Bir milletin dini, dili, tarihi, coğrafyası, edebiyatı, sosyal ve siyasi hayatı, yaşam tarzı gibi birçok unsurla alakalı gelenek ve görenekler, örf, âdet ve inançlar, maddi ve manevi değerler kültürü oluşturur. Oluşan bu kültür unsurları, bir milleti diğerlerinden ayıran en belirgin özelliklerdir. Toplumlar, bu değerler kültürünü korudukça ve yaşattıkça bir arada kalmayı başarırlar. Geçmişten geleceğe taşınan değerler, ortaklık ruhunu ortaya koyar. Göçebe halinde yaşayarak gittiği coğrafyaya değerler bütününü taşıyan Yörükler, ortaklık ruhuna sıkı sıkı sarılarak onu korumaya çalışmıştır. Bu çalışmada bu ortaklık ruhunun incelenen sahada ne ölçüde yaşatıldığı araştırılmıştır. Kurtuluş Savaşı sonrası Samsun iline gelip bir köy kurarak yaşamını devam ettiren Yörükler, uzun süre dış çevreye kapalı olarak yaşamıştır. Yurtdışına verilen göçler ve üniversite okuyan gençlerin etkisiyle farklı coğrafyalardan kız alışverişi gibi nedenler dışa kapalı yaşamın sınırlarını aşmış ve bunun sonucunda da kültürel etkileşimler olmuştur. Geleneklerine bağlı olan Yörükler için bu süreç sancılı olsa da dönüşüm etkileri yavaş yavaş görülmeye başlamıştır. Bu değişimleri görebilmek amacıyla düğün sonrasında yapılan gelenekler çalışmaya konu edinilmiştir. Yörüklerde duvak, bohça hazırlayıp dağıtma ve yedilik olmak üzere düğün sonrasında yapılan üç gelenekten bahsedilebilir. Çalışmada bazı farklı yerleşim yerlerindeki düğün sonrası gelenekler üzerinde durulduktan sonra Samsun ilinin Ondokuzmayıs ilçesindeki Yörükler köyünde bu geleneklerin geçmişte ve günümüzde nasıl devam ettiği incelenmiştir. Gelenekler toplumlar içinde yaşarken bazıları aynen devam eder, bazıları şekil değiştirir, bazıları ise yavaş yavaş kaybolur. Görülen odur ki araştırılan sahada bu üç durumun örneği de vardır. Bu araştırmada, öncelikle malzemenin sahadan derlenmesi sırasında alan araştırması tekniği seçilmiştir. Gözlem yöntemi ve görüşme yöntemi birlikte kullanılmıştır


The culture consists of a nation's religion, language, history, geography, literature, social and political life, and many customs and traditions related to such as life style, traditions, customs and beliefs, moral and material values. These culture elements are the clearest features that separate a nation from others. The communities manage to stay together as long as they protect these cultural values. Common values which comprise of the spirit of partnership are encountered in the processes of birth, marriage, and death. Under each of these processes there are some applications of various customs and beliefs. In the process of marriage, which is the subject of this study, the traditions of before wedding, during wedding and post wedding traditions are involved as three groups. Marriage can be described as a change in the status of individuals within the family context. Therefore, it affects two married individuals and their families and immediate relatives most. It is an important process of socialization of human beings. Family is a unit representing the community to which it belongs; this cause a responsibility to each other to family members and some social responsibilities. On the other hand it increases love and respect between the families, and it determines and regulates solidarity, social and economic relations. Marriage ceremonies are performed according to societies' the cultural rules and patterns. For that reason, marriage creates a rich tradition in terms of ceremony, tradition, customs and beliefs. By living in nomadic, the Yoruks protect their spirit of partnership to which they carry with them always. They are tightly wrapped to each other and the their moral values as the need of gregarious, and live without damaging the environment, so they are known for their bravery. They pay attention to building family relationships in their lifestyle requirements in the region where they live. With the effect of Ottoman Empire policy, they settle in various provinces of the country. Ondokuzmayıs Yoruks, which are the subject of this study, end their nomad lifestyle in Samsun. After the War of Liberty, they come to a village near Samsun and continue their life here. In their region, they live off to their neighbor for a long time especially because of their kinship. With the effect of migration abroad, university youth and marriages cause the cultural interaction and cut across the limitations of living off outside and consequently cultural interaction begins to be lived. Even if this process is painful, the effects of transformation begin to be seen gradually. In order to see these changes, post wedding traditions are mentioned mainly in the study. As mentioned earlier, this study is based on the process of marriage and marriage applications. In the study, these traditions are examined; giving bundle, bride's veil and yedilik and whether they protect their validity or not. In the study, these three traditions are focused; they are examined in different residential areas and given information for the changes. Finally, nomads in the village of in Ondokuzmayıs, Samsun are examined; how their traditions continue in the past and present. In this research, firstly the technique of field study is chosen for collecting the material from the area. Observation and interview methods are used together. The list of resource persons are added to article. Yoruks, who are the subject of the study, tried to maintain their traditions and customs for a long time. However; technological, cultural and economic developments affected and changed the nomadic Yoruks. With the influence of a cultural corruption or losing validity of some morals, in the Yoruks village some values are about to be forgotten. While traditions live in the society, some continue living same, some change shape and some gradually disappear. This is inevitable in the social and cultural life. In the study carried out in the Yoruks village, three samples are seen of the three traditions. As the first of the post-wedding traditions, preparing bundle tradition is faced. The bundle is a kind of gift from bride to the groom's firstly mother, father, uncles, aunts, and then for other close relatives. The bundles could be prepared depending on the wish of the bride; they can give before wedding or the bride could collect the presents before giving them to the relatives. When compared today, it is seen that the Bundle Giving Tradition have changed shape. Actually, in the past the bundle was given just to the groom's father and mother and in it there were only prayer rug and saddlebag, but today it is given many relatives and the gifts are so various. In our day, the marriage is not limited only to relatives so, Giving Bundle Tradition accelerates the adaptation of bride to the new family and environment. For that reason, the continuation of this tradition will be effective in human and social relations' healthy continuation. The second of post-wedding tradition, wedding veil has been disappearing nowadays. While it was an essential part of wedding ceremony in old times, it is up to the choice of these families. The reason is that henna and wedding ceremonies are hold at the wedding hall and this case increases the costs. Especially the poor families do not carry out the tradition of bridal veil; however, rich and well-known families continue to carry out this tradition. One of the reasons affecting the continuation of the tradition is seen as that; the wedding couples go on holiday and they have limited time off, if one or both of the pair work. The third and last of the post wedding traditions, the yedilik tradition, continues with all the applications today as in the past. Symbolizing, the end of resentment, the tradition organized as dinner invitation for the commingling of the families has kept up-to-date today. Moreover, the attitudes and behaviors towards groom melt the ice between bride and groom families in the period leading up to the wedding. After today groom is adapted by the family like a son, an individual of the family. When looked from this perspective, teasing and cheerful chats in the tradition also help to be forgotten of hard and difficult times. Changes in living conditions and traditions together are inevitable. But, the corruption as called also degradation, and because of lack of innovation which prevent doing something with common consciousness the people interviewed are complainer and anxious about it and their information about the subject are very significant in terms of showing the old traditions related to marriage in the region. As need of rapid and practical life experience, people are about to forget the values which hold the society and the family together. For that reason, keeping alive spiritual values and formalization are necessary and important. At that point, it is necessary that scientists must study in this field and make referrals. Again for introduction of these values, visual media can also be used. Although there have been local programs, the number and quality of these of these programs should increase. In addition, if these programs examine the specific issues, the promotions can be strengthened. In each educational institution, where these values are lived, different curriculums like theaters and trips can be placed in the syllabus for the awareness and the young memories of the students. So, these beautiful traditions and customs which have various meanings will not be abandoned to their fate
