17. yüzyıl Türk Edebiyatı, siyasî ve sosyal alanda çalkantıların yaşandığı bir yüzyıldır. Bu durumun aksine şiirde ve edebiyatta ilerlemenin ve büyük değişikliklerin yaşandığı bir dönem olmuştur. Türk şairlerinin İranlı şairleri geçtiği, başarılı pek çok ismin ve türlerin olduğu zirve bir yüzyıldır. Bu yüzyıl ve sonraki yüzyıllara, edebiyatta derin izler bırakan Sebki Hindî, Türk şiirinin şekil ve muhteva açısından önemli bir dönemidir. Sebk-i Hindî, İran'da doğmuş, Hindistan'da etkili olmuş, oradan Türk Edebiyatına geçmiş, sentez bir düşüncedir. Mübalağalı anlatımın esas olduğu, hayaller ve sembollerle desteklenen bir şiir akımıdır. Pek çok şairimizi etkileyen bir tarz olmakla beraber; Neşâtî, Cevrî, İsmetî, Fehimi Kadîm, Şehrî ve Nâ'ilî önemli temsilcilerindendir. Şairler kasidelerde bazen bir medhiye veya mersiye konusu olmuşlardır. Bu makalede; medhiyesi konu edinilen Neşâtî, Cevrî ve Nâ'ilî'nin Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi için yazmış olduğu kasideleri ele alınıp tahlil edilmektedir. Kasidelerin tahlilinden önce bu dört şairin kısaca hayat hikâyeleri ve edebî şahsiyetlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Muasır olan şairlerin kasideleri, hem devlet erkânından birine sunulması hem de şairin şairi övmesi hasebiyle değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kasideler edebî açıdan tahlil edilirken övgüsü yapılan kişi olarak Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi'nin nitelikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Şairler, memduhu överken niteliğini göstermek istediği yönüne dikkat çekerek, en çok kullandığı kelime veya sıfatların grafiği yapılarak somut bir şekilde okuyucuya sunulmuştur


Turkish Literature in the 17th century corresponds to a period of social and political turmoil. In this period, there was a great change and progress in poetry. In terms of literature, it was a great century in which Turkish poets were superior to Persian poets and it has many successful name and types. Sebk-i Hindî left deep marks in the literature for the 17. Century and later is an important period of Turkish poetry in terms of form and content. Sebk-i Hindî is a synthesis thought that rising in Iran. It was effective in India and passed to Turkish literature. Sebk-i Hindî is a current of poem based on exaggerated expression that supported by dreams and symbols. Many poets in Turkish literature are influenced by Sebk-i Hindî current. Neşâtî, Cevrî, İsmetî, Fehim-i Kadîm, Şehrî and Nâ’ilî are some major representatives among them The topics selected by the poet in the odes sometimes is an eulogy or an elegy. In this article, the odes written by Neşâtî, Cevrî and Nâ'ilî praising Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi are handled and analyzed. Before analyzing the odes, the life story and the literary figures of four poets are presented in brief. Şeyhülislam Bahayî Efendi was a statesman and also a poet. The odes written by a few poets lived in the same period with him are analyzed in this study. In the odes, the poets praise Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi with his various features. The odes are analyzed in terms of literary. The qualifications of Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi who is praised in the odes are demonstrated in the analysis. In this study, the characteristics of the used words and phrases in order to praise Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî Efendi emphasizing his features are analyzed and presented concretely to the reader in tables. We see that The poetry of Sebk-i Hindi has reached the desired maturity in terms of art, harmony and elegance in the 17th century. In this century, Ottoman empire's dialect in literary was not only the official language but also the language of science and arts. We see that to establish the couplets of Sebk-i Hindi, the words that scarcely used were selected from dictionary, carefully. And the words and phrases in Persian language are used in it. Those scarcely used words and especially Persian words, phrases make the poetry difficult to understand. In the poetry, the art of exaggeration was used quite a lot. Suffering and grief come to forward as one of the main topics of those poetry. The eulogy and diatribe, written about a poet, in the form of any verse like panegyric, stanza are usually not considered within the scope of literary evaluation. In these poems the aim is to make praise and satire. For this reason, the poet wants to show his skill by using all praise adjectives and all satire adjectives about concerned person. Some poets praises another poet in the eulogy, he tends to compare the poet with himself sometimes. And sometimes he states his admiration for the poet using the finest expression. The purpose of the poet here is to make the eulogy aesthetic and to show his talent and to praise the people who deserve. We see that Neşâtî and Nâ’ilî in their eulogy talking about the poem style of Bahâyî Efendi rather than his state duty feature. Based on the allusions made, we have the idea about the depth of his knowledge, his moral beauty and his witty, characterized sociable, having a graceful and affable human nature. In terms of his poet style, we see that they described him having the beauty in the meaning, being skilled in speech, having eloquence tallent, the only one who can write beautiful poem, in their medhiye. Results: Political and social upheavals in the 17th century have affected the Turkish literature. Despite the upheavals, the development of poetry in that century is continued. This century trained many poets that achieved to hit their mark to poetry and to create significant movement in poetry. Supporting poetry and poets by the Sultan and state officials is a very important reason to result in this process. In this article, the eulogies of Neşâtî, Cevrî and Nâ’ilî written for Baha'i Efendi, who was the one of Şeyhulislam and also a poet lived in 17.th century, were studied. Neshati is one of the representatives of Sebk-i Hindi movement in this century. He has written his eulogies for the state officials such as nişancı (the official responsible for the sultan’s seal), grand vizier and sultan in his divan. Beside the state officials, he has also chosen only two poets İsmetî and Şeyhülislâm Bahâyî who are two major representatives of Sebki Hindi movement. It is seen in Neşati eulogy that he has largely compared himself with Nefi. The poet influenced by representatives of Sebki hindi has praised himself in his eulogies by likening himself to Şeyhulislam Bahayi and those poets. In fact, from time to time he has shown himself above them. In Fahriye part of the eulogy, he mentions about the features of the beauty and delicacy in terms of meaning of Seyhulislam Bahayi in his poetry. The writer also mentions about the beauty in his morality. Cevri's divan is rich in terms of eulogy and chronogram presented to the officials state. In the eulogies and odes by Cevri, we sense usually the effect of Nefi who was one of the major poet in the term he lived. As a natural consequence of being a member of Mevlevi, we see the signs of Mevlevî in the eulogy by Cevri. In his poetry, he has graced in fine detail, Mevlevi and Sufism poetry. The poems become incomprehensible through the words played by the writer and pompous language of the writer. In his poetry, there are fantasies presented to the readers and the expressions are made delicately as emphasizing inner meaning. We see that the poetry written by Cevri is superior than the eulogy written by Neşati in terms of being complicated, being expressive and being sensitive. We realize that the mystical content is more emphasised and the long compound noun chains are used frequently. We see that not giving any place to praise himself in the honorary part. He also has declared his insolvency about praising himself. In the eulogy, he mentions how wise, in-depth knowledge, extensive intelligence owners Bahayi efendi is. Naili, who is the one of the major representatives of Sebki Hindi movement, and who presented many eulogies to the state officials such as Sultan, grand vizier and şeyhulislam etc., starts by complaining about the term he lives in, his destiny and how grumpy he is in his ode as in his many eulogies. The ordeal and suffering he had, caused by the desire to be a great poet and to go further, makes him pessimist. The recognization by the state officials and not being able to get what he wants, extremely upset him. The weak and sickly body makes his soul sensitive. He lives his life with suffering and pain. He has never been satisfied in his life. In his eulogy, Nail handles the issues which we have not seen in the other two poets. He draws attention to the attribution of being a statesman of Şeyhülislam Bahayi. He mentions about the glory of the authorities. In the honory part, he mentions about himself in terms of being a poet as much as Seyhulislam Bahayi. It can be said that he doesn't choose an expression extravagant to praise himself. Mostly, he mentions about Bahayi Efendi in the way of poetry and impresive meaning. We see in the eulogies, all three poets who were effected by Nef'î, praised Şeyhülislam Bahâyî using their style. They have complimented by talking about the power of poetry, his knowledge and intelligence. We can say those eulogies are found remarkable due to praising another poet in the eulogies and having been presented to a state official.


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