Çağdaş yazınımızın adından sıklıkla söz ettiren yazarlarından olan Zülfü Livaneli'nin yapıtları, kişiliğini ve dünya görüşünü gözler önüne seren anlatı dünyası 1980 sonrası Türk romancılığının göstergesi niteliğindedir. Sanatkârın; deneme, hikâye, roman, anı, senaryo türünde toplam on yedi eseri bulunmaktadır. Bakış açısı ve anlatıcı, anlatma esasına bağlı metinlerde kurguyu belirleyen ve şekillendiren yapı unsurlarındandır. Yazarın metin içindeki görüntüsü olan anlatıcı, imgesel bir kimliktir ve anlatı, onun bakış açısına göre kurgulanır. Anlatıcının eserdeki konumunu/ yerini işaret eden bu yapı unsuru, metnin kurgusu ve söylem düzeyindeki anlatım evrenine aittir. Bakış açısı ve anlatıcının görünümleri ile sanatkârın bireysel miti arasındaki derin bağıntı, kurmaca metnin imge düzeyindeki açılımlarını da belirleyici niteliktedir. Sanatkâr, çocukluğundan beri ilgi duyduğu, yaşamının kaynağı olan müziğin notalarını, harfler olarak anlatılarına aktarır. Sözcükler ve dizgeler, onun okuyucuya, dinleyiciye, izleyiciye iletmek istediği mesajları içerir. Yazarın, çeşitli, türlerden oluşan geniş anlatı yelpazesinde roman ve hikâyelerindeki "bakış açısı ve anlatıcı" yapı olarak incelendi. Çalışmada anlatının temel öğesi olan anlatıcının tipinin ve düzleminin diğer anlatı öğelerini nasıl etkilediği ve bu etkileşimin okurda nasıl bir gerçeklik algısı meydana getirdiği incelendi. Amacımız anlatının ana öğesi olan anlatıcıyı araştırmamızın merkezine alarak anlatıcının diğer öğelerle ilişkisini ortaya koymak ve bu ilişkinin okurda yarattığı gerçeklik ya da kurmaca algısını nasıl oluşturduğunu ortaya koymaktır


One of the most popular writers of contemporary literature, Zülfü Livaneli’s works, his narrative world capturing his character and worldview, is a kind of demonstration of the Turkish Novel after 1980s. He has totally seventeen works of the essay, story, novel and memory. The point of view and narrator are some of the structure elements which determine and shape the fiction in texts which are based on the principle of narration. Narrator who is the displaying of author in text is an imaginative identity and narration is fictioned according to his/her viewpoint. This structure element which points at the situation/location of narrator in work of art, belogs to fiction of text and world of expression in level of discourse. The deep relation between the appearances of viewpoint, narrator and the individual myth of artist has also a quality that define the right ascensions in simulacrum level of text. He turns music, source of the life, which he has been interested in since his childhood into the letters in his works. Words and sentences consist of the messages that he wants to transmit to reader, listener and auidience. Novels and stories have been analyzed in terms of its academical side and themes tackled in his “perspective and narrator” have been evaluated scientifically. In thesis, it is studied that how the narrator’s type and the angle of view, which are the main element of narration effects the other narration elements and how this interactivity creates a reality perception in the readers. Our aim is to put forward the relation of narrator with the other elements while putting the teller, which is the main element of narration, to the center of our research and to put forward how this relation creates the perception of reality and fiction in the readers mind. Authors and readers are real persons who are outside the fantasy world created in the building. A narrative by producing the text is its author; The narrative is a reader at a certain time in a certain place and read. However, the narrator and understands only intended for the realization of linguistic and literary figures are an abstract narrative roles. The narrator of the story which authority or authorities, the person is created from words and words produced by the text, such as its staff the narrator of the text only has a presence outside of any asset included in the text. It is a fictional entity belonging to the narratives described. reader is considered a potential figure instead of concrete reader. Created by a fictional narrator, potential is a potential buyer. Perspective and presence of the narrator, telling mainly due to the text of the other structural elements and thematic structure of fiction and styling has a decisive function. These factors determine the structure of the text elements to be correctly identifying the referent and makes it possible to evaluate. The narrator is visible in some locations, and in this case the narrative is told in the narrative is the only person on staff or people who witnessed what happened. In some narratives narrator is invisible position and understood in this case, does not bear the marks of a narrator, narrative gives a sense of self he explained. The narrator, the narrative can be transferred from a first-person or third- person narrator's mouth can be visible or invisible. These constitute the narrative pattern layout. The conduct of the narrative takes the narrative layout pattern name. Point of view, as seen from the one described and as reflected. Reflects the different wording used by the originality and diversity of the Works Zülfü Livaneli. Social role of (customs, religion, tradition, education, family values and the financial and moral values) beliginleşerek prefer basic character creation motifs together with a description of the events surrounding the conflict and unable to hold that individual organizers. Artisans events Select mesh boundaries as creating both social and political events in the world as well as the limits of the transformation of their lives against this individual events. It works as a social problem or develop within the framework of the general shortage as required by the individual in the world thrown into the solitary life. Experienced in times past, a structure of nested individual and society. The clash of narratives or life adventure story of intertwined lives are shaped by the way to coincide with each other. Artisans, creating fictional narrative point of view of the world passes through various narrators. Livaneli in the narrative of the study results; Pacifism, the resistance to change and flattery to emphasize that the factors hindering productivity. The main character physically, described the psychological and social features. Artisans, while alleviating the pressure in the words appropriate to create social peace a hero, feed that passion, desire and ease, the mind does not contain Entertaining unable heroes. An illusion effect on people who are readers, increase their resistance to the crisis in their daily lives. They rushed to the characters that can be an example to the community through the adventure of adventure narrative. Social role of (customs, religion, tradition, education, family values and the financial and moral values) prefer basic character creation motifs together with a description of the events surrounding the conflict and unable to hold that individual organizers. Artisans events Select mesh boundaries as creating both social and political events in the world as well as the limits of the transformation of their lives against this individual events. Works basically generally develop within the framework of a social problem or challenge that requires the individual to the world is thrown into solitary life. Experienced in times past, a structure of nested individual and society. The clash of narratives or life adventure story of intertwined lives are shaped by the way to coincide with each other.The narrator shows the variety of perspectives and requirements of the postmodernist era. As the actions of the transfer refers to a person works throughout the narrator, the reality increases the size of the elements of the narrative. So readers, tell the person their actions, learn from the perspective of the narrator. Artwork in the narrator, past-present-future perspective plane while the mood of people with temporal dimension in terms of the solutions it provides him with unlimited possibilities. Describing the place to see everything from an invisible person to the inner world sometimes is included talks in their place and make comments. It also uses interpersonal dialogue and descriptions to include reader cases. A total of four (4) narrator hero of the novel, three (3) narrator divine novel and plural narrator of more than a narrator -One (1) novelist. Although the author's pluralistic viewpoint multiple narrators mentioned works was also examined in detail in the study.


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