Play Unified, Live Unified – how Special Olympics is bridging the Gap in social inclusion through Unified sports and non- sporting partnerships

Play Unified, Live Unified – how Special Olympics is bridging the Gap in social inclusion through Unified sports and non- sporting partnerships

Special Olympics Unified Sports brings together people ebration. This phenomenon was recognized by Sport Ac- with and without intellectual disabilities on the same cord, the umbrella organization for international sports, team. It was inspired by a simple principle: training to- when Special Olympics was awarded the Spirit of Sport gether and playing together is a quick path to friendship award. The award recognizes the commitment and hu- and understanding. In Unified Sports, teams are made up manitarian spirit of those who have used sports to make of people of similar age and ability, which makes train- exceptional contributions to social change. Partnerships ing more fun and games more challenging and exciting. with non-sporting organizations contribute significantly Having sport in common is just one more way that bar- to the social change Special Olympics strives to make. riers are broken down and false ideas are swept away. Powerful partnerships such as those with the European The power of sport is transforming lives and relation- Union and UNICEF provide the resources and support ships throughout the world on and off the playing field. Special Olympics needs to be able to bridge the gaps that Special Olympics athletes experience pride, courage and make positive social change for people with intellectual joy while inviting entire communities to join in the cel- disabilities a reality.
