Her toplumun; ekonomik, siyasal ve kültürel kodlarına dayanan bir teknik ve sanayi/leşme tasavvuru olmuştur. İlahi kültürü hayatlarının eksenine yerleştirmiş olan toplumların temel amacı da bütün teknik/alet ilminin imkanlarını kullanarak yeryüzünün imar edilmesini sağlamak olmuştur. Necmettin Erbakan tarafından aktif siyaset öncesi ve sonrasında "hem ahlaki hem de iktisadi bakımdan güçlü olmak" biçiminde iki kanatlı bir kalkınma tasavvuru düşünülmüş, söylenmiş ve uygulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu yaklaşım Milli Görüş Hareketi (MGH)'nin Kurucu Lideri'nin kaleme aldığı Davam adlı eserinde "Teknoloji ne kadar gelişirse gelişsin, her alanda kalkınma hareketlerinin en baş unsuru insandır. İnsan unsuru ne kadar sağlamsa, ne kadar ahlak ve karakter sahibi ise kalkınmada o kadar güçlü olacaktır. İnsan unsuru ahlaken bozulmuşsa, bu bozuk malzemeyle kurulacak resmi veya gayri resmi teşekküller verimsiz ve yıkıcı olacağından emekler, masraflar ve zahmetler boşa gidecektir" biçiminde yer almıştır. Erbakan'ın tüm ilmi ve siyasi yaşamı ile MGH'nin siyasi çalışmalarını dikkate aldığımızda ülkemizin gelişmesi için temel sorunlar ve çözüm araçları bağlamında; nimet ve külfet paylaşımında "adalet", "sanayileşme" zorunlu bir istikamettir, ahlâk ve maneviyat esaslı "kalkınma", takip ederek rakiplerinizi geçemezsiniz, sanayileşmede önce mevzuat sorunları çözülmelidir, sanayileşme hamlelerinde stratejik yanılgıya düşülmemeli ve yerli teknik otoritelere fırsat verilmelidir, sanayileşme lineer değil üstel gelişir, yatırımlarda ekonomik ve sosyal göstergeler birlikte dikkate alınmalıdır, sanayileşmede İslam dininin kırmızıçizgilerine dikkat edilmelidir, "devlet liderliğinde" sanayileşme gerçekleştirilmelidir, acilen Ar-Ge çalışmaları öncelenmelidir, ufki (yatay) kalkınma amaçlanmalıdır, işçilik sistemi değil, ortaklık sistemi benimsenmelidir, müstemleke tipi kalkınma değil ve lider ülke kalkınma modeli esas seçilmelidir gibi kalkınma paradigmalarından bahsedilebilir. Bu çalışmada MGH'nin Türkiye'nin sanayileşmesine yaptığı katkı/lar hem söylem hem de eylem bazında incelenerek, Erbakan'ın sanayileşmeye yönelik paradigmaları ayrıntılı olarak değerlendirilecektir


Every society has a technical and industrialization envision that is based on economic, politic, and cultural codes. The fundamental purpose of the societies, which place the divine culture on the base of their life, has been to ensure the construction of earth by using all the available technics/instruments. Before and after his active political life, Necmettin Erbakan has though and articulated the two-wing development envision; “being strong from both economical and moral aspects”. And he tried to put this envision into practice. This approach has also been cited in book titled “Davam”, which was written by the Founder Leader of Islamic View (MGH); “Regardless of the advancements in technology, the main component of development movements is human in any domain. The stronger the human component is and the more moral values it has, the stronger the development will be. If the human component is deteriorated from moral aspect, the governmental or non-governmental establishments to be established using this deteriorated factor would be unproductive and destructive and all of the efforts, funds, and pains would go down the drain.” Considering the entire scientific and politic life of Erbakan and the politic works of MGH, the development paradigms can be exemplified as follows; “the ‘fairness’ in sharing yield and costs and the ‘industrialization’ are the compulsory direction in terms of main problems and solution offers for our country’s development”, “Development based on moral values is very important”, “One cannot get ahead of your competitors by following them”, “First of all, the regulatory problems should be solved for the industrialization”, “We should avoid from strategic failures in industrialization moves, and the local technical authorities should be given priority”, “Industrialization advances not linearly but exponentially”, “Economic and social indicators should be considered together in investments”, “In industrialization, the red lines of Islam should be taken into consideration, and the “government-led” industrialization should be put into practice”, “R&D activities should be given importance”, the horizontal development should be aimed”, “Not the employee system but the partnership system should be adopted”, and “Rather than colonial-type development, the leader country type development should be taken as base”. In this study, all of the contributions of MGH to Turkey’s industrialization will be examined from both verbal and operational aspects, and the paradigms of Erbakan regarding the industrialization will be analyzed in detail.Every society has a technical and industrialization envision that is based on economic, politic, and cultural codes. The fundamental purpose of the societies, which place the divine culture on the base of their life, has been to ensure the construction of earth by using all the available technics/instruments. Before and after his active political life, Necmettin Erbakan has though and articulated the two-wing development envision; “being strong from both economical and moral aspects”. And he tried to put this envision into practice. This approach has also been cited in book titled “Davam” (2016), which was written by the Founder Leader of Islamic View; “Regardless of the advancements in technology, the main component of development movements is human in any domain. The stronger the human component is and the more moral values it has, the stronger the development will be. If the human component is deteriorated from moral aspect, the governmental or non-governmental establishments to be established using this deteriorated factor would be unproductive and destructive and all of the efforts, funds, and pains would go down the drain.” Erbakan used industrialization in leadership of government as a base and he thought and dedicated that special sector must be the core of economy. In this connection Erbakan has broad perspective and he aimed at development horizontally. Necmettin Erbakan is seemed to be very close to government’s perception such as transcendentalism and he assumed that the cause of this closeness is the state’s ministering acts in Islamic View (Milli Görüş Hareketi – MGH). Apart from that, according to Erbakan, state has only one function for providing happiness and this function concretize with that perception “not hegomonic state, we want serving state” explicitly. When we considering his political opinion we recognized that mostly MGH was rivalry party, sometimes it became coalition too in certain periods and he had made some studies which consist of his personal values and moves for seeing life According to Erbakan, in fact heavy industry is an industry which builds another industry, factory which builds factory, machine which makes machine industry. We can say some studies when MGH was in the government: in the fields of electromechanic for manufacture of generator and turbine is TEMSAN, for production of machine tools is TAKSAN, in the fields of electronics TESTAS, in the fields of aviation TUSAS (todays is known as TAI), Gerede steel construction industry GERKONSAN, textile machinery industry TUTEKS are founded by Erbakan’s incentive. In addition to that there is TUMOSAN for manufacturing motorcycle, truck, bus. In this era Turkey was progressing textile production, new developments were doing but all of textile machines were coming from other countries. Special sector didn’t go into production of textile machines. For production of textile machines Sumerbank Istanbul Provincial Treasurer (paint, dressing, finishing machines), Malatya (handlooms), and Gaziantep (spinning machinery) facilities were founded. License agreements were made. Still in that period, State Industry and Worker Development Bank (DESIYAB) was founded for development financing to regain external savings to Turkey. In the period of 1976-1978 nationalist front government, Necmettin Erbakan started 200 big heavy industry projects with the responsibility of relevant department especially Industry and Technology Department. If we compare the budget of Industry and Technology Department in 1977 with previous period we realize %1600 rise. This situation shows us how big industrial movement was carrying out. These movements are recipes of salvation for a powerful country, which has heavy industry and made their factories, to get rid of unemployment and to narrow foreign trade deficit. In one of speeches of Erbakan (July 1975) “Our aim is not only open factory, not only build facilities. Our aim to have engineering schools which have technology to build their own factories, which can follow and develop, to have engineer, technician, artist staffs. In October 1976 ‘The factories which we built are not montage. They are real production factories. We are founding factories which found factories, machines which makes machines industry. In January 1977 he had statements such as “we are acting together with movement of big historical heavy industry and movement of “moral development”, so this development is real and durable. It can be mentioned development paradigms of Erbakan such as: “in industrialization must be pay attention to red lines of Islamic religion”, “must carry out development on moral and spirit base”, “must be equal on sharing blessing and burden”, “must adopt partnership system not labor system”, “industry is compulsory direction”, “we can’t get ahead of our rivalries by following them”, “at first in industry problems of regulations must be resolved”, “in the movements of industry opportunities must be given to native technic persons”, “industry grows exponentially not linearly”, “in the developments economic and social indicators must be pay attention together”, “under state-led industry and horizontal development must be aimed”, “must be adopted leader country development model not colony type development”, “industry must be spread every inch of country”, “a powerful economy must be founded which is based upon production”, “adopt development principle with their own power with don’t go into debt”, “prioritize R&D studies immediately”, “in industry incentives serial production must be looked out for”. In this study, all of the contributions of MGH to Turkey’s industrialization will be examined from both verbal and operational aspects, and the paradigms of Erbakan regarding the industrialization will be analyzed in detail.


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