Farklı elbise ve kumaş türlerinden çeşitli lekeleri çıkarmayı konu edinen "Risâle'-i Câme-şûy-nâme", Arapçadan Türkçeye tercüme bir eserdir. Tek nüshasını tespit ettiğimiz eserin iki bâbdan oluştuğu belirtilmişse de, metin içinde bir bâb anlatılmaktadır. Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi döneminde yazıldığını tahmin ettiğimiz eserin yazılış tarihi ya da mütercimi hakkında herhangi bir bilgi yer almamaktadır. Yazarı da belirtilmeyen eserin 2b sayfasında geçen manzum parçada kendisinden övgüyle bahsedilen ve çeşitli özellikleri verilen Ahmedî adı yer almaktadır. Ancak metne göre bunun kim olduğunu belirlemek çok da mümkün olmamaktadır. Konusu gereği kumaş, renk, bitki ve toprak adlarının yer aldığı eser terim ve söz varlığı açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Ayrıca terimlerin anlamlarına gerek metin içinde gerekse de derkenarlarda yer verilmesiyle de eser ayrı bir değere sahiptir. Türk sanayi ve kültür tarihi açısından büyük öneme sahip olan metin, bu konuyla ilgili çalışma yapacak araştırmacılara da yardımcı olacağı kanısındayız. Çalışmamız giriş, dil özellikleri, metin, dizin ve sonuç bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmamızın giriş bölümünde ilk olarak eser hakkında genel bilgi verilmeye çalışıldı. Daha sonra metin çeviri yazıya aktarılırken ve metnin gramatikal dizini oluşturulurken izlenen yöntemlerle ilgili bilgi verildi. Yazım, ses ve yapı özelliklerinin verildiği dil özellikleri bölümünde ise metnin tam bir gramerini ortaya koymaktan çok, dil özelliklerini ortaya koyacak başlıca yazım, ses ve yapı özellikleri üzerinde duruldu. Çalışmanın çeviri yazısının yapıldığı metin bölümünden sonra, metinde geçen kelime ve tamlamaların anlamlandırılıp gramatikal dizininin oluşturulduğu dizin bölümüne yer verildi. Çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde ise yapılan bu çalışmalar sonrası elde edilen bulgular yer almaktadır.


The “Risâle’-i Câme-şûy-nâme”, which describes how various stains can be removed from different types of dress and fabric, is a translation from Arabic to Turkish. The text contains no information about the translator or date of composition of the text, which we assume to have been written in the period of Classic Ottoman Turkish. On page 2b of the anonymous text is mentioned the name Ahmedî who is praised and whose qualities are described. However, the text gives no information as to the identity of this person. Although the work about the cleaning of stains is on page 2b said to consist of two sections in keeping with its topic there is only one section in the text. While the first section about the cleaning of dress is divided into various paragraphs, the second section about the secret Arabic art and magic is missing. Page 1a of the text contains a hadith with an Arabic sentence about being healthy and being content with what one has. Besides the same page contains four distichs quoted from Ferîdüddîn-i Attâr’s Mantıku’t-Tayr. On the same page is written the name of the work as “Risâle’-i Câme-şûy-nâme”. The work of which we have only found one copy is registered under the number 37/ASL of the Central Library of Erzurum Atatürk University. The work consists of 15 leaves and each page contains 13 lines. Exceptions are page 1b with 10 lines and page 15b with 8 lines. In the work that is written in “nesih” calligraphy without vowel marks, vowel marks are occasionally used in order to prevent wrong readings. Besides, the titles in the work are written with red ink. The work is written in prose but contains a poetic section consisting of six distichs. In the metrical part that is written in the pattern fâ’ilâtün (fe’ilâtün) mefâ’ilün fe’ilün (fa’lün) of the prosody, a metrical error can be seen. In keeping with its topic the work contains many terms that are not found in literary and religious texts and the meanings or uses of some of these terms are given in the margins. As the counterparts of some terms in the foreign language are defined so is the use of some substances described in the text in a detailed manner. The text is very important from the angle of vocabulary. It contains the names of fabrics, colours, plants and earth and archaic words that are now found not in literary texts but only in spoken language. Its use of alchemistic terms makes it even more important. In the work about the ways in which one can get various stains out of various types of dress and fabric substances such as alum, lemon, barley water, vinegar, ashes, soap, bloodwood, bran, date, soaproot, meerschaum, yoghurt are used in order to clean stains such as pomegranate, fat, blood, ink, wax, pitch, grape, wine, sperm, pear, walnut, food and drink. The work also gives information about the cleaning of various objects apart from dress and fabric. For example, on page 4a of the work it is explained how fat can be removed from a book that is covered with it, and on page 10b it is explained how a fat stain can be removed from paper. Besides on page 7a it is explained how a boot, which is stained from a stirrup, is cleaned, and on page 9b it is explained how bronze implements are polished without fire. Besides it is explained how fabrics that have lost their colour can be restored to their old colour. This article consists of an introduction, linguistic specificities, text, index and conclusion. In the introduction general knowledge is given. In the text where the transcription is made capital letters are not used except for names. In the text some words are misspelt. These misspellings are corrected and indicated in footnotes. In the footnotes two dots (:) are used in order to separate the wrong form from the correct one. The word to the left of the dot is the correct one, the word to the right of the dot is the wrong one. Besides, a word that is not in the text but is thought to be missing is shown in the text in parenthesis. Besides the Arabic expressions that are found on page 1a and in the text and the Persian distichs that are also found on page 1a are written in Arabic letters and then explained in the footnotes. In the index section where the words and attributes are explained and the grammatical index is constituted the entries especially are reduced to one word whenever possible, it has been tried to place composite words not at the beginning of the entry but as derivation. When necessary the meanings of these composite words are shown in inverted commas. In defining the headings of the entries the meanings found in the text have been taken as basis, in the case of words of doubtful meaning a question mark has been used. Besides in order to set out the meanings of some words more correctly their meanings are given in the form in which they appear in the margins. In this case the sentence in which the word appears is given in parenthesis and afterwards the page number is indicated. The section about linguistic characteristics, which deals with specificities of orthography, pronunciation and structure, is not so much about constructing a complete grammar as about the presentation of single characteristics. Since the text is without vowel marks the focus will be on suffixes and vowel harmony. In this study it can be seen that suffixes with a vowel continue the forms of Old Anatolian Turkish. However, there are not enough examples in order to show the development of some suffixes. For example, the suffix “-Il-/- Ul-” is rounded in the case of a work with rounded vowels. However, the fact that the supporting vowel of this suffix appears in only one verb prevents us from forming a hypothesis about the degree to which the suffix is developed. However, as regards some suffixes the text gives enough examples. For example, there is the suffix -dUr-, which in the eighteenth century is harmonised but is in the text constantly used with a rounded vowel. Besides the suffix “+lU/+lI”, which has from the sixteenth century onwards flat forms, is used in the text generally with a rounded vowel but in one example with a flat vowel. The work, which does not contain all suffixes because of its topic and its volume, is written without vowel marks. Even if this makes it more difficult to form a hypothesis about the time of its composition, we can say on the basis of our linguistic analysis that the text belongs to the Classical Ottoman Turkish period.


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