Modern metinlerde, zamansal ve mekânsal sınırlamalar aşılarak "eski", metinsel arketip niteliğinde kullanılır. Geleneğin aşılacak değil, kaynak olarak kullanılacak bir birikim şeklinde algılanması gerektiğinin göstergesi niteliğinde içerik ödünçlemesi yapılarak kültürel belleğin evrensel izlekleri metinlerarası yöntemlerle yeniden yazılır. Ayfer Tunç, geçmişin büyüsünü kurgu aracılığıyla şimdiye taşımaya çalışan ve varoluş kaynaklarına dönmenin büyüsü bozulan hayatta yaşamayı kolaylaştıracağına inanan aydınlık bilinçtir. Sanatkârın Mağara Arkadaşları adlı öyküsü, büyük kentin karmaşası içinde evlerine/"mağara"larına kapanmış insanların trajik anlatımıdır. Kitaba adını veren 2 katmanlı öykünün merkezinde uyumak isteyen Yedi katlı Ayyıldız Apartmanı ile uyuyanların öyküsünü yazmaya çalışan Ayyaş Yazar yer alır. Öykü, birçok milletin sözlü geleneği ve mitojisi ile kutsal kitaplardan Kur'an-ı Kerim'de yer alan 309 sene uyuyanlar metaforunun modern eserdeki dönüşümü niteliğindedir. Bu çalışmada Ayfer Tunç'un Mağara Arkadaşları öyküsü metinlerarası bağlamda modern bireyin psikolojik ve ahlaki çatışmaları ekseninde incelendi. Postmodern bir yeni'den yazma/yeni'den yaratma çabasının sonucu metinleşen ve etkisini sürdüren Ashab-ı Kehf'in düşünce dünyasındaki izleri aktarılmaya çalışıldı.


In modern texts, overcoming temporal and spatial limitations, ancient is used as a quality of textual archetype. Not exceeding the tradition, but by making a loan an indication of the quality content that will be used as sources should be seen as an accumulation, universal themes of cultural memory is rewritten by the intertextual method. Ayfer Tunç is a brilliant mind who studies to carry the magic of the past to present time and believes that returning to the source of existence will simplify the life in deteriorated magic of the life. The writer’s story named “Cave Friends” is a tragic expression of the people that hiding to their homes/caves in the chaos of the big city. In the center of the two-layered story that gave the books title, take part septuble Ayyıldız Apartment wants to sleep and drunkard writer tries to write the story of sleepers. The story is in the quality of transformation in modern works on many nations oral tradition and mythology and on the metaphor 309 years of sleeping located in the Holy Koran. In this study, Ayfer Tunç’s story named “Cave Friends” was viewed in the axis of modern individual's psychological and moral conflicts intertextually. As a result of a postmodern rewrite/re-raising effort, was studied. to transfer the tracks in the world of ideas Companions of the Cave’s/Seven Sleepers. cave friends/Ashab-ı Kehf/Seven Sleeper’s sleeping, cave/subconscious and rebirth/existence in intertextuality. Ayfer Tunc’s Cave Friends story is fictioned in two layers. In first layer there is a story of Ayyildiz Apartment. The second layer there is a story of Drunkard Writer. The people who lives in Ayyildiz Apartment don’t live, death. Apartment, like a cave, is a grave and cave for people. This space which implied virtual sleeping is eightfold with basement. Seven people who sleeps/haaven’t awareness sensation and Rustem Efendi who has jabbed life although physical hustle. From this aspect Ayyildiz Apartment is provision of cave that seven people with their dog Kitmir slept in. Ayyildiz Apartment which transformed to postmodern cave, is in darkness that wraps everywhere. Also it is a living space of carcass people in narrow and darkness space. The space which spiritual sleeeping people’s gathering place, prefers immaterial sleep as the people. It is possible that we can interpret it has cleaner, alleviant fonction. As the other apartments the response of modernism’s degemination and get lonely as society and individual’s dissociation. Ayyıldız Apartment’s people are in death sleep distinctly the referent text. So in this station Ayyıldız Apartment has riot and to find a way. But the apartment doesn’t believe people’s get up again. And it chooses suicide to end this pain. But it is awareness of it can’t surpass being an object. Its annihilation is inevitable because of not being a house of refuge and life but a place of existent and absent life. Although Ayyildiz Apartment wants to rescue from this deadness it despaires of people who sleep. Finally it plannes about the basement where Rustem Efendi/Kitmir lives. This basement is ideal helper to planning final. The second layer which seven sleepers are the subject is Ayyildiz Apatment’s person Drunked Writer’s planned to write story in Cave Friends. In this story second layer about seven sleeper is a planning story of Drunked Writer. He plans the story’s thematic platform on stolidity. He forms the characters from a theatre player, a scientist –politics sociologist-, a sculptur, a poet, a novelist, a musician and a ordinary person as Kitmir. Drunked Writer, aimed that transformed the old image to his age. While he tells the stolidty, he emphasized the society’s wakeffullness or civilization will go back. To to this he does seven people be wise. It is told that the people’s awakening performence is hindered in top and bottom referant texts. But Drunked Writer’s fiction characters are conscious. Ayfer Tunc’s Cave Friends story isa fictioned of universal story in Kuran-i Kerim and oral tradition. Cave Friends has referents to Ashab-i Kehf with themes and immaterial relation. From its name there are a lot


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