mevlanâ Celaleddin-i Rûmî, Yunus Emre, Âşık Paşa, Hacı Bayram Veli, Eşrefoğlu Rumî, Kemal Ümmî, Dede Ömer Rûşenî, Aziz Mahmud Hüdâyî, Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı have been transferred. The article consists six sections after the input: both divan of poet and other sources are put into account while processing Heart-God relationship. Muhammet Lutfi transferred his thoughts and feelings by comparing heart with other creatures in his poems. We tried to define these creatures one by one in this article and mention about them under the title of “Creatures that Compared with the Heart”. Under the title of Characteristics of Heart, Alvarlı’s thoughts and the reason and things that he compared heart with is focused by arranging sub-titles such as mirror, reflection, culture school, rosary, rose garden, flower garden, home/residence/family, doorman, pearl, coral, wreck, treasure of mystery, sea, bird, place of love, heaven. Advices and warnings of Muhammet Lutfi Efendi on purification subject which is the main reason of Sufism in purification of heart have been analyzed in the following titles: Advance, fate, vicious, rapt, hussy, wildness, illness, trouble/problem, abroad. Heart disasters are analyzed with the following titles in section five: devastating heart, negligence, loving the earth. Advices and warnings given by Lutfi Efendi for the way of heart traveler to reach God have been pointed out in the last main title To Reach Him, subjects of heart and generosity, Joseph of heart, the guest in the heart, surprise, meeting have also been emphasized. Poet’s position in the tradition he follows have been tried to detected by showing Lutfi’s opinion and thoughts with the samples acquired from the divan. Various related artifacts, dictionary and articles have been used while defining concepts. Subjects are dealt in detail as much as possible. In the result section of our study, data acquired by our inspections is evaluated. According to Alvarlı, meeting place, time, unification and mentioning of sufi is mentioning. Traveler enjoys the mentioning in the place, completes spiritual travel under the supervision of guide and meets the God in a way. Heart is a pub including holy wine in it. He enjoys with the rage of this love, honoring with different manifestation. Traveler struggles for a drop from sea of love to his heart. According to him, because a single drop of holy love is forever, it is much more than seas. Having a single drop of this sea is much more valuable than the world and the things in it. In order to achieve this drop, he shall be full of light of culture. Alvarlı Efe has tried to be a pathfinder for this way of heart as much as possible. Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfî has told the puzzle called heart in the tradition of Turkish sufi poetry, remarked his own travel without exaggerated and wrong expressions and within the frame of holy book and circumcision and has his prominent place as an absolute guide in literature history. Result: Muhammet Lutfi has remarked his opinion about heart and the way how the heart shall be understood within the limits of poetry language and guided travelers by using clear and definite genre while telling the stages of moral travel. He remarked his sufistic thoughts by comparing the heart with different creatures. It is remarkable that he used comparisons such as “culture school” and “doorman” while defining the heart. Other comparisons such as mirror, reflection, culture school, rosary, rose garden, flower garden, home, sea, place of love can be regarded as a result of the joint concept of sufi poetry. Emphasized points by poet for purification of the heart, to be honored for manifestation are notably fear of God, purification and mentioning. According to Alvarlı, a heart with fear of god is purified; gets ready for manifestation by lamenting mentioning, worshipping and tears. Heart is a changeable specification. By considering this situation, Alvarlı has detected heart differentiations as prosperity, manifestation, vicious, rapturousness, shining, lunacy and has defined various moral roubles he had during the travel with the words illness, abroad. According to Lutfi Efendi, heart reaches maturity by transforming during its internal travel. One of the important conditions that Alvarlı warns travelers is disasters of heart. Demolishing heart, negligence, love of world are the illnesses to be avoided. Heart maintains its moral travel by obeying conditions and advices and meets the objective if it is successful enough. Meeting place, time, unification and mentioning of sufi is mentioning. Traveler enjoys the mentioning in the place, completes spiritual travel under the supervision of guide and meets the God in a way. Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfî has told the puzzle called heart in the tradition of Turkish sufi poetry, remarked his own travel without exaggerated and wrong expressions and within the frame of holy book and circumcision and has his prominent place as an absolute guide in literature history. Center concept is the heart in poet’s divan. Heart is important because it is the place where holy manifestation is emphasized. Alvarlı, has remarked his expressions in clear and definite manner within the tradition created by previous poets from him, made important contributions to our sufi literature by maintaining sufi poetry tradition.


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