Progressive inclusion: APA from a sociological perspective

Progressive inclusion: APA from a sociological perspective

Progressive inclusion of individuals with disabilities into diversity through pedagogical practices and programs. sport and physical activity has been a welcomed trend The awareness of cultural diversity and different abili- over the past 30 years. We know that as cultural phe- ties provide a crucial basis for further developing sport, nomena, sport and physical education have reflected and physical activity and physical education. The purpose of reproduced the values, norms and standards of society or this presentation is to provide a socio-cultural perspec- cultures. One of the primary indicators of progressive in- tive of individuals with disabilities, their challenges and clusion was the evolution of disability sport and adapted expectations for inclusion in physical activity, and ways physical activity. Adapted physical activity has and can in which adapted physical activity & sport assist with so- continue to facilitate inclusiveness and embrace cultural cietal change.


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