uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat) ~ avrat şekline gelmiş olabileceğini ileri sürmektedirler. Çalışmamızda konunun bu yönüyle ilgili tartışmalara da açıklık getirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Many researchers have tried to explain the origin and structure of the word uragut which can be traced back to Karakhanid period but is stil used commonly to name woman. Several studies have been conducted which focus on the relationship between the words uragut and urugin terms of their meanings; however they could not come to a precise conclusion about both the origin and the morhological structure of the word. In this study, the word uragut, which attracts attention due to its distinctive feature and thought to be associated with such words like urdır- "to pull off", urgaçı~ urkaçı~ urğaaçı "female, woman", urık "seed", urug "1. seed, off spring 2. ancestor, family, generation, race", urugdaş "agnatic",urluk "seed, off spring" andurum "off spring" appearing in the historical and modern periods of the Turkish language, will be explained. The word uragut is assumed to have become a word refering to woman by passing through several stages. As a matter of fact, the root of the word must be ur- which is a verb meaning "to pour water etc." and "to spread sperm, to scatter seed" in figurative language. Derivation alaffixes -a-, -gu+and +t, which has lost its function as the plural suffix and appears in words indicating social rank, are attached respectively to the root that results in a noun meaning "someone on whom sperm is spread, someone who continues one"s blood line". Another controversial issue about the word uragut, which was last seen throughout Ottoman lands in the XV. century, that whether it has discarded nowadays. Some researchers state that the word avrat "woman, wife" used in today"s literary language is derived from the Arabic word ,,avret "private parts" while some others claim that the word uragut might have been exposed to sound change in time (uragut>uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat)and turned into ~ avrat. This issue will also be clarified in the study."> [PDF] KADINLA İLGİLİ ESKİ TÜRKÇE BİR KELİME: URAGUT | [PDF] AN OLD TURKIC WORD ABOUT WOMAN: URAGUT uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat) ~ avrat şekline gelmiş olabileceğini ileri sürmektedirler. Çalışmamızda konunun bu yönüyle ilgili tartışmalara da açıklık getirilmeye çalışılacaktır."> uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat) ~ avrat şekline gelmiş olabileceğini ileri sürmektedirler. Çalışmamızda konunun bu yönüyle ilgili tartışmalara da açıklık getirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Many researchers have tried to explain the origin and structure of the word uragut which can be traced back to Karakhanid period but is stil used commonly to name woman. Several studies have been conducted which focus on the relationship between the words uragut and urugin terms of their meanings; however they could not come to a precise conclusion about both the origin and the morhological structure of the word. In this study, the word uragut, which attracts attention due to its distinctive feature and thought to be associated with such words like urdır- "to pull off", urgaçı~ urkaçı~ urğaaçı "female, woman", urık "seed", urug "1. seed, off spring 2. ancestor, family, generation, race", urugdaş "agnatic",urluk "seed, off spring" andurum "off spring" appearing in the historical and modern periods of the Turkish language, will be explained. The word uragut is assumed to have become a word refering to woman by passing through several stages. As a matter of fact, the root of the word must be ur- which is a verb meaning "to pour water etc." and "to spread sperm, to scatter seed" in figurative language. Derivation alaffixes -a-, -gu+and +t, which has lost its function as the plural suffix and appears in words indicating social rank, are attached respectively to the root that results in a noun meaning "someone on whom sperm is spread, someone who continues one"s blood line". Another controversial issue about the word uragut, which was last seen throughout Ottoman lands in the XV. century, that whether it has discarded nowadays. Some researchers state that the word avrat "woman, wife" used in today"s literary language is derived from the Arabic word ,,avret "private parts" while some others claim that the word uragut might have been exposed to sound change in time (uragut>uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat)and turned into ~ avrat. This issue will also be clarified in the study.">


Karahanlı dönemi metinlerinden itibaren takip edebildiğimiz, yine bu dönemde kadını adlandırmak için yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan uragut kelimesinin kökenini ve yapısını pek çok araştırmacı açıklamaya çalışmıştır. Çeşitli çalışmalarda uragut ve urug kelimeleri arasındaki anlam ilişkisine dikkat çekilmiş fakat hem kelimenin kökeni hem de morfolojik yapısı hakkında kesin bir sonuca varılamamıştır. Bu çalışmada, farklı yapısıyla dikkat çeken, Türkçenin tarihî ve çağdaş dönemlerinde karşımıza çıkan urdır- "döktürmek", urgaçı ~ urkaçı ~ urğaaçı "dişi, kadın",urık "tohum",urluk "tohum, döl",urug "1. tohum, döl 2. soy, sülale, nesil, kavim", urugdaş "soydaş", urum "zürriyet" gibikelimelerle örülü zengin bir kavram alanının içerisinde değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini düşündüğümüz uragut kelimesinin yapısını açıklamaya çalışacağız. Bize göre uragut kelimesi ur- "su vb. dökmek, saçmak, mec. döl serpmek, tohum saçmak" fiiline -a-fiilden fiil ve -gu+fiilden isim yapım eki ile çokluk işlevini kaybetmiş, genellikle sosyal statü bildiren kelimelerin yapısında görülen+t eki genişletilip"döl serpilen, soyu devam ettiren" anlamını kazanarak kadını karşılayan bir kelime hâline gelmiş olmalıdır (uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat) ~ avrat şekline gelmiş olabileceğini ileri sürmektedirler. Çalışmamızda konunun bu yönüyle ilgili tartışmalara da açıklık getirilmeye çalışılacaktır.


Many researchers have tried to explain the origin and structure of the word uragut which can be traced back to Karakhanid period but is stil used commonly to name woman. Several studies have been conducted which focus on the relationship between the words uragut and urugin terms of their meanings; however they could not come to a precise conclusion about both the origin and the morhological structure of the word. In this study, the word uragut, which attracts attention due to its distinctive feature and thought to be associated with such words like urdır- "to pull off", urgaçı~ urkaçı~ urğaaçı "female, woman", urık "seed", urug "1. seed, off spring 2. ancestor, family, generation, race", urugdaş "agnatic",urluk "seed, off spring" andurum "off spring" appearing in the historical and modern periods of the Turkish language, will be explained. The word uragut is assumed to have become a word refering to woman by passing through several stages. As a matter of fact, the root of the word must be ur- which is a verb meaning "to pour water etc." and "to spread sperm, to scatter seed" in figurative language. Derivation alaffixes -a-, -gu+and +t, which has lost its function as the plural suffix and appears in words indicating social rank, are attached respectively to the root that results in a noun meaning "someone on whom sperm is spread, someone who continues one"s blood line". Another controversial issue about the word uragut, which was last seen throughout Ottoman lands in the XV. century, that whether it has discarded nowadays. Some researchers state that the word avrat "woman, wife" used in today"s literary language is derived from the Arabic word ,,avret "private parts" while some others claim that the word uragut might have been exposed to sound change in time (uragut>uravut>uravat>urvat>arvat)and turned into ~ avrat. This issue will also be clarified in the study.


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