Görsel kültür kavramı güncel sisteme uyarlanan, bireyden topluma dek yayılan, kitle iletişimin yarattığı teknoloji temelli bir yenidünya anlayışı ve işleyişine işaret ederek, günlük yaşamdan sosyopolitik ilişkilere, çevre ve siyasete dek genişleyebilen küresel kültürün toplum üzerindeki müdahalesini temsil eder. Güncel Sistem bilgisayar işletim dilinde sıklıkla kullanılır. Daha özel anlamıyla ise, şimdiki zaman diliminde ortak bir amacı gerçekleştirmek için bir araya gelen, etkileşen anlamlı elemanlar topluluğudur. bulundukları dizgede toplum yapısında müdahale yaratan ve kültürel anlayışın sınırlarında incelenen belirgin özellikleri vurgulamak için seçilmiştir. Bu anlamıyla terim sanat eğitimi alanında kültürel modları oluşturan görsel elemanları ve onun şekillendirdiği yapıyı kapsar. Böylece güncel sistem görsel kültür yoluyla zorunlu değişimlerin yaşandığı sanat ve estetik eğitim kavramlarını daha da önemli hale getirir


The Current System based on the concept of visual culture, spreading until the individual to society, the mass media has created a technology-based approach and the functioning of the new world, pointing to the socio-political relations with daily life, the environment and on society, politics until the intervention of global culture represents an expandable. The Current System often used in computer operating language. In a more specific sense, the current time period, coming together to achieve a common purpose, a collection of elements that interact significantly. In the study, the current system creates interfere with daily life and cultural understanding in the social structure in which string examined were selected to highlight the salient features. In this sense, the term of art education in the field of the visual elements that makes up the cultural modes and covers its shaped structure. Thus, the changes required by the current system of visual culture is experiencing makes it even more important to the concepts of art and aesthetic education. Because it is difficult to bring together the art of education often conflicting with each other the way that two applications covers the learning outcomes of education, art, aims to achieve the unexpected. However, at this point, the potential contribution of art education theory and the theory justifies the seriousness of the current system is very important to understand the broad scope. An analogous relationship of visual culture in the new world order, the current system, it is equivalent to almost the structure. For this reason, take a look at the current system, visual culture and at the same time helps us determine the effects of the global culture and social indicators. For this purpose, in line with the changing paradigms of research currently being used in making sense of the present system of visual culture, art education theory and cultural studies performed morphological expansion effects on the aesthetic education and expectations are discussed. The data of the research were held by descriptive research methods


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