Bu çalışma, aynı başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile biyoloji disiplininde farklı türler arasında kurulan birlikte yaşam birlikleri olarak açıklanan simbiyoz, diğer bir deyişle ortakyaşam kavramının; toplumsal alt sistemler olan formal örgütlerin birbirleri ile olan ilişkilerinin anlaşılmasında bir araç olarak kullanılabileceği savunulmuştur. Bu doktora tezinin odağı, formal örgütler içerisindeki mevcut toplumsal önemi açısından okullardır. Okulların ve etkileşim içerisinde olduğu kurumların bu ortakyaşar ilişkiden nasıl etkilendikleri dinamiklik ve karmaşıklık içerir ve tüm yönleriyle oldukça önemlidir. Bir kurumla kurulan ortakyaşarlık, okulun bazı açılardan yarar başka açılardan zarar görmesine de neden olabilir ki bu durum karşı kurum açısından da geçerlidir. Bu karmaşık ortakyaşar ilişkiyi çözümlemek ve yorumlamak amacıyla bu tez çalışması ile lise düzeyi okullara özgü bir Ortakyaşar İlişkiler Ölçeği geliştirilmiştir. Eskişehir ili merkez ilçeleri içindeki okullar çalışma evrenini oluşturmuştur. 2016 yılı Ocak ayı itibariyle yedi türden 56 lise bu grup içindedir. Basit Seçkisiz Örnekleme Yöntemi ile evrendeki toplam yönetici sayısı üzerinden örneklem alınmıştır. Toplam 67 kişiye"Okullar için Ortakyaşar İlişkiler Ölçeği" uygulanmış ölçümlerin güvenilirliği ve geçerliğinin yapılan analizler ile sağlandığı belirlenmiştir. Veriler, SPSS programında parametrik olmayan örneklemlere uygun çözümlemeler kullanılarak işlenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Hem seçenekli maddelerden hem de açık uçlu sorulardan elde edilen verilerin işlemesiyle elde edilen bulgular ve bunlara dayalı yorumlar bir araya getirildiğinde ortaya çıkan sonuç, liselerin ortakyaşarlık ilişkiler sürdürdükleri kurumlarla etkileşimlerinde hem fayda hem zarar gördükleri ve verdikleridir. Bu ilişkiler çoğunlukla tek yönlü olmadığı için basit bir neden sonuç ilişkisi içinde de tartışılmaya uygun değildir. Bazı ortakyaşarlık ilişkilerinin; okulun doğrudan yönetim faaliyetlerini yönlendirdiği ve okulun yararına olabilecek hamleleri yapmasını engellediği sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır


This study was produced from the same named doctoral dissertation. In this study, it is discussed that the concept symbiosis which is defined as the interactions between two different biological species in biology discipline can be used as a tool to understand the relationships between formal organizations which are social subsystems. This study focuses on the schools which have great social importance among formal organizations. The way these schools and the organizations they interact with are affected by this symbiosis has dynamism and complexity and it is very important in all aspects. Symbiotic relationship with an organization can create both benefit and harm for the school, which is valid for the other side. With this study, Inter-Organizational Symbiosis Scale has been developed in order to analyze and interpret this complex symbiotic relationship for the schools. The secondary schools existing in central districts of Eskisehir are the target population of the study. By year of 2016, this population includes 56 high schools in 7 types. Total number of 67 participants was reached and the reliability and validity of the measurements were ensured with the analysis carried out. Data was processed and evaluated in SPSS program using appropriate analysis for nonparametric samples. When the findings obtained from the processing of data coming from both optional and open-ended questions are considered as a whole, the result is that high schools get benefit and harm from the organizations they have symbiosis with. These relationships aren’t generally unilateral and they aren’t simple enough to be discussed within the context of cause and effect relationship. Because it has been understood that some symbiotic relationships stop the schools from making the moves which they use executive activities for and may be for the benefit of the schools In this study, it is discussed that the concept symbiosis which is defined as the interactions between two different biological species in biology discipline, can be used as a tool to understand the relationships between formal organizations which are social subsystems. When we analyze the organizations biologically, we can see that these formal human communities are complex systems which process complex and organic inputs. As organizations have this liveliness features, in this thesis study, inter-organizational symbiosis is discussed, in terms of organization structure, organizational intelligence, co-evolution and mutual adaptations of organizations. This study focuses on the schools which have great social importance among formal organizations. Educational organizations interact with the other schools, municipalities, health and security institutions, other state institutions and organizations and private institutions like nongovernmental organizations and business organizations. These interactions are expected to provide benefit for the parties but, as educational organizations encompass the whole society and this situation creates sensitivity, it is important to make benefitharm analysis for these interactions. It is aimed to analyze the symbiotic relationships of the schools with other organizations to develop scale and thus examine the positions of schools in these relationships in terms of benefit and harm. An assessment and evaluation instrument has been developed which will be used to determine symbiosis at schools. It is aimed to make the organizations which are examined observe their progress and to make the variables more comprehensible that make the organizations better or worse while on the brink of chaos. It is expected that this scale will become widespread in order to enlighten the symbiotic relationships of the schools with other organizations. The way these schools and the organizations they interact with are affected by this symbiosis has dynamism and complexity and it is very important in all aspects. Symbiotic relationship with an organization can create both benefit and harm for the school, which is valid for the other side. With this study, Inter-Organizational Symbiosis Scale has been developed in order to analyze and interpret this complex symbiotic relationship for the schools. The contribution of this research to literature of educational management is that it gives new concepts and a new scale about school management by using similarities. Besides, determining the types and levels of symbiosis between the schools and other organizations enables the organization to understand its own progress and make a selfassessment. This situation enables the organization to develop more successful policies and observe these policies. This research has searched for an answer to the question ‘What type of /what levels of symbiotic relationships do the secondary schools have with other organizations?’. In order to solve this main problem, answers have been sought for following question. a) According to the perceptions of the principals, what kind of symbiotic relationships do the secondary schools have with other organizations? b) According to the perceptions of the principals, what are the reasons of symbiotic relationships of the schools with other organizations? c) According to the perceptions of the principals, how do the symbiotic relationships of schools with other organizations need to be developed? d) According to the perceptions of the principals, do the symbiotic relationships of schools with public institutions, business organizations and social partners differ from each other? e) Do the types of symbiotic relationships of schools change in accordance with the demographic features of the principals? Conceptual Framework 21st century is an era when the features and aspects of changing world should be rediscovered. In this era when the society and organizations of the future are being established, some kind of new approaches are needed in order to analyze and explain the formations emerging in this period of change (Yeşilorman, 2006, p.77). While the organization gets input from the environment, at the same time, inputs, requests and pressures of the environment get into the organization and affect and change it. Besides, evaluations and appreciations of social environment about the products of organizations affect the process of products’ being produced in accordance with the expectations of society. In short, changing values, norms and tastes in a society change the organizations as well (Sağlam, 1979, p:106). According to cybernetic system metaphor, organizations reorganize their actions in line with negative feedback coming from environment like data-processing brain and in this way, they can maintain the balance with the environment (Leblebici, 2008, p.354-355). As data processing process of organizations resemble the functioning of a brain, their symbiotic relationships with other organizations may be associated with symbiotic relationship in biology. The concept of institutional common life comes from the concept of symbiosis in biology. Symbiosis means living together or mutualism (Walpole, Merson-Davies & Dann, 2011, p.366). Organisms hunt, feed or protect themselves more easily by means of symbiosis. Furthermore, there are some groups of organisms which get harm from symbiotic relationships. Symbiosis is relationships which includes commensalism, mutualism and parasitism among the organism (Walpole et al., 2011, p.593). These categories help us as a means of organizing our knowledge about the nature and shape this knowledge as testable hypothesis. Commensalism is a situation in a relationship between two species in which one side receives benefits and the other is not affected. Mutualism is a relationship where both species receive benefit and parasitism is the relationship where members of one species receive benefits and members of the other receive harm (Keeton & Gould, 2003, p.483-484). In parasitism, parasite doesn’t generally kill its host but weakens it against predatory, rivals and other stress sources (Solomon, Berg & Martin. 2011, p.1218). Table: Types of symbiotic relationships between two organisms Symbiotic relationship Effects to the parties Benefit-harm statement representation* Commensalism Benefit – not affected + , 0 Mutualism Mutual benefit + , + Parasitism Benefit- Harm + , - *: +: Receives benefit. -: Receives harm. 0: Not affected. Source: Keeton & Gould. (2003). Biological science, (Trans.Ed: Demirsoy, A.& Türkan,İ.&Gündüz,E.), Ankara:.Palme.As species which are in symbiotic relationship in their natural life may receive benefit mutually, in some relationships, one side may receive benefit and the other may not be affected or affected negatively. Types of symbiosis in natural life can be used explore the quality of symbiotic relationships between the educational organizations and other organizations. Main argument of this research is that relationship between the organizations can be associated with the symbiotic relationship between the organisms; if it’s determined that the symbiosis between two organizations brings loss of material, energy etc. to the organizations contrary to/along with the expected benefit, this relationship should be ended. Thus, that kind of analysis can constitute data in during decision making for the organizations in a chaos environment. Education is composed of many parts and when the similarities between chaos and education were researched, it was seen that there is a chaotic structure among such parts as student, friend, family and society (Bülbül & Erçetin, 2010. pp.280-282). According to chaos and complexity theory, relationships of educational organizations with their environment are a part of pull factors. In the framework of reasoning that everything changes constantly, it seems impossible to say that we have the necessary knowledge to make plans for the future. Changes in cultural and demographic structure of the country, in manpower quality required by the economy of the country and in technology are the pull factors which may affect the educational organizations and they make it necessary to change the organization structure. At this point, it is important to activate new structuring in educational organizations aimed at solving the unexpected problems rather than being managed centrally (Çobanoğlu, 2008, p.118). While the educational organizations as the systems living with human resources, operate aimed at their organizational objectives they require human and material resources; employ wide range of professionals. At the same time, they are in a continuous and complex relationship with the social structures in the places they are located. Because of their duty of transmitting culture which changes relatively slowly and inflexible structure of establishment, schools cannot keep pace with change. These reasons make the school more prone to chaos in comparison with other organizations. School is an organization which lives, evolves and has organic relations with other organizations; it is a new field the symbiosis of which with the other organizations should be analyzed. In order to take the necessary precautions, it is important to analyze this kind of voluntary or involuntary relationships in depth and to know how and to what extent they contribute to the school materially and morally. In this study, it is aimed to find out the reasons and make criticism when the schools receive harm from the organizations they have symbiotic relationship because of the legal obligation because bureaucratic connection doesn’t provide a suitable ground to criticize this kind of problems. Method This study has mixed research methods involving interview methods and scale development, implementation and statistical analysis of these data. Through the interview method, school administrators' opinions were taken about the commonalities of schools with other institutions. The extent of the schools for research was limited to formal secondary schools and after interviewing with the managers of secondary schools, it is determined that with which organizations this level of schools have symbiotic relationship. These 13 organizations were categorized in three groups: state institutions and organizations, commercial partners and social partners. State institutions with which the schools have symbiotic relationship are District Municipality, the Ministry of National Education, District and Provincial Directorate of National Education. Commercial institutions were determined as salarycontracted bank, canteen, nearby markets, nearby package stores and nearby internet cafes. Social partners were determined as Parent-Teacher Association, the businesses to which students are sent for skills education in accordance with the Vocational Education Law no. 3308, nearby schools, nearby neighbourhood residents and teachers’ unions. The inventory was developed with the interviews with the managers of pilot schools and the Symbiotic Relationship Scale for Schools was finalized after taking the opinions of thesis advisor. The secondary schools existing in central districts of Eskisehir are the target population of the study. By year of 2016, this population includes 56 high schools in 7 types. Viewpoints of the managers in all of the schools to symbiosis concept were thought as homogeneous and it was sampled with Simple Random Sampling method by means of total number of managers in the population. As the levels of all types of schools were accepted as identical, this sampling scale was calculated with 95% reliability and error margin and eventually, a total number of 67 participants were reached and the reliability and validity of the measurements were ensured with the analysis carried out. Data was processed and evaluated in SPSS program using appropriate analysis for nonparametric samples. Findings and Discussion This research has searched for an answer to the question ‘What type of /what levels of symbiotic relationships do the secondary schools have with other organizations?’ The expression ‘The type of symbiotic relationship’ indicates whether this kind of relationship is positive or negative for the parties and expression ‘The level of relationship’ indicates how much is this kind of relationship desired for the parties. In order to determine the results for the type of symbiotic relationship,  If both sides received benefit, it was called multi-dimensional symbiosis and symbolized with (+, +).  If one side received benefit and the other was not affected, it was called one-dimensional symbiosis and symbolized with (+, 0).  If one side received benefit and the other received harm, it was called one-dimensional negative symbiosis and symbolized (+, -). In order to determine the results for the level of symbiosis relationship, open-ended and close-ended questions; What are the reasons of symbiotic relationship? Which side starts this relationship? Which part needs this symbiotic relationship more? How should this symbiotic relationship continue in the future? were used for data collection. In order to conclude (interpret) the level of symbiotic relationship,  Symbiosis which the participants explained presenting so many reasons or will affect the school negatively if it ends was described as high level of symbiotic relationship.  Symbiosis which the participants explained presenting very few reasons or will not affect the school in a negative or positive way was described as mild level of symbiosis. It was seen that municipalities were not affected by schools in a negative or positive way, the schools lacked an important support because of the absence of a relationship and thus they received harm. Results for The Ministry of National Education and Provincial and District Directorate were same. It was seen that there was a advanced level of symbiotic relationship with the school which was based on mutual benefit, had a dominative legal obligation and was demanded more by the school which means high level of positive symbiotic relationship (+.+). There was also seen a situation where the school received harm in its symbiotic relationship with Provincial and District Directorate of National Education. It was concluded that Provincial and District Directorate of National Education became partners with canteen and shared income with legal provision, thus they received benefit financially. In short, there was a high level of one-dimensional negative symbiotic relationship (+.-) where the school was affected negatively. Canteen business is operated by the enterprises which wins the tender initiated by the school. They sell food and stationery equipment to the students and give some of their income to the school. It was seen that there was a high level of multi-dimensional positive symbiotic relationship (+, +) which was based on mutual benefit and where the canteen business demanded more. However, along with this relationship, there was another relationship where the school received harm. It was seen that canteens sell the products which were not allowed by the school for profit and this led to health and discipline problems at the schools; thus, there was a mild level of one-dimensional negative symbiotic relationship (+.-). It was seen that the symbiotic relationship between the school and Salary-agreement Bank was positive for the bank and the school was not affected by this relationship. The advantages that the bank controls the employee’s salaries and the school personnel are the potential customers which it will provide interest bearing loan. On the contrary, it was stated that the bank gave small amount of promotions at long intervals and this wasn’t a source which the school benefited from as it didn’t support the operating of school. It was remarked that Salaryagreement bank had to give support to the school financially and in kind. It was seen that there was a mild level of one-dimensional positive symbiotic relationship (+, 0) where the school was not affected and the other side was affected positively and demanded. It was stated that Markets, Package stores and internet cafes around the school provided goods and service which were not suitable for the health and moral development of the students, thus they needed to be removed from the school environment. It was seen that there was a mild level of one-dimensional negative symbiotic relationship (+.-) which school couldn’t prevent because of positional closeness and where the other side benefited with the aim of providing financial benefit for itself and the school received harm. It was seen that there was a mild level of mutual positive or negative symbiotic relationship with the surrounding schools. The reasons of positive relationship were mutual assistance for the use of teachers, dormitory, school building and premises. As the result of these findings of the research, there was seen a mild level of multidimensional positive symbiosis (+, +) which was based on mutual assistance and where both sides has similar amount of demands. However, along with this relationship, another relationship was seen where the schools received mutual harm. It was seen that when the educational level of neighboring schools were different, younger students of the school saw, learned and tried to perform negative behaviors of older students of the other school and they had negative relationships. It was stated that this interaction between the schools were partially prevented by organizing the school entrance-exit and break times. The relationship between the school and Parent-Teacher Association and Businesses for Skill Training was similar. It was found that the relationship between the school and these institutions provided benefit for both sides and relationships need to be increased in order for the schools receive for benefit from this relationship. According to the findings, there was a high level of multidimensional positive symbiotic relationship (+, +) between the school and these two institutions where both sides demanded similar. It was remarked by neighborhood residents that both their children and they benefited from formal and non-formal education activities but it didn’t contribute to the school financially and in kind. It was stated that neighborhood residents had to embrace the school. It was seen that there was a mild level of one-dimensional positive symbiotic relationship (+, 0) where the school wasn’t affected, the other side was affected positively and demanded. According to the answers to openended questions, as another dimension of this relationship, it was stated that neighborhood residents could be disturbed by the sounds of bell and ceremonies of the school and student could disturb the residents in the streets and public places like parks and gardens. It was determined in the symbiotic relationship between the school and teachers ‘unions that the members of the unions benefited as they provided social activities for their members and unions provided financial gain from the teachers. It was stated that school management sent reports about the number of members to the agencies of unions because of legal obligation and it caused a financial burden and waste of time however, unions didn’t provide benefit for the school financially or in kind, there weren’t activities in the unions aimed at vocational development, ethical behavior and efficiency increase of the teachers and they had to carry out works and activities in these fields. According to the findings obtained from other answers given to open-ended questions, it was seen that teachers’ unions could affect the unity of the school as they treated more sympathetically to some social identities than the other. For these reasons, it was stated that the current relationship between the school and the teachers’ unions needed to be minimized. It was seen that there was a mild level of one-dimensional negative symbiotic relationship (+, -) where the opposite side received benefit financially. Results and Recommendations Most important result of this thesis study is that it has provided a totally new and practical scale for literature. Scale for Symbiotic Relationships for Schools was applied to the managers and experienced teachers of high schools within the population and types and levels of symbiotic relationships between the schools and other organizations were determined and entitled according to the results. Table for General Result about Symbiosis of Schools with Organizations is given with Appendix 7 and conclusions for each school are explained below. When the findings obtained from the processing of data coming from both optional and open-ended questions are considered as a whole, the result is that high schools get benefit and harm from the organizations they have symbiosis with. These relationships aren’t generally unilateral and they aren’t simple enough to be discussed within the context of cause and effect relationship. Because it has been understood that some symbiotic relationships stop the schools from making the moves which they use executive activities for and may be for the benefit of the schools. It has been seen that obstacles against the functionality demanded by chaotic period may result from the prevention or inhibition of the other organization. Schools are the factors with which influence the organizations they have symbiotic relationships and these factors prevents the symbiotic relationships though they provide mutual benefit. These factors are the differences in social identities. Although the school is affected negatively by the differences in social identities within or outside itself, it cannot be abstracted from these factors. Schools can be negatively affected by this factor within their symbiosis. The result is the same in their symbiotic relationships with teachers’ unions. Schools can’t participate in the symbiosis which may be for their benefit due to the same reason. District municipality has the same result. In school administrators' view, the benefits that their schools can gain from symbiotic relationships can be generalized as monetary contributions and additives that can increase the efficiency of the staff. In order to prevent the school from being affected negatively from factors arising from social diversities which are outside the scope of the school administration but which have an effect on the functioning of the schools, a more flexible and transparent working area should be established especially in budgeting and staff evaluation processes. Evolution, occurring from a mechanical understanding to complexity theory in understanding organizational behaviors, changed the idea that organizations look like a closed book to symbiotic organizations. Over the course of this 100-century period, perceptions about the issue moved with the time. Profit-oriented companies maintain a partnership-based symbiotic relationship in the matters of material provision, product marketing and transportation and can lead more qualified relationships compared to public institutions. In respect to the symbiotic relationship maintained by the schools, it is thought that with legislative regulations with regard to this research report and others similar reports, it can be prevented them from getting affected negatively. From the viewpoint of school managers, benefits that can be received from symbiotic relationships of the schools can be generalized as financial and in-kind benefits. There are some thoughts which suggest that institutions with which the schools are in symbiotic relationships can have negative effect on managerial processes of schools.  Standards and practices for staffing merit, organizational efficiency and effectiveness should be developed by the school administration, rather than the decision or influence of the institutions in which the schools maintain symbiosis.  In order to reduce the needs of the schools for financial benefits coming from symbiotic relationship with other organizations, it is suggested to carry out formal works aimed at forming a budgeting system which develops rapidly and includes the school management in the decision-making process.  Schools and other public institutions should be provided with the opportunity to speak out the problems they have in their symbiotic relationships.  It should be remembered that symbiotic relationships do not only rely on benefit basis and sometimes they bring harm and the concept of inter-organizational symbiosis, which deals with the harm instead of inter-organizational relations or organizational citizenship, should be researched.  In future researches including symbiotic relationships of the schools, it is suggested that more detailed analysis be carried out concerning the institutions which harm the school, reasons of harm be analyzed and suggestibility be examined.  It is suggested that symbiotic relationships of the school with other organizations like Counseling and Research Center, which are out of scope in this study, be analyzed.  In case of the need to carry out a more specific study with Symbiosis Scale for Schools, it is suggested that it be used by differentiating according to the types of school.  It is suggested that other institutions with which the schools have symbiotic relationships be consulted.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem
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