.01) görülmemektedir This research has been developed for the purpose of identiying students’ acquisition’s realization level in secondary school 7th grade ‘human and ecology’ unit in science and technology curriculum. Research was applied on an 7th grade students of a secondary school in the center of Kahta, which is a county in Adıyaman. Sampling,178 students joined this search from the school in the center of the county. Firstly 30 questions has been prepared which are suitable for the ‘human and technology’ unit by the researcher and applied to the 8th grade students who learned this unit a year before. According to the answers given by students matrix of items score was prepared and item’s difficulty index and discriminative power of each item has been calculated. Five items whose difficulty index and discriminative power love,have been eliminated from the test and question number has been decreased to 25. Also while doing the elimination, an expert’s opinion has been taken. After that,this 25 questions along with the personal information and manner scale about environment science, applied to the 7th grade students as a pre-test before the unit has been learned and as a post test after the unit has beeen learned. The post test was applied three weeks after the pre-test. Additionally for searching whether there is a meaningful difference between the post test’s and pre-test’s success, according to the gender of students, the educational statue of their parents,how frequent their parents help students about their lesson subjects,how much they use the internet for their lesson per a week,whether they have their own room or not,their science and technology, marks in their school report in previous term,the frequency of their watching documentary per a week,number of their siblings,the period they play computer games per a week,the frequency of their reading magazines about science;is analysed by using t- test,one way variant techniques,and for the statistical data SPSS-15 ready package program. Besides while comparising among the groups Tukey test has been used. Research indications are interpreted according to the 0,05 of meaningfullness level The avarage of the correct answers in the pre and post tests and students attitude to the lesson, help of the parents for the their study, their fathers’ education statue and marks on their school reports’ effect on the success, meaningfull difference has been found. On the other hand, it can be understood that; their gender, mothers’ education statue, frequency of their watching documentary, frequency of following the magazines on science, their internet usage per a week, the time used for the pc games per week and number of siblings’ affects on the students’ success and there is a meaningfull difference observed. Furthermore; students’ time used for watching documentary per a week and their marks on the school reports has a meaningful difference on their attitude to the lesson. The earlier the environmental education begins, the better. Because information and attitudes established during the pre-school and school age form the basis of future desired behaviours. Particularly during the childhood and adolescent period, it is very important to develop empathy in relations with the nature and further to gain love of nature. For this purpose and also in order to protect the environment, it is necessary to demonstrate environmentally friendly behaviours (Erten, 2003). Environmental education intended for children can have two main objectives. First is to create a cultural accumulation in children, and the second is to introduce the environment, environmental issues, solutions therefor, and in particular areas of responsibility of the children to this end. Such form of an education first starts in the family and then proceeds with the school. If this education is not received within the family, there is a growing role on the part of the school. For this purpose, teachers and students as the basic elements of this education system should have relevant awareness. If this requirement can be satisfied, individuals start to acquire positive behaviours resulting in intended environmental protection (Ünal and Dımışkı, 1999). Material and Method In this section, the study model, population and sample, data gathering tools used and their method of application, in-classroom practices and statistical methods and techniques employed in the analysis of the data are described.In this study, the single-group pretest and posttest semiexperimental design was used. Furthermore, a survey was applied to get student opinions. The study covers seventh grade students of the Kubilay Primary School located in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman Province. The pretest and posttest was applied to students attending the “Science and Environment” class to explore to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the Science and Technology curriculum for 7th grades. Population and Sample This study was carried out in order to determine to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the “Human and Environment” unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades. The study population consists of 7th grade students at primary schools in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman province. And the study sample consists of 178 students from 7th grade classes of the Kubilay Primary School in Kahta. Data Gathering and Practices In this study aimed at determining to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the human and environment unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades, pretest and posttest method was used to gather data. 30 questions prepared during the first phase of the study were applied to 8th grade students who attended this class in the previous year, then the researcher carried out the reliability and validity analyses based on student answers and reduced the number of questions to 25. When designing the pretest and the posttest, first a literature review on the subject was conducted, and then sources discussing the test building methods were examined. Also an expert was consulted with on how questions fit with the purpose of the test as well as their scope, validity and scientific accuracy. The prospective test was redesigned in the light of expert opinions, and an item analysis was carried out to identify the difficulty, distinction and distractive power of the test items. Overall reliability of the test was found to be 0.72, with a discriminative power of 0.41 and a difficulty rate of 0.42. Then, the study was applied to a total of 178 seventh-grade students from seven different branches in the form of a pretest and posttest. This 25-question test was applied, in combination with an attitude scale on individual details and ecology, as a pretest before the unit was taught, and then as a “posttest” after the unit was taught. The posttest was conducted 3 weeks after the pretest. Moreover, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent t-test and paired sample ttest was used to analyse whether there is a significant difference between the success of the posttest compared to the pretest in terms of the following factors: student gender, educational background of parents, frequency of giving educational help to students by parents, weekly frequency of using internet by students to support lessons, students’ report card scores for the science and technology class of the previous semester, weekly time spent by students to watch documentaries, number of siblings, total weekly time spent by students to play computer (pc) games, and frequency of reading science magazines by students. On the other hand, the Tukey test was used to make comparisons between the groups. The findings of the survey were interpreted based on a significance level of 0.01. Results The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades on the intended outputs for students. The following results were obtained based on the statistical calculations effected on this problem: 1) The average values of pretests and posttests applied to students relating to the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades reveal a positively significant difference. It was found that students’ knowledge improved after studying the subject as accompanied with a high degree of conclusiveness. 2) Pretest and posttest averages reveal no significant difference in students’ attitudes towards the class . Therefore, it is shown that attitudes of students declined in the posttest, suggesting that the teaching method used impacted their attitudes negatively. 3) The breakdown of achievement averages by gender reveals that the average score of never helped female students is lower compared to sometimes helped students, and higher compared to always helped students. 5) Educational background of mothers has no influence on and is not directly proportional with the achievement level of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate mothers is lower compared to those whose mothers are university graduates, average score of students whose mothers are university graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are primary school graduates, and students whose mothers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are high school graduates. All in all, average scores of students with mothers who are primary school and high school graduates were higher. 6) The educational background of fathers had no influence on the achievement of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate fathers is lower compared to those whose fathers are high school graduates, average score of students whose fathers are high school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are primary school graduates, and students whose fathers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are university graduates. 7) Documentary watching had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never watch documentaries is lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers is lower compared to those who are occasional watchers.8) Following science magazines had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never read science magazines is lower compared to those who occasionally read, and that average score of students who occasionally read is lower compared to those who are strict followers. 9) Weekly time spent by students to play PC games had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 5-9 hours for pc games in a week was lower compared to those spending 15 hours, average score of students spending 15 hours and more for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 0- 4 hours, and students spending 0-4 hours for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 10-14 hours. 10) Weekly time spent by students for internet had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 10-14 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 0-4 hours, average score of students spending 0-4 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 5-9 hours, and average score of students spending 5-9 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 15 hours and more for internet in a week. 11) Number of siblings had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with 6 or more siblings is lower compared to those with 5 siblings, average score of students with 5 siblings is lower compared to those with 1 sibling, average score of students with 1 sibling is lower compared to those with 2 siblings, average score of students with 2 siblings is lower compared to those with 3 siblings, and average score of students with 3 siblings is lower compared to those with 4 siblings. 12) Report grade had influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with a report grade of 2 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 3, average score of students with a report grade of 3 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 1, average score of students with a report grade of 1 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 4, and average score of students with a report grade of 4 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 5. 13) Watching documentaries had influence on the students’ attitudes towards the class. It was found that the average score of students who never watch documentaries was lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers was lower compared to those who are occasional watchers. 14) Parental help to the student for his/her lesson, educational background of the mother, educational background of the father, following science magazines, playing games on PC, internet use, number of siblings and science and technology report grades had no significant influence on the student’s attitudes towards the class as revealed by the pretest and posttest.The following recommendations have been developed in line with the findings of the study. Environmental education should be extended to all segments of the society. Environmental education should be delivered under a specific program to people from all age groups and occupations. Environmental education should start at an early age. Starting from the preschool age, practical environmental education should be prioritized, and hazards posed by environmental issues as well as messages introducing the environment and arousing sympathy for environment should clearly be emphasized. Because knowledge and attitudes constructed during preschool and school years form the basis of future terminal behaviours. Value judgements and attitudes acquired particularly during childhood and the adolescent age are of great importance in developing empathy in relationships with nature and arousing sympathy for environment in early ages. The formation of these assets means demonstrating environmental-friendly attitudes in favour of protecting the environment (Erten, 2005).Environmental education should be incorporated more in formal education programs. Awareness of managers and teachers in key issues such as air, water, ecological balance, greenhouse effect, etc. should be raised, and appropriate scientific events aimed at enhancing environmental respect should be presented in primary education. Based on daily changing environmental considerations, environmental education programs should periodically be reviewed and updated by experts. In order for students to develop positive attitudes towards the class, teachers need to associate the class with the real life more intensively. As this study was applied only to 178 students in one school, the study should be extended to more students to better generalize the results. International and national studies related to the subject may be reviewed to identify common problems and propose appropriate solutions."> [PDF] 7. SINIF FEN VE TEKNOLOJİ DERSİ ÖĞRETİM PROGRAMI “İNSAN VE ÇEVRE” ÜNİTESİ ÖĞRENCİ KAZANIMLARININ GERÇEKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN BELİRLENMESİ | [PDF] PRIMARY EDUCATION 7TH GRADE ‘‘HUMAN AND ECOLOGY ’’ UNIT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CURRICULUM’S EFFECTS ON STUDENTS’ CONSCIUSNESS OF ENVIRONMENT .01) görülmemektedir"> .01) görülmemektedir This research has been developed for the purpose of identiying students’ acquisition’s realization level in secondary school 7th grade ‘human and ecology’ unit in science and technology curriculum. Research was applied on an 7th grade students of a secondary school in the center of Kahta, which is a county in Adıyaman. Sampling,178 students joined this search from the school in the center of the county. Firstly 30 questions has been prepared which are suitable for the ‘human and technology’ unit by the researcher and applied to the 8th grade students who learned this unit a year before. According to the answers given by students matrix of items score was prepared and item’s difficulty index and discriminative power of each item has been calculated. Five items whose difficulty index and discriminative power love,have been eliminated from the test and question number has been decreased to 25. Also while doing the elimination, an expert’s opinion has been taken. After that,this 25 questions along with the personal information and manner scale about environment science, applied to the 7th grade students as a pre-test before the unit has been learned and as a post test after the unit has beeen learned. The post test was applied three weeks after the pre-test. Additionally for searching whether there is a meaningful difference between the post test’s and pre-test’s success, according to the gender of students, the educational statue of their parents,how frequent their parents help students about their lesson subjects,how much they use the internet for their lesson per a week,whether they have their own room or not,their science and technology, marks in their school report in previous term,the frequency of their watching documentary per a week,number of their siblings,the period they play computer games per a week,the frequency of their reading magazines about science;is analysed by using t- test,one way variant techniques,and for the statistical data SPSS-15 ready package program. Besides while comparising among the groups Tukey test has been used. Research indications are interpreted according to the 0,05 of meaningfullness level The avarage of the correct answers in the pre and post tests and students attitude to the lesson, help of the parents for the their study, their fathers’ education statue and marks on their school reports’ effect on the success, meaningfull difference has been found. On the other hand, it can be understood that; their gender, mothers’ education statue, frequency of their watching documentary, frequency of following the magazines on science, their internet usage per a week, the time used for the pc games per week and number of siblings’ affects on the students’ success and there is a meaningfull difference observed. Furthermore; students’ time used for watching documentary per a week and their marks on the school reports has a meaningful difference on their attitude to the lesson. The earlier the environmental education begins, the better. Because information and attitudes established during the pre-school and school age form the basis of future desired behaviours. Particularly during the childhood and adolescent period, it is very important to develop empathy in relations with the nature and further to gain love of nature. For this purpose and also in order to protect the environment, it is necessary to demonstrate environmentally friendly behaviours (Erten, 2003). Environmental education intended for children can have two main objectives. First is to create a cultural accumulation in children, and the second is to introduce the environment, environmental issues, solutions therefor, and in particular areas of responsibility of the children to this end. Such form of an education first starts in the family and then proceeds with the school. If this education is not received within the family, there is a growing role on the part of the school. For this purpose, teachers and students as the basic elements of this education system should have relevant awareness. If this requirement can be satisfied, individuals start to acquire positive behaviours resulting in intended environmental protection (Ünal and Dımışkı, 1999). Material and Method In this section, the study model, population and sample, data gathering tools used and their method of application, in-classroom practices and statistical methods and techniques employed in the analysis of the data are described.In this study, the single-group pretest and posttest semiexperimental design was used. Furthermore, a survey was applied to get student opinions. The study covers seventh grade students of the Kubilay Primary School located in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman Province. The pretest and posttest was applied to students attending the “Science and Environment” class to explore to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the Science and Technology curriculum for 7th grades. Population and Sample This study was carried out in order to determine to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the “Human and Environment” unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades. The study population consists of 7th grade students at primary schools in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman province. And the study sample consists of 178 students from 7th grade classes of the Kubilay Primary School in Kahta. Data Gathering and Practices In this study aimed at determining to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the human and environment unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades, pretest and posttest method was used to gather data. 30 questions prepared during the first phase of the study were applied to 8th grade students who attended this class in the previous year, then the researcher carried out the reliability and validity analyses based on student answers and reduced the number of questions to 25. When designing the pretest and the posttest, first a literature review on the subject was conducted, and then sources discussing the test building methods were examined. Also an expert was consulted with on how questions fit with the purpose of the test as well as their scope, validity and scientific accuracy. The prospective test was redesigned in the light of expert opinions, and an item analysis was carried out to identify the difficulty, distinction and distractive power of the test items. Overall reliability of the test was found to be 0.72, with a discriminative power of 0.41 and a difficulty rate of 0.42. Then, the study was applied to a total of 178 seventh-grade students from seven different branches in the form of a pretest and posttest. This 25-question test was applied, in combination with an attitude scale on individual details and ecology, as a pretest before the unit was taught, and then as a “posttest” after the unit was taught. The posttest was conducted 3 weeks after the pretest. Moreover, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent t-test and paired sample ttest was used to analyse whether there is a significant difference between the success of the posttest compared to the pretest in terms of the following factors: student gender, educational background of parents, frequency of giving educational help to students by parents, weekly frequency of using internet by students to support lessons, students’ report card scores for the science and technology class of the previous semester, weekly time spent by students to watch documentaries, number of siblings, total weekly time spent by students to play computer (pc) games, and frequency of reading science magazines by students. On the other hand, the Tukey test was used to make comparisons between the groups. The findings of the survey were interpreted based on a significance level of 0.01. Results The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades on the intended outputs for students. The following results were obtained based on the statistical calculations effected on this problem: 1) The average values of pretests and posttests applied to students relating to the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades reveal a positively significant difference. It was found that students’ knowledge improved after studying the subject as accompanied with a high degree of conclusiveness. 2) Pretest and posttest averages reveal no significant difference in students’ attitudes towards the class . Therefore, it is shown that attitudes of students declined in the posttest, suggesting that the teaching method used impacted their attitudes negatively. 3) The breakdown of achievement averages by gender reveals that the average score of never helped female students is lower compared to sometimes helped students, and higher compared to always helped students. 5) Educational background of mothers has no influence on and is not directly proportional with the achievement level of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate mothers is lower compared to those whose mothers are university graduates, average score of students whose mothers are university graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are primary school graduates, and students whose mothers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are high school graduates. All in all, average scores of students with mothers who are primary school and high school graduates were higher. 6) The educational background of fathers had no influence on the achievement of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate fathers is lower compared to those whose fathers are high school graduates, average score of students whose fathers are high school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are primary school graduates, and students whose fathers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are university graduates. 7) Documentary watching had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never watch documentaries is lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers is lower compared to those who are occasional watchers.8) Following science magazines had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never read science magazines is lower compared to those who occasionally read, and that average score of students who occasionally read is lower compared to those who are strict followers. 9) Weekly time spent by students to play PC games had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 5-9 hours for pc games in a week was lower compared to those spending 15 hours, average score of students spending 15 hours and more for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 0- 4 hours, and students spending 0-4 hours for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 10-14 hours. 10) Weekly time spent by students for internet had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 10-14 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 0-4 hours, average score of students spending 0-4 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 5-9 hours, and average score of students spending 5-9 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 15 hours and more for internet in a week. 11) Number of siblings had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with 6 or more siblings is lower compared to those with 5 siblings, average score of students with 5 siblings is lower compared to those with 1 sibling, average score of students with 1 sibling is lower compared to those with 2 siblings, average score of students with 2 siblings is lower compared to those with 3 siblings, and average score of students with 3 siblings is lower compared to those with 4 siblings. 12) Report grade had influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with a report grade of 2 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 3, average score of students with a report grade of 3 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 1, average score of students with a report grade of 1 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 4, and average score of students with a report grade of 4 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 5. 13) Watching documentaries had influence on the students’ attitudes towards the class. It was found that the average score of students who never watch documentaries was lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers was lower compared to those who are occasional watchers. 14) Parental help to the student for his/her lesson, educational background of the mother, educational background of the father, following science magazines, playing games on PC, internet use, number of siblings and science and technology report grades had no significant influence on the student’s attitudes towards the class as revealed by the pretest and posttest.The following recommendations have been developed in line with the findings of the study. Environmental education should be extended to all segments of the society. Environmental education should be delivered under a specific program to people from all age groups and occupations. Environmental education should start at an early age. Starting from the preschool age, practical environmental education should be prioritized, and hazards posed by environmental issues as well as messages introducing the environment and arousing sympathy for environment should clearly be emphasized. Because knowledge and attitudes constructed during preschool and school years form the basis of future terminal behaviours. Value judgements and attitudes acquired particularly during childhood and the adolescent age are of great importance in developing empathy in relationships with nature and arousing sympathy for environment in early ages. The formation of these assets means demonstrating environmental-friendly attitudes in favour of protecting the environment (Erten, 2005).Environmental education should be incorporated more in formal education programs. Awareness of managers and teachers in key issues such as air, water, ecological balance, greenhouse effect, etc. should be raised, and appropriate scientific events aimed at enhancing environmental respect should be presented in primary education. Based on daily changing environmental considerations, environmental education programs should periodically be reviewed and updated by experts. In order for students to develop positive attitudes towards the class, teachers need to associate the class with the real life more intensively. As this study was applied only to 178 students in one school, the study should be extended to more students to better generalize the results. International and national studies related to the subject may be reviewed to identify common problems and propose appropriate solutions.">


Bu araştırma ilköğretim 7. Sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji dersi öğretim programı "İnsan ve Çevre" ünitesindeki öğrenci kazanımlarının gerçekleşme düzeyinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma, Adıyaman'ın Kahta ilçe merkezinde bulunan Kubilay İlköğretim okulunun 7. sınıflarında öğrenim gören 178 öğrenci üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışmada veriler, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen bir başarı testi ve bir de tutum ölçeği olmak üzere iki araçla elde edilmiştir. Bu araçlardan tutum ölçeğinin geçerliliği ile güvenirliği uzman kanısı ve pilot uygulama ile sağlanmıştır. Başarı testinin ise madde güçlüğü ve ayırıcılık indeksi hesaplanarak kullanıma hazır hale getirilmiştir. Tek gruplu ön test-son test modelinde yürütülen araştırmada tutum ölçeği ve başarı testi, ünite işlenmeden önce 7. Sınıf öğrencilerine "ön test" şeklinde ve ünite işlendikten sonra "son test" şeklinde uygulanmıştır. Son test, ön testten üç hafta sonra uygulanmıştır. Uygulamadan elde edilen veriler, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), bağımsız örneklem t-testi (Independent Sample t-test) ve bağımlı örneklem t-testi (Paired Sample t-test) teknikleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda ise Tukey testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları 0.01 anlamlılık düzeyine göre yorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca son testin ön testten başarı farkının, öğrencilerin cinsiyetlerine, anne ve babalarının eğitim durumlarına, ailelerin ne sıklıkla derslere yardımcı olmalarına, derslerle ilgili haftalık ne kadar süre internet kullanmalarına, önceki dönem fen ve teknoloji derslerinin karne notlarına, haftalık belgesel izleme sıklıklarına, kardeş sayısına, haftalık pc oyunları oynama sürelerine ve fen bilimleri ile ilgili dergileri okuma sıklıkları durumuna göre anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığını araştırmak amacıyla analiz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin fen ve teknoloji dersi karne notları, ailelerin öğrencilerin derslerine yardımcı olmaları ile ön test ve son testteki kazanımlara ulaşma oranının öğrencilerin başarı puanlarına etkisinde; belgesel izleme sıklığının da öğrencilerin derse karşı tutumuna etkisinde anlamlı bir farklılık (p


This research has been developed for the purpose of identiying students’ acquisition’s realization level in secondary school 7th grade ‘human and ecology’ unit in science and technology curriculum. Research was applied on an 7th grade students of a secondary school in the center of Kahta, which is a county in Adıyaman. Sampling,178 students joined this search from the school in the center of the county. Firstly 30 questions has been prepared which are suitable for the ‘human and technology’ unit by the researcher and applied to the 8th grade students who learned this unit a year before. According to the answers given by students matrix of items score was prepared and item’s difficulty index and discriminative power of each item has been calculated. Five items whose difficulty index and discriminative power love,have been eliminated from the test and question number has been decreased to 25. Also while doing the elimination, an expert’s opinion has been taken. After that,this 25 questions along with the personal information and manner scale about environment science, applied to the 7th grade students as a pre-test before the unit has been learned and as a post test after the unit has beeen learned. The post test was applied three weeks after the pre-test. Additionally for searching whether there is a meaningful difference between the post test’s and pre-test’s success, according to the gender of students, the educational statue of their parents,how frequent their parents help students about their lesson subjects,how much they use the internet for their lesson per a week,whether they have their own room or not,their science and technology, marks in their school report in previous term,the frequency of their watching documentary per a week,number of their siblings,the period they play computer games per a week,the frequency of their reading magazines about science;is analysed by using t- test,one way variant techniques,and for the statistical data SPSS-15 ready package program. Besides while comparising among the groups Tukey test has been used. Research indications are interpreted according to the 0,05 of meaningfullness level The avarage of the correct answers in the pre and post tests and students attitude to the lesson, help of the parents for the their study, their fathers’ education statue and marks on their school reports’ effect on the success, meaningfull difference has been found. On the other hand, it can be understood that; their gender, mothers’ education statue, frequency of their watching documentary, frequency of following the magazines on science, their internet usage per a week, the time used for the pc games per week and number of siblings’ affects on the students’ success and there is a meaningfull difference observed. Furthermore; students’ time used for watching documentary per a week and their marks on the school reports has a meaningful difference on their attitude to the lesson. The earlier the environmental education begins, the better. Because information and attitudes established during the pre-school and school age form the basis of future desired behaviours. Particularly during the childhood and adolescent period, it is very important to develop empathy in relations with the nature and further to gain love of nature. For this purpose and also in order to protect the environment, it is necessary to demonstrate environmentally friendly behaviours (Erten, 2003). Environmental education intended for children can have two main objectives. First is to create a cultural accumulation in children, and the second is to introduce the environment, environmental issues, solutions therefor, and in particular areas of responsibility of the children to this end. Such form of an education first starts in the family and then proceeds with the school. If this education is not received within the family, there is a growing role on the part of the school. For this purpose, teachers and students as the basic elements of this education system should have relevant awareness. If this requirement can be satisfied, individuals start to acquire positive behaviours resulting in intended environmental protection (Ünal and Dımışkı, 1999). Material and Method In this section, the study model, population and sample, data gathering tools used and their method of application, in-classroom practices and statistical methods and techniques employed in the analysis of the data are described.In this study, the single-group pretest and posttest semiexperimental design was used. Furthermore, a survey was applied to get student opinions. The study covers seventh grade students of the Kubilay Primary School located in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman Province. The pretest and posttest was applied to students attending the “Science and Environment” class to explore to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the Science and Technology curriculum for 7th grades. Population and Sample This study was carried out in order to determine to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the “Human and Environment” unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades. The study population consists of 7th grade students at primary schools in the Kahta district of the Adıyaman province. And the study sample consists of 178 students from 7th grade classes of the Kubilay Primary School in Kahta. Data Gathering and Practices In this study aimed at determining to what extent students actually gained the intended outputs of the human and environment unit of the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades, pretest and posttest method was used to gather data. 30 questions prepared during the first phase of the study were applied to 8th grade students who attended this class in the previous year, then the researcher carried out the reliability and validity analyses based on student answers and reduced the number of questions to 25. When designing the pretest and the posttest, first a literature review on the subject was conducted, and then sources discussing the test building methods were examined. Also an expert was consulted with on how questions fit with the purpose of the test as well as their scope, validity and scientific accuracy. The prospective test was redesigned in the light of expert opinions, and an item analysis was carried out to identify the difficulty, distinction and distractive power of the test items. Overall reliability of the test was found to be 0.72, with a discriminative power of 0.41 and a difficulty rate of 0.42. Then, the study was applied to a total of 178 seventh-grade students from seven different branches in the form of a pretest and posttest. This 25-question test was applied, in combination with an attitude scale on individual details and ecology, as a pretest before the unit was taught, and then as a “posttest” after the unit was taught. The posttest was conducted 3 weeks after the pretest. Moreover, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent t-test and paired sample ttest was used to analyse whether there is a significant difference between the success of the posttest compared to the pretest in terms of the following factors: student gender, educational background of parents, frequency of giving educational help to students by parents, weekly frequency of using internet by students to support lessons, students’ report card scores for the science and technology class of the previous semester, weekly time spent by students to watch documentaries, number of siblings, total weekly time spent by students to play computer (pc) games, and frequency of reading science magazines by students. On the other hand, the Tukey test was used to make comparisons between the groups. The findings of the survey were interpreted based on a significance level of 0.01. Results The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades on the intended outputs for students. The following results were obtained based on the statistical calculations effected on this problem: 1) The average values of pretests and posttests applied to students relating to the “Human and Environment” unit under the Science and Technology curriculum for elementary 7th grades reveal a positively significant difference. It was found that students’ knowledge improved after studying the subject as accompanied with a high degree of conclusiveness. 2) Pretest and posttest averages reveal no significant difference in students’ attitudes towards the class . Therefore, it is shown that attitudes of students declined in the posttest, suggesting that the teaching method used impacted their attitudes negatively. 3) The breakdown of achievement averages by gender reveals that the average score of never helped female students is lower compared to sometimes helped students, and higher compared to always helped students. 5) Educational background of mothers has no influence on and is not directly proportional with the achievement level of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate mothers is lower compared to those whose mothers are university graduates, average score of students whose mothers are university graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are primary school graduates, and students whose mothers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose mothers are high school graduates. All in all, average scores of students with mothers who are primary school and high school graduates were higher. 6) The educational background of fathers had no influence on the achievement of students. It was found that average score of students with illiterate fathers is lower compared to those whose fathers are high school graduates, average score of students whose fathers are high school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are primary school graduates, and students whose fathers are primary school graduates is lower compared to those whose fathers are university graduates. 7) Documentary watching had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never watch documentaries is lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers is lower compared to those who are occasional watchers.8) Following science magazines had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students who never read science magazines is lower compared to those who occasionally read, and that average score of students who occasionally read is lower compared to those who are strict followers. 9) Weekly time spent by students to play PC games had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 5-9 hours for pc games in a week was lower compared to those spending 15 hours, average score of students spending 15 hours and more for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 0- 4 hours, and students spending 0-4 hours for pc games in a week is lower compared to those spending 10-14 hours. 10) Weekly time spent by students for internet had no influence on students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students spending 10-14 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 0-4 hours, average score of students spending 0-4 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 5-9 hours, and average score of students spending 5-9 hours for internet in a week is lower compared to those spending 15 hours and more for internet in a week. 11) Number of siblings had no influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with 6 or more siblings is lower compared to those with 5 siblings, average score of students with 5 siblings is lower compared to those with 1 sibling, average score of students with 1 sibling is lower compared to those with 2 siblings, average score of students with 2 siblings is lower compared to those with 3 siblings, and average score of students with 3 siblings is lower compared to those with 4 siblings. 12) Report grade had influence on the students’ achievement. It was found that average score of students with a report grade of 2 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 3, average score of students with a report grade of 3 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 1, average score of students with a report grade of 1 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 4, and average score of students with a report grade of 4 is lower compared to those with a report grade of 5. 13) Watching documentaries had influence on the students’ attitudes towards the class. It was found that the average score of students who never watch documentaries was lower compared to those who are strict followers, and average score of students who are strict followers was lower compared to those who are occasional watchers. 14) Parental help to the student for his/her lesson, educational background of the mother, educational background of the father, following science magazines, playing games on PC, internet use, number of siblings and science and technology report grades had no significant influence on the student’s attitudes towards the class as revealed by the pretest and posttest.The following recommendations have been developed in line with the findings of the study. Environmental education should be extended to all segments of the society. Environmental education should be delivered under a specific program to people from all age groups and occupations. Environmental education should start at an early age. Starting from the preschool age, practical environmental education should be prioritized, and hazards posed by environmental issues as well as messages introducing the environment and arousing sympathy for environment should clearly be emphasized. Because knowledge and attitudes constructed during preschool and school years form the basis of future terminal behaviours. Value judgements and attitudes acquired particularly during childhood and the adolescent age are of great importance in developing empathy in relationships with nature and arousing sympathy for environment in early ages. The formation of these assets means demonstrating environmental-friendly attitudes in favour of protecting the environment (Erten, 2005).Environmental education should be incorporated more in formal education programs. Awareness of managers and teachers in key issues such as air, water, ecological balance, greenhouse effect, etc. should be raised, and appropriate scientific events aimed at enhancing environmental respect should be presented in primary education. Based on daily changing environmental considerations, environmental education programs should periodically be reviewed and updated by experts. In order for students to develop positive attitudes towards the class, teachers need to associate the class with the real life more intensively. As this study was applied only to 178 students in one school, the study should be extended to more students to better generalize the results. International and national studies related to the subject may be reviewed to identify common problems and propose appropriate solutions.
