Econometric Literacy
The definition of literacy is the ability to read texts written in a certain language and to write the texts. Scientific literacy is defined as the ability to identify, understand, interpret, merge, communicate and calculate using records.Computerliteracy, healthliteracy, emotionalliteracy, financialliteracy, culturalliteracy, medialiteracyandeconomicsliteracyareused as differentmeanings of literacy.These different meanings of literacy refers to scientific literacy. Econometrics analyzes economic events and use theeconometric methods. Econometric literacy can be defined as the ability to understand, interpret and evaluate the econometric researches made to analyze economic events and the reports written about them.Econometric methods are used in economics and finance, so the econometrics is related toeconomic and financial literacy. Similarly, the concept of econometric literacy should be included in the literature and the studies related to this should become widespread.
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