Perception of disability and physical activity

Perception of disability and physical activity

Physical activity, as a crucial reflection of healthy lifestyles the fields of sports and physical activity indicate the impor- continues to be a challenge for all populations throughout tance of appropriate and sustainable physical activity pro- the world. Perceptions of disability and reaction to real or grams. With reference to country and community profiles imagined difficulties seem to significantly affect the attain- and specific case studies, this presentation aims to explore ment of desired personal goals in physical activity levels. the complexity of the above factors. In an age of modernity Personal attributes, social & cultural conditions as well as where the necessity of daily physical exercise and bodily historic specificities seem to influence individual and com- movement is recognized and revered, it argues for the sim- munal behavior patterns related to physical activity. New plicity and beauty of reaching individual potentials of physi- theoretical understandings in both disability studies and cal and spiritual enhancement.


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