The migration movement to Germany began in the mid-1950s,when Germany needed workers for its industry. Within a very short time,thousands of young and healthy migrants were brought to Germany. Theliterature of immigrants in Germany began to spread firstly in the 80years, but the first literary attempts had already begun in the early1950s. The Turks and Arabs followed them. When we examine theTurkish migrant literature, we find two varieties of texts: texts written inTurkish or German and published only in the original language, and textswritten in Turkish or German and translated into the other language.There are also young writers who have been born in Germany orhave come to Germany at a young age, writing their works only in Germanbecause they speak the German language better than the Turkish.LeventAktoprak, AkifPirinçci, İhsanAtacan, FeridunZaimoğlu, RenanDemirkan, ZehraÇırak are some of them. ZaferŞenocak is also arepresentative of this generation. He moved to Germany with his familyin 1970 at the age of nine, and at the end of the 1970s he appeared inGerman with his own poems at the end of the 1970s. The novel"GefährlicheVerwandtschaft" by ZaferŞenocak, published in 1998, tellsthe story of the young writer SaschaMuhteschem, son of a GermanJewishmother and a Turkish father, who grew up in Germany. In thiswork, the novel is to be analyzed with regard to intercultural motives.


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